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Created November 13, 2012 20:40
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Templated primality test in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <climits>
const int DEPTH = 7;
// Reasonable values are 3,5,7. However the 7 version takes a very long time to compile (a few minutes).
// Use g++ -O3 prime.cpp if possible.
using namespace std;
/** These functions should be always inlined **/
template <unsigned int OFFSET, unsigned int N> inline bool not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller (unsigned long long base, unsigned long long x) __attribute__((always_inline));
template <> inline bool not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller<1, 1> (unsigned long long base, unsigned long long x) __attribute__((always_inline));
template <unsigned int N, unsigned int M> struct not_dividable_by_smaller_or_equal
enum { value = not_dividable_by_smaller_or_equal<N, M-1>::value && (N % M) };
template <unsigned int N> struct not_dividable_by_smaller_or_equal<N, 2>
enum { value = N % 2 };
template <unsigned int N> struct is_prime
enum { value = not_dividable_by_smaller_or_equal<N, N-1>::value };
template <> struct is_prime<0>
enum { value = 0 };
template <> struct is_prime<1>
enum { value = 0 };
template <> struct is_prime<2>
enum { value = 1 };
template <unsigned int N> struct prime_fact
enum { value = is_prime<N>::value ? N * prime_fact<N-1>::value : prime_fact<N-1>::value };
template <> struct prime_fact<0>
enum { value = 1 };
template <unsigned int N> struct largest_prime_smaller_or_equal
enum { value = is_prime<N>::value ? N : largest_prime_smaller_or_equal<N-1>::value };
template <> struct largest_prime_smaller_or_equal<1>
enum { value = 0 };
template <unsigned int OFFSET, unsigned int N> struct good_offset
enum { value = OFFSET % N ? good_offset<OFFSET, largest_prime_smaller_or_equal<N-1>::value >::value : 0 };
template <unsigned int OFFSET> struct good_offset<OFFSET, 0>
enum { value = 1 };
template <unsigned int N> struct good_offset<1, N>
enum { value = 1 };
template <unsigned int OFFSET, unsigned int N> struct largest_offset_smaller_or_equal
enum { value = good_offset<OFFSET, N>::value ? OFFSET : largest_offset_smaller_or_equal<OFFSET-1, N>::value };
template <unsigned int N> struct largest_offset_smaller_or_equal<1, N>
enum { value = 1 };
template<unsigned int N> inline bool is_prime_lower_or_equal (unsigned long long x)
if (x > N)
return 0;
else if (x == N)
return is_prime<N>::value;
return is_prime_lower_or_equal<N-1> (x);
template <> inline bool is_prime_lower_or_equal<1> (unsigned long long x)
return 0;
template <unsigned int N> inline bool not_dividable_by_prime_or_smaller (unsigned long long x)
return ((x % N) && not_dividable_by_prime_or_smaller< largest_prime_smaller_or_equal <N-1>::value >(x));
template <> inline bool not_dividable_by_prime_or_smaller<0> (unsigned long long x)
return true;
template <unsigned int N> inline bool not_dividable_by_prime_smaller_or_equal (unsigned long long x)
return not_dividable_by_prime_or_smaller< largest_prime_smaller_or_equal <N>::value >(x);
template <unsigned int OFFSET, unsigned int N> inline bool not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller (unsigned long base, unsigned long long x)
return (x % (base + OFFSET)) && (not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller<largest_offset_smaller_or_equal<OFFSET - 1,N>::value, (largest_offset_smaller_or_equal<OFFSET-1,N>::value == 1) ? 1 : N>(base, x));
/* bool res = (x % (base + OFFSET)) && (not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller<largest_offset_smaller_or_equal<OFFSET - 1,N>::value, (largest_offset_smaller_or_equal<OFFSET-1,N>::value == 1) ? 1 : N>(base, x));
cout << "not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller<" << OFFSET << "," << N << ">(" << base << "," << x << ")";
cout << "=" << res << endl;
return res;
template <> inline bool not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller<1, 1> (unsigned long base, unsigned long long x)
return x % (base + 1);
/* bool res = x % (base + 1);
cout << "not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller<" << 0 << "," << 1 << ">(" << base << "," << x << ")";
cout << "=" << res << endl;
return res;
template<unsigned int N> inline bool isPrime(unsigned long long x)
if (x <= prime_fact<N>::value)
if (is_prime_lower_or_equal<prime_fact<N>::value >(x))
return true;
return false;
else if (not_dividable_by_prime_smaller_or_equal< prime_fact<N>::value >(x))
const unsigned long long maxx = (unsigned long long) sqrt(x);
register const unsigned long max = maxx > (unsigned long long)ULONG_MAX ? ULONG_MAX : maxx;
// const unsigned long long step = prime_fact<N>::value;
register unsigned long base = prime_fact<N>::value;
while (not_dividable_by_offset_or_smaller<prime_fact<N>::value - 1, N>(base, x) && base < max) base += prime_fact<N>::value;
if (base < x) return false;
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
unsigned long long i;
istringstream stream(argv[1]);
stream >> i;
cout << "isPrime(" << i << ") = " << isPrime<DEPTH>(i) << endl;
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