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Created February 11, 2022 19:53
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Patched phyghtmap/ file to work with GDal version 3 and above
from __future__ import print_function
__author__ = "Adrian Dempwolff ("
__version__ = "2.23"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Adrian Dempwolff"
__license__ = "GPLv2+"
import os
import sys
from matplotlib import __version__ as mplversion
if mplversion < "1.3.0":
from matplotlib.nxutils import points_inside_poly
from matplotlib.path import Path as PolygonPath
if mplversion < "2.0.0":
from matplotlib import _cntr
from matplotlib import _contour
import numpy
from phyghtmap.varint import bboxStringtypes
meters2Feet = 1.0/0.3048
class hgtError(Exception):
"""is the main class of visible exceptions from this file.
class filenameError(hgtError):
"""is raised when parsing bad filenames.
class elevationError(hgtError):
"""is raised when trying to deal with elevations out of range.
def halfOf(seq):
"""returns the first half of a sequence
return seq[:len(seq)//2]
def makeBBoxString(bbox):
return "{{0:s}}lon{0[0]:.2f}_{0[2]:.2f}lat{0[1]:.2f}_{0[3]:.2f}".format(
def parsePolygon(filename):
"""reads polygons from a file like one included in
and returns it as list of (<lon>, <lat>) tuples.
lines = [line.strip().lower() for line in
open(filename).read().split("\n") if line.strip()]
polygons = []
curPolygon = []
for l in lines:
if l in [str(i) for i in range(1, lines.count("end"))]:
# new polygon begins
curPolygon = []
elif l == "end" and len(curPolygon)>0:
# polygon ends
curPolygon = []
elif len(l.split()) == 2:
lon, lat = l.split()
curPolygon.append((float(lon), float(lat)))
except ValueError:
lonLatList = []
for p in polygons:
lonList = sorted([lon for lon, lat in lonLatList])
latList = sorted([lat for lon, lat in lonLatList])
minLon = lonList[0]
maxLon = lonList[-1]
minLat = latList[0]
maxLat = latList[-1]
return "{0:.7f}:{1:.7f}:{2:.7f}:{3:.7f}".format(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat), polygons
def makeBoundsString(bbox):
"""returns an OSM XML bounds tag.
The input <bbox> may be a list or tuple of floats or an area string as passed
to the --area option of phyghtmap in the following order:
minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat.
if type(bbox) in bboxStringtypes and bbox.count(":")==3:
bbox = bbox.split(":")
minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat = [float(i) for i in bbox]
return '<bounds minlat="{0:.7f}" minlon="{1:.7f}" maxlat="{2:.7f}" maxlon="{3:.7f}"/>'.format(
minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon)
def parseHgtFilename(filename, corrx, corry):
"""tries to extract borders from filename and returns them as a tuple
of floats:
(<min longitude>, <min latitude>, <max longitude>, <max latitude>)
Longitudes of west as well as latitudes of south are given as negative
Eventually specified longitude (<corrx>) and latitude (<corry>)
corrections are added here.
