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Last active June 12, 2024 11:54
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OpenCV SimpleBlobDetector port to OpenCV.js
// Port of
// But with special `faster` option which has slightly different semantics,
// but is a whole bunch faster.
function diff(v1, v2) {
if (v1.x !== undefined) return { x: v1.x - v2.x, y: v1.y - v2.y };
return, index) => value - v2[index]);
function norm(vector) {
if (vector.x !== undefined) return norm([vector.x, vector.y]);
return Math.sqrt(vector.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value * value, 0));
const defaultParams = {
thresholdStep: 10,
minThreshold: 50,
maxThreshold: 220,
minRepeatability: 2,
minDistBetweenBlobs: 10,
filterByColor: true,
blobColor: 0,
filterByArea: true,
minArea: 25,
maxArea: 5000,
filterByCircularity: false,
minCircularity: 0.8,
maxCircularity: 1000000,
filterByInertia: true,
//minInertiaRatio: 0.6,
minInertiaRatio: 0.1,
maxInertiaRatio: 1000000,
filterByConvexity: true,
//minConvexity: 0.8,
minConvexity: 0.95,
maxConvexity: 1000000,
faster: false,
function findBlobs(image, binaryImage, params) {
const contours = new cv.MatVector();
const hierarchy = new cv.Mat();
if (params.faster) {
cv.findContours(binaryImage, contours, hierarchy, cv.RETR_LIST, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
} else {
cv.findContours(binaryImage, contours, hierarchy, cv.RETR_LIST, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
const centers = [];
const objectsToDelete = [];
for (let i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
const contour = contours.get(i);
const area = cv.contourArea(contour);
if (area == 0) continue;
let center, moms;
if (params.faster) {
const { x, y, width, height } = cv.boundingRect(contour);
center = {
confidence: 1,
location: { x: x + width / 2, y: y + height / 2 },
radius: (width + height) / 4,
} else {
moms = cv.moments(contour);
center = {
confidence: 1,
location: { x: moms.m10 / moms.m00, y: moms.m01 / moms.m00 },
if (params.filterByArea) {
if (area < params.minArea || area >= params.maxArea) continue;
if (params.filterByCircularity) {
const perimeter = cv.arcLength(contour, true);
const ratio = 4 * cv.CV_PI * area / (perimeter * perimeter);
if (ratio < params.minCircularity || ratio >= params.maxCircularity) continue;
if (params.filterByInertia) {
if (params.faster) {
throw new Error('Cannot both set params.faster and params.filterByInertia');
const denominator = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(2 * moms.mu11, 2) + Math.pow(moms.mu20 - moms.mu02, 2)
let ratio;
if (denominator > 0.01) {
const cosmin = (moms.mu20 - moms.mu02) / denominator;
const sinmin = 2 * moms.mu11 / denominator;
const cosmax = -cosmin;
const sinmax = -sinmin;
const imin =
0.5 * (moms.mu20 + moms.mu02) -
0.5 * (moms.mu20 - moms.mu02) * cosmin -
moms.mu11 * sinmin;
const imax =
0.5 * (moms.mu20 + moms.mu02) -
0.5 * (moms.mu20 - moms.mu02) * cosmax -
moms.mu11 * sinmax;
ratio = imin / imax;
} else {
ratio = 1;
if (ratio < params.minInertiaRatio || ratio >= params.maxInertiaRatio) continue;
center.confidence = ratio * ratio;
if (params.filterByConvexity) {
const hull = new cv.Mat();
cv.convexHull(contour, hull);
const hullArea = cv.contourArea(hull);
const ratio = area / hullArea;
if (ratio < params.minConvexity || ratio >= params.maxConvexity) continue;
if (params.filterByColor) {
if (
binaryImage.ucharAt(Math.round(center.location.y), Math.round(center.location.x)) !=
if (!params.faster) {
const dists = [];
for (let pointIdx = 0; pointIdx < contour.size().height; pointIdx++) {
const pt = contour.intPtr(pointIdx);
dists.push(norm(diff(center.location, { x: pt[0], y: pt[1] })));
center.radius =
(dists[Math.floor((dists.length - 1) / 2)] + dists[Math.floor(dists.length / 2)]) / 2;
objectsToDelete.forEach(obj => obj.delete());
return centers;
export default function simpleBlobDetector(image, params) {
params = { ...defaultParams, ...params };
const grayScaleImage = new cv.Mat(image.rows, image.cols, cv.CV_8UC1);
cv.cvtColor(image, grayScaleImage, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
let centers = [];
for (
let thresh = params.minThreshold;
thresh < params.maxThreshold;
thresh += params.thresholdStep
) {
const binaryImage = new cv.Mat(image.rows, image.cols, cv.CV_8UC1);
cv.threshold(grayScaleImage, binaryImage, thresh, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY);
let curCenters = findBlobs(image, binaryImage, params);
let newCenters = [];
for (let i = 0; i < curCenters.length; i++) {
let isNew = true;
for (let j = 0; j < centers.length; j++) {
const dist = norm(
diff(centers[j][Math.floor(centers[j].length / 2)].location, curCenters[i].location)
isNew =
dist >= params.minDistBetweenBlobs &&
dist >= centers[j][Math.floor(centers[j].length / 2)].radius &&
dist >= curCenters[i].radius;
if (!isNew) {
let k = centers[j].length - 1;
while (k > 0 && centers[j][k].radius < centers[j][k - 1].radius) {
centers[j][k] = centers[j][k - 1];
centers[j][k] = curCenters[i];
if (isNew) newCenters.push([curCenters[i]]);
centers = centers.concat(newCenters);
const keyPoints = [];
for (let i = 0; i < centers.length; i++) {
if (centers[i].length < params.minRepeatability) continue;
const sumPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 };
let normalizer = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < centers[i].length; j++) {
sumPoint.x += centers[i][j].confidence * centers[i][j].location.x;
sumPoint.y += centers[i][j].confidence * centers[i][j].location.y;
normalizer += centers[i][j].confidence;
sumPoint.x *= 1 / normalizer;
sumPoint.y *= 1 / normalizer;
let size = Math.round(centers[i][Math.floor(centers[i].length / 2)].radius * 2);
size = Math.min(
sumPoint.x * 2,
sumPoint.y * 2,
(image.cols - sumPoint.x) * 2,
(image.rows - sumPoint.y) * 2
keyPoints.push({ pt: sumPoint, size });
return keyPoints;
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hakanzn commented Oct 14, 2019

how i can use 'keyPoints' for drawkeypoints, please help🙄

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bburns commented Aug 31, 2020

Works great, thank you!

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bburns commented Aug 31, 2020

how i can use 'keyPoints' for drawkeypoints, please help🙄

I just drew circles for the blobs -

for (const keypoint of keypoints) {
  const center = new cv.Point(,, center, keypoint.size, [255, 0, 0, 255], 3)

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