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jannfis/ Secret

Last active May 8, 2023 23:26
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BYOC step by step

Create ServiceAccount on cluster

We'll use the default namespace to hold the SA only for demo purposes.

oc create serviceaccount -n default byoc

Create target namespace

We use byoc for now.

oc new-project byoc

Create ClusterRoleBinding

The rolebinding needs to go into our target namespace. If you created different namespace than byoc in the previous step, replace --namespace argument below with proper value:

oc create rolebinding --namespace=byoc --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount default:byoc byoc-rb

Create ServiceAccount token and generate Kubeconfig

There's this little script I got off Stack Overflow and modified to our needs. It creates the token for the ServiceAccount and then generates and outputs a suitable kubeconfig file. For now, it uses hardcoded values for the service account name and its corresponding namespace.

Save from to, make the script executable (chmod +x then run it with the remote cluster's API URL as argument like so (replace API URL with your own):


You can edit the script and set other defaults, if you like:

  • cluster is the symbolic name of the cluster, only used within the kubeconfig (default is byoc)
  • name is the name of the ServiceAccount (default is byoc)
  • ns is the namespace of the ServiceAccount (default is default)

The name of the generated file will be <name>@<cluster>, so by default you will end up with a file named byoc@byoc. You can test the generated kubeconfig as follows:

oc --kubeconfig byoc@byoc get cm --namespace byoc

It should give you a list of ConfigMaps in your remote BYOC's namespace named byoc.

Create environment in TAP using generated kubeconfig

Do it! :-) For now, needs to be of type OpenShift. Be sure to specify the namespace created above as the "Target namespace" in the UI.

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