latSwitch = filename[0:1].upper()
latValue = filename[1:3]
lonSwitch = filename[3:4].upper()
lonValue = filename[4:7]
if latSwitch == 'N' and latValue.isdigit():
minLat = int(latValue)
elif latSwitch == 'S' and latValue.isdigit():
minLat = -1 * int(latValue)
raise filenameError("something wrong with latitude coding in"
" filename {0:s}".format(filename))
maxLat = minLat + 1
if lonSwitch == 'E' and lonValue.isdigit():
minLon = int(lonValue)
elif lonSwitch == 'W' and lonValue.isdigit():
minLon = -1 * int(lonValue)
raise filenameError("something wrong with longitude coding in"
" filename {0:s}".format(filename))
maxLon = minLon + 1
return minLon+corrx, minLat+corry, maxLon+corrx, maxLat+corry
def getTransform(o, reverse=False):
import osgeo
from osgeo import gdal, osr
n = osr.SpatialReference()
if int(osgeo.__version__[0]) >= 3:
# GDAL 3 changes axis order:
oAuth = o.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1)
nAuth = n.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1)
if nAuth == oAuth:
return None
if reverse:
t = osr.CoordinateTransformation(n, o)
t = osr.CoordinateTransformation(o, n)
def transform(points):
return [p[:2] for p in t.TransformPoints(points) if not any([el==float("inf")
for el in p[:2]])]
return transform
def transformPoint(lon, lat, transform):
if transform == None:
return lon, lat
[(lon, lat), ] = transform([(lon, lat), ])
def transformLonLats(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, transform):
if transform == None:
return minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat
(lon1, lat1), (lon2, lat2), (lon3, lat3), (lon4, lat4) = transform(
[(minLon, minLat), (maxLon, maxLat), (minLon, maxLat), (maxLon, maxLat)])
minLon = min([lon1, lon2, lon3, lon4])
maxLon = max([lon1, lon2, lon3, lon4])
minLat = min([lat1, lat2, lat3, lat4])
maxLat = max([lat1, lat2, lat3, lat4])
return minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat
def parseGeotiffBbox(filename, corrx, corry, doTransform):
import osgeo
from osgeo import gdal, osr
g = gdal.Open(filename)
geoTransform = g.GetGeoTransform()
if geoTransform[2] != 0 or geoTransform[4] != 0:
sys.stderr.write("Can't handle geotiff {!s} with geo transform {!s}\n".format(
filename, geoTransform))
raise hgtError
fileProj = osr.SpatialReference()
if int(osgeo.__version__[0]) >= 3:
# GDAL 3 changes axis order:
numOfCols = g.RasterXSize
numOfRows = g.RasterYSize
raise hgtError("Can't handle geotiff file {!s}".format(filename))
lonIncrement = geoTransform[1]
latIncrement = geoTransform[5]
minLon = geoTransform[0] + 0.5*lonIncrement
maxLat = geoTransform[3] + 0.5*latIncrement
minLat = maxLat + (numOfRows-1)*latIncrement
maxLon = minLon + (numOfCols-1)*lonIncrement
# get the transformation function from fileProj to EPSG:4326 for this geotiff file
transform = getTransform(fileProj)
if doTransform:
# transformLonLats will return input values if transform is None
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat = transformLonLats(
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, transform)
return minLon+corrx, minLat+corry, maxLon+corrx, maxLat+corry
# we need to take care for corrx, corry values then, which are always expected
# to be EPSG:4326, so transform, add corrections, and transform back to
# input projection
# transformation (input projection) -> (epsg:4326)
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat = transformLonLats(
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, transform)
minLon += corrx
maxLon += corrx
minLat += corry
maxLat += corry
reverseTransform = getTransform(fileProj, reverse=True)
# transformation (epsg:4326) -> (input projection)
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat = transformLonLats(
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, reverseTransform)
return minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat
def parseFileForBbox(fullFilename, corrx, corry, doTransform):
fileExt = os.path.splitext(fullFilename)[1].lower().replace(".", "")
if fileExt == "hgt":
return parseHgtFilename(os.path.split(fullFilename)[1], corrx, corry)
elif fileExt in ("tif", "tiff", "vrt"):
return parseGeotiffBbox(fullFilename, corrx, corry, doTransform)
def calcHgtArea(filenames, corrx, corry):
bboxes = [parseFileForBbox(f[0], corrx, corry, doTransform=True) for f in filenames]
minLon = sorted([b[0] for b in bboxes])[0]
minLat = sorted([b[1] for b in bboxes])[0]
maxLon = sorted([b[2] for b in bboxes])[-1]
maxLat = sorted([b[3] for b in bboxes])[-1]
return minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat
class ContourObject(object):
def __init__(self, Cntr, maxNodesPerWay, transform, polygon=None,
rdpEpsilon=None, rdpMaxVertexDistance=None):
self.Cntr = Cntr
self.maxNodesPerWay = maxNodesPerWay
self.polygon = polygon
self.transform = transform
self.rdpEpsilon = rdpEpsilon
self.rdpMaxVertexDistance = rdpMaxVertexDistance
def _cutBeginning(self, p):
"""is recursively called to cut off a path's first element
if it equals the second one.
This is needed for beauty only. Such a path makes no sense, but
matplotlib.Cntr.cntr's trace method sometimes returns this.
If the path gets too short, an empty list is returned.
if len(p)<2:
return []
elif not numpy.all(p[0]==p[1]):
return p
return self._cutBeginning(p[1:])
def clipPath(self, path):
"""clips a path with self.polygon and returns a list of
clipped paths. This method also removes consecutive identical nodes.
This method also does a potentially needed transformation of the projection.
# do the transform if necessary
if self.transform != None:
path = numpy.array(self.transform(path))
if numpy.where(path!=path, 1, 0).sum() != 0:
pathContainsNans = True
pathContainsNans = False
if not pathContainsNans:
tmpList = []
for ind, p in enumerate(path):
if ind != 0:
op = path[ind-1]
if numpy.all(p==op):
if len(tmpList) < 2:
tmpList = []
return [numpy.array(tmpList), ]
# path contains nans (from a polygon or void area or both)
pathList = []
tmpList = []
for ind, p in enumerate(path):
if ind != 0:
op = path[ind-1]
if numpy.all(p==op):
# skip the rest if there are two consecutive identical nodes
x, y = p
if not False in [x==x, y==y]:
# (x, y) inside polygon. We know this because x or y would else be
# nan since data outside the polygon is masked and filled with nans
# and the resulting nodes' coordinates are (nan, nan).
tmpList.append((x, y))
elif len(tmpList) > 0:
# (x, y) outside polygon, non-empty tmpList
if len(tmpList) > 1:
# if tmpList has only one node, this is not a meaningful path and we
# don't want to evaluate it then
tmpList = []
# (x, y) outside polygon, previous (x, y) dto.
if len(tmpList) > 1:
# only append this last piece if it has more than one node
return pathList
def splitList(self, l):
"""splits a path to contain not more than self.maxNodesPerWay nodes.
A list of paths containing at least 2 (or, with closed paths, 3) nodes
is returned, along with the number of nodes and paths as written later to
the OSM XML output.
length = self.maxNodesPerWay
#l = self._cutBeginning(l)
if len(l) < 2:
return [], 0, 0
if length == 0 or len(l) <= length:
tmpList = [l, ]
if len(l)%(length-1) == 1:
# the last piece of a path should contain at least 2 nodes
l, endPiece = l[:-1], l[-2:]
endPiece = None
tmpList = [l[i:i+length] for i in range(0, len(l), length-1)]
if endPiece != None:
# we don't need to do the stuff with the end piece if we stop the list
# comprehension at the second-last element of the list (i being at maximum
# len(l)-2. This works because <length> is at least two, so we are sure
# to always include the last two elements.
tmpList = [l[i:i+length] for i in range(0, len(l)-1, length-1)]
pathList = []
numOfClosedPaths = 0
for path in tmpList:
#path = self._cutBeginning(path)
if len(path) == 0:
# self._cutBeginning() returned an empty list for this path
if numpy.all(path[0]==path[-1]):
# a closed path with at least 3 nodes
numOfClosedPaths += 1
numOfPaths = len(pathList)
numOfNodes = sum([len(p) for p in pathList])-numOfClosedPaths
return pathList, numOfNodes, numOfPaths
def simplifyPath(self, path):
"""simplifies a path using a modified version of the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker
(RDP) algorithm.
<path>: a contour line path
other variables used here:
self.rdpEpsilon: the epsilon value to use in RDP
self.rdpMaxVertexDistance: RDP is modified in a way that it preserves some
points if they are too far from each other, even if the point is less
than epsilon away from an enclosing contour line segment
A simplified path is returned as numpy array.
if self.rdpEpsilon is None:
return path
def distance(A, B):
""" determines the distance between two points <A> and <B>
return numpy.linalg.norm(A-B)
def perpendicularDistance(P, S, E):
""" determines the perpendicular distance of <P> to the <S>-<E> segment
if numpy.all(numpy.equal(S, E)):
return distance(S, P)
cp = numpy.cross(P-S, E-S)
return abs(cp / distance(E, S))
if self.rdpEpsilon == 0.0:
return path
if path.shape[0] <= 2:
return path
S = path[0]
E = path[-1]
maxInd = 0
maxDist = 0.0
for ind, P in enumerate(path[1:-1]):
dist = perpendicularDistance(P, S, E)
if dist > maxDist:
maxDist = dist
maxInd = ind+1
if (maxDist <= self.rdpEpsilon
and (self.rdpMaxVertexDistance is None
or distance(S, E) <= self.rdpMaxVertexDistance)):
return numpy.array([S, E])
elif maxDist <= self.rdpEpsilon:
for ind, P in enumerate(path[1:-1]):
if distance(S, P) > self.rdpMaxVertexDistance:
if ind == 0:
return numpy.vstack((S, path[1], self.simplifyPath(path[2:])))
return numpy.vstack((S, self.simplifyPath(path[ind:])))
path = numpy.vstack((
self.simplifyPath(path[:maxInd+1]), self.simplifyPath(path[maxInd:])[1:]))
return path
def trace(self, elevation, **kwargs):
"""this emulates matplotlib.cntr.Cntr's trace method.
The difference is that this method returns already split paths,
along with the number of nodes and paths as expected in the OSM
XML output. Also, consecutive identical nodes are removed.
if mplversion >= "2.0.0":
rawPaths = self.Cntr.create_contour(elevation)
elif mplversion >= "1.0.0":
# matplotlib 1.0.0 and above returns vertices and segments, but we only need vertices
rawPaths = halfOf(self.Cntr.trace(elevation, **kwargs))
rawPaths = self.Cntr.trace(elevation, **kwargs)
numOfPaths, numOfNodes = 0, 0
intermediatePaths = []
if mplversion >= "2.0.0":
# matplotlib 2.0.0 or higher should actually handle masks correctly.
# However, for some reason not yet investigated further, masked values
# are handled anyways. The otherwise applicable code would have been
#intermediatePaths = rawPaths
# As a workaround, we stick to the old behaviour which handles masked
# values explicitly in the generated contour data
for path in rawPaths:
for path in rawPaths:
resultPaths = []
for path in intermediatePaths:
path = self.simplifyPath(path)
splitPaths, numOfNodesAdd, numOfPathsAdd = self.splitList(path)
numOfPaths += numOfPathsAdd
numOfNodes += numOfNodesAdd
return resultPaths, numOfNodes, numOfPaths
def polygonMask(xData, yData, polygon, transform):
"""return a mask on self.zData corresponding to all polygons in self.polygon.
<xData> is meant to be a 1-D array of longitude values, <yData> a 1-D array of
latitude values. An array usable as mask for the corresponding zData
2-D array is returned.
<transform> may be transform function from the file's projection to EPSG:4326,
which is the projection used within polygon files.
X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(xData, yData)
xyPoints = numpy.vstack(([X.T],
[Y.T])).T.reshape(len(xData)*len(yData), 2)
if transform is not None:
xyPoints = transform(xyPoints)
maskArray =*len(yData), 1)))
for p in polygon:
# run through all polygons and combine masks
if mplversion < "1.3.0":
mask = points_inside_poly(xyPoints, p)
mask = PolygonPath(p).contains_points(xyPoints)
maskArray =,
mask=mask, keep_mask=True)
return numpy.invert(maskArray.mask.reshape(len(yData), len(xData)))
class hgtFile:
"""is a handle for SRTM data files
def __init__(self, filename, corrx, corry, polygon=None, checkPoly=False,
voidMax=None, feetSteps=False):
"""tries to open <filename> and extracts content to self.zData.
<corrx> and <corry> are longitude and latitude corrections (floats)
as passed to phyghtmap on the commandline.
self.feetSteps = feetSteps
self.fullFilename = filename
self.filename = os.path.split(filename)[-1]
self.fileExt = os.path.splitext(self.filename)[1].lower().replace(".", "")
if self.fileExt == "hgt":
self.initAsHgt(corrx, corry, polygon, checkPoly, voidMax)
elif self.fileExt in ("tif", "tiff", "vrt"):
self.initAsGeotiff(corrx, corry, polygon, checkPoly, voidMax)
# some statistics
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat = transformLonLats(
self.minLon, self.minLat, self.maxLon, self.maxLat, self.transform)
print('{0:s} file {1:s}: {2:d} x {3:d} points, bbox: ({4:.5f}, {5:.5f}, '
'{6:.5f}, {7:.5f}){8:s}'.format(self.fileExt, self.fullFilename,
self.numOfCols, self.numOfRows, minLon, minLat, maxLon,
maxLat, {True: ", checking polygon borders", False: ""}[checkPoly]))
def initAsHgt(self, corrx, corry, polygon, checkPoly, voidMax):
"""SRTM3 hgt files contain 1201x1201 points;
however, we try to determine the real number of points.
Height data are stored as 2-byte signed integers, the byte order is
big-endian standard. The data are stored in a row major order.
All height data are in meters referenced to the WGS84/EGM96 geoid as
documented at
numOfDataPoints = os.path.getsize(self.fullFilename) / 2
self.numOfRows = self.numOfCols = int(numOfDataPoints ** 0.5)
self.zData = numpy.fromfile(self.fullFilename,
dtype=">i2").reshape(self.numOfRows, self.numOfCols).astype("float32")
if voidMax != None:
voidMask = numpy.asarray(numpy.where(self.zData<=voidMax, True, False))
self.zData =, mask=voidMask, fill_value=float("NaN"))
if self.feetSteps:
self.zData = self.zData * meters2Feet;
self.lonIncrement = 1.0/(self.numOfCols-1)
self.latIncrement = 1.0/(self.numOfRows-1)
self.minLon, self.minLat, self.maxLon, self.maxLat = self.borders(corrx,
if checkPoly:
self.polygon = polygon
self.polygon = None
xData = numpy.arange(self.numOfCols) * self.lonIncrement + self.minLon
yData = numpy.arange(self.numOfRows) * self.latIncrement * -1 + self.maxLat
self.transform = None
self.reverseTransform = None
def initAsGeotiff(self, corrx, corry, polygon, checkPoly, voidMax):
"""init this hgtFile instance with data from a geotiff image.
import osgeo
from osgeo import gdal, osr
g = gdal.Open(self.fullFilename)
geoTransform = g.GetGeoTransform()
# we don't need to check for the geo transform, this was already done when
# calculating the area name from
fileProj = osr.SpatialReference()
if int(osgeo.__version__[0]) >= 3:
# GDAL 3 changes axis order:
self.numOfCols = g.RasterXSize
self.numOfRows = g.RasterYSize
# init z data
self.zData = g.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray().astype("float32")
if voidMax != None:
voidMask = numpy.asarray(numpy.where(self.zData<=voidMax, True, False))
self.zData =, mask=voidMask, fill_value=float("NaN"))
if self.feetSteps:
self.zData = self.zData * meters2Feet;
# make x and y data
self.lonIncrement = geoTransform[1]
self.latIncrement = -geoTransform[5]
self.minLon, self.minLat, self.maxLon, self.maxLat = self.borders(corrx,
xData = numpy.arange(0, self.numOfCols, 1)*self.lonIncrement + self.minLon
yData = numpy.arange(0, self.numOfRows, 1)*-1*self.latIncrement + self.maxLat
# get the transformation function from fileProj to EPSG:4326 for this geotiff file
self.transform = getTransform(fileProj)
self.reverseTransform = getTransform(fileProj, reverse=True)
if checkPoly:
self.polygon = polygon
self.polygon = None
def borders(self, corrx=0.0, corry=0.0):
"""determines the bounding box of self.filename using parseHgtFilename().
return parseFileForBbox(self.fullFilename, corrx, corry, doTransform=False)
def makeTiles(self, opts):
"""generate tiles from self.zData according to the given <opts>.area and
return them as list of hgtTile objects.
area = opts.area or None
maxNodes = opts.maxNodesPerTile
step = int(opts.contourStepSize) or 20
def truncateData(area, inputData):
"""truncates a numpy array.
returns (<min lon>, <min lat>, <max lon>, <max lat>) and an array of the
truncated height data.
if area:
bboxMinLon, bboxMinLat, bboxMaxLon, bboxMaxLat = (float(bound)
for bound in area.split(":"))
if self.reverseTransform is not None:
bboxMinLon, bboxMinLat, bboxMaxLon, bboxMaxLat = transformLonLats(
bboxMinLon, bboxMinLat, bboxMaxLon, bboxMaxLat,
if bboxMinLon > bboxMaxLon:
# bbox covers the W180/E180 longitude
if self.minLon < 0 or self.minLon < bboxMaxLon:
# we are right of W180
bboxMinLon = self.minLon
if bboxMaxLon >= self.maxLon:
bboxMaxLon = self.maxLon
# we are left of E180
bboxMaxLon = self.maxLon
if bboxMinLon <= self.minLon:
bboxMinLon = self.minLon
if bboxMinLon <= self.minLon:
bboxMinLon = self.minLon
if bboxMaxLon >= self.maxLon:
bboxMaxLon = self.maxLon
if bboxMinLat <= self.minLat:
bboxMinLat = self.minLat
if bboxMaxLat >= self.maxLat:
bboxMaxLat = self.maxLat
minLonTruncIndex = int((bboxMinLon-self.minLon) /
(self.maxLon-self.minLon) / self.lonIncrement)
minLatTruncIndex = -1*int((bboxMinLat-self.minLat) /
(self.maxLat-self.minLat) / self.latIncrement)
maxLonTruncIndex = int((bboxMaxLon-self.maxLon) /
(self.maxLon-self.minLon) / self.lonIncrement)
maxLatTruncIndex = -1*int((bboxMaxLat-self.maxLat) /
(self.maxLat-self.minLat) / self.latIncrement)
realMinLon = self.minLon + minLonTruncIndex*self.lonIncrement
realMinLat = self.minLat - minLatTruncIndex*self.latIncrement
realMaxLon = self.maxLon + maxLonTruncIndex*self.lonIncrement
realMaxLat = self.maxLat - maxLatTruncIndex*self.latIncrement
if maxLonTruncIndex == 0:
maxLonTruncIndex = None
if minLatTruncIndex == 0:
minLatTruncIndex = None
zData = inputData[maxLatTruncIndex:minLatTruncIndex,
return (realMinLon, realMinLat, realMaxLon, realMaxLat), zData
return (self.minLon, self.minLat, self.maxLon, self.maxLat), inputData
def chopData(inputBbox, inputData, depth=0):
"""chops data and appends chops to tiles if small enough.
def estimNumOfNodes(data):
"""simple estimation of the number of nodes. The number of nodes is
estimated by summing over all absolute differences of contiguous
points in the zData matrix which is previously divided by the step
This method works pretty well in areas with no voids (e. g. points
tagged with the value -32768 (-0x8000)), but overestimates the number of points
in areas with voids by approximately 0 ... 50 % although the
corresponding differences are explicitly set to 0.
# get rid of the void mask values
# the next line is obsolete since voids are now generally masked by nans
#helpData = numpy.where(data==-0x8000, float("NaN"), data) / step
helpData = data.filled() / step
xHelpData = numpy.abs(helpData[:,1:]-helpData[:,:-1])
yHelpData = numpy.abs(helpData[1:,:]-helpData[:-1,:])
xHelpData = numpy.where(xHelpData!=xHelpData, 0, xHelpData).sum()
yHelpData = numpy.where(yHelpData!=yHelpData, 0, yHelpData).sum()
estimatedNumOfNodes = xHelpData + yHelpData
return estimatedNumOfNodes
def tooManyNodes(data):
"""returns True if the estimated number of nodes is greater than
<maxNodes> and False otherwise. <maxNodes> defaults to 1000000,
which is an approximate limit for correct handling of osm files
in mkgmap. A value of 0 means no tiling.
if maxNodes == 0:
return False
if estimNumOfNodes(data) > maxNodes:
return True
return False
def getChops(unchoppedData, unchoppedBbox):
"""returns a data chop and the according bbox. This function is
recursively called until all tiles are estimated to be small enough.
One could cut the input data either horizonally or vertically depending
on the shape of the input data in order to achieve more quadratic tiles.
However, generating contour lines from horizontally cut data appears to be
significantly faster.
if unchoppedData.shape[0] > unchoppedData.shape[1]:
# number of rows > number of cols, horizontal cutting
(unchoppedBboxMinLon, unchoppedBboxMinLat, unchoppedBboxMaxLon,
unchoppedBboxMaxLat) = unchoppedBbox
unchoppedNumOfRows = unchoppedData.shape[0]
chopLatIndex = int(unchoppedNumOfRows/2.0)
chopLat = unchoppedBboxMaxLat - (chopLatIndex*self.latIncrement)
lowerChopBbox = (unchoppedBboxMinLon, unchoppedBboxMinLat,
unchoppedBboxMaxLon, chopLat)
upperChopBbox = (unchoppedBboxMinLon, chopLat,
unchoppedBboxMaxLon, unchoppedBboxMaxLat)
lowerChopData = unchoppedData[chopLatIndex:,:]
upperChopData = unchoppedData[:chopLatIndex+1,:]
return (lowerChopBbox, lowerChopData), (upperChopBbox,
# number of cols > number of rows, vertical cutting
(unchoppedBboxMinLon, unchoppedBboxMinLat, unchoppedBboxMaxLon,
unchoppedBboxMaxLat) = unchoppedBbox
unchoppedNumOfCols = unchoppedData.shape[1]
chopLonIndex = int(unchoppedNumOfCols/2.0)
chopLon = unchoppedBboxMinLon + (chopLonIndex*self.lonIncrement)
leftChopBbox = (unchoppedBboxMinLon, unchoppedBboxMinLat,
chopLon, unchoppedBboxMaxLat)
rightChopBbox = (chopLon, unchoppedBboxMinLat,
unchoppedBboxMaxLon, unchoppedBboxMaxLat)
leftChopData = unchoppedData[:,:chopLonIndex+1]
rightChopData = unchoppedData[:,chopLonIndex:]
return (leftChopBbox, leftChopData), (rightChopBbox,
if tooManyNodes(inputData):
chops = getChops(inputData, inputBbox)
for choppedBbox, choppedData in chops:
chopData(choppedBbox, choppedData, depth+1)
if self.polygon:
tileXData = numpy.arange(inputBbox[0],
inputBbox[2]+self.lonIncrement/2.0, self.lonIncrement)
tileYData = numpy.arange(inputBbox[3],
inputBbox[1]-self.latIncrement/2.0, -self.latIncrement)
tileMask = polygonMask(tileXData, tileYData, self.polygon,
tilePolygon = self.polygon
if not numpy.any(tileMask):
# all points are inside the polygon
tilePolygon = None
elif numpy.all(tileMask):
# all elements are masked -> tile is outside of self.polygon
tilePolygon = None
tileMask = None
voidMaskValues = numpy.unique(inputData.mask)
if len(voidMaskValues)==1 and voidMaskValues[0]==True:
# this tile is full of void values, so discard this tile
tiles.append(hgtTile({"bbox": inputBbox, "data": inputData,
"increments": (self.lonIncrement, self.latIncrement),
"polygon": tilePolygon, "mask": tileMask, "transform":
#print("depth: {:d}".format(depth))
#if depth>20:
tiles = []
bbox, truncatedData = truncateData(area, self.zData)
chopData(bbox, truncatedData)
return tiles
class hgtTile:
"""is a handle for hgt data tiles as generated by hgtFile.makeTiles().
def __init__(self, tile):
"""initializes tile-specific variables. The minimum elevation is stored in
self.minEle, the maximum elevation in self.maxEle.
self.minLon, self.minLat, self.maxLon, self.maxLat = tile["bbox"]
self.zData = tile["data"]
# initialize lists for longitude and latitude data
self.numOfRows = self.zData.shape[0]
self.numOfCols = self.zData.shape[1]
self.lonIncrement, self.latIncrement = tile["increments"]
self.polygon = tile["polygon"]
self.mask = tile["mask"]
self.transform = tile["transform"]
self.xData = numpy.arange(self.numOfCols) * self.lonIncrement + self.minLon
self.yData = numpy.arange(self.numOfRows) * self.latIncrement * -1 + self.maxLat
self.minEle, self.maxEle = self.getElevRange()
def printStats(self):
"""prints some statistics about the tile.
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat = transformLonLats(
self.minLon, self.minLat, self.maxLon, self.maxLat, self.transform)
print("\ntile with {0:d} x {1:d} points, bbox: ({2:.2f}, {3:.2f}, {4:.2f}, {5:.2f})".format(
self.numOfRows, self.numOfCols, minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat))
print("minimum elevation: {0:d}".format(self.minEle))
print("maximum elevation: {0:d}".format(self.maxEle))
def getElevRange(self):
"""returns minEle, maxEle of the current tile.
We don't have to care about -0x8000 values here since these are masked
so that self.zData's min and max methods will yield proper values.
minEle = self.zData.min()
maxEle = self.zData.max()
return minEle, maxEle
def bbox(self, doTransform=True):
"""returns the bounding box of the current tile.
if doTransform:
return transformLonLats(self.minLon, self.minLat, self.maxLon,
self.maxLat, self.transform)
return self.minLon, self.minLat, self.maxLon, self.maxLat
def contourLines(self, stepCont=20, maxNodesPerWay=0, noZero=False,
minCont=None, maxCont=None, rdpEpsilon=None, rdpMaxVertexDistance=None):
"""generates contour lines using matplotlib.
<stepCont> is height difference of contiguous contour lines in meters
<maxNodesPerWay>: the maximum number of nodes contained in each way
<noZero>: if True, the 0 m contour line is discarded
<minCont>: lower limit of the range to generate contour lines for
<maxCont>: upper limit of the range to generate contour lines for
<rdpEpsilon>: epsilon to use in RDP contour line simplification
<rdpMaxVertexDistance>: maximal vertex distance in RDP simplification
A list of elevations and a ContourObject is returned.
def getContLimit(ele, step):
"""returns a proper value for the lower or upper limit to generate contour
lines for.
if ele%step == 0:
return ele
corrEle = ele + step - ele % step
return corrEle
minCont = minCont or getContLimit(self.minEle, stepCont)
maxCont = maxCont or getContLimit(self.maxEle, stepCont)
contourSet = []
if noZero:
levels = [l for l in range(int(minCont), int(maxCont), stepCont) if l!=0]
levels = range(int(minCont), int(maxCont), stepCont)
x, y = numpy.meshgrid(self.xData, self.yData)
# z data is a masked array filled with nan.
z =, mask=self.mask, fill_value=float("NaN"),
if mplversion < "2.0.0":
Contours = ContourObject(_cntr.Cntr(x, y, z.filled(), None),
maxNodesPerWay, self.transform, self.polygon,
rdpEpsilon, rdpMaxVertexDistance)
corner_mask = True
nchunk = 0
Contours = ContourObject(
_contour.QuadContourGenerator(x, y, z.filled(), self.mask, corner_mask, nchunk),
maxNodesPerWay, self.transform, self.polygon,
rdpEpsilon, rdpMaxVertexDistance)
return levels, Contours
def countNodes(self, maxNodesPerWay=0, stepCont=20, minCont=None,
maxCont=None, rdpEpsilon=None, rdpMaxVertexDistance=None):
"""counts the total number of nodes and paths in the current tile
as written to output.
<maxNodesPerWay> is the maximal number of nodes per way or 0 for uncut ways
<stepCont> is height difference of contiguous contour lines in meters
<minCont>: lower limit of the range to generate contour lines for
<maxCont>: upper limit of the range to generate contour lines for
<rdpEpsilon>: epsilon to use in RDP contour line simplification
<rdpMaxVertexDistance>: maximal vertex distance in RDP simplification
if not (self.elevations and self.contourData):
elevations, contourData = self.contourLines(stepCont, maxNodesPerWay,
minCont, maxCont, rdpEpsilon, rdpMaxVertexDistance)
elevations, contourData = self.elevations, self.contourData
numOfNodesWays = [contourData.trace(e)[1:] for e in elevations]
numOfNodes = sum([n for n, w in numOfNodesWays])
numOfWays = sum([w for n, w in numOfNodesWays])
return numOfNodes, numOfWays
def plotData(self, plotPrefix='heightPlot'):
"""generates plot data in the file specified by <plotFilename>.
filename = makeBBoxString(self.bbox(doTransform=True)).format(plotPrefix+"_") + ".xyz"
plotFile = open(filename, 'w')
raise IOError("could not open plot file {0:s} for writing".format(
for latIndex, row in enumerate(self.zData):
lat = self.maxLat - latIndex*self.latIncrement
for lonIndex, height in enumerate(row):
lon = self.minLon + lonIndex*self.lonIncrement
plotFile.write("{0:.7f} {1:.7f} {2:d}\n".format(lon, lat, height))
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