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Created August 16, 2019 09:34
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# USAGE: execute with e.g.: BAZ=hello ./ 5 1
## Variables
${BAR:-bar} # default value "bar" for BAR, can be set from outside the script
echo $FOO $BAR # prints: foo bar
echo ${FOO}baz # prints foobaz
echo ${FOO} # prints string length of "foo"
${BAZ:?variable BAZ missing} # exits script if variable BAZ is missing
echo $BAZ
## Parameters
echo Scriptname: $0
echo Number of args: $#
echo All args: $@
echo All args expanded: "$@"
echo First arg: $1
echo Second arg: $2
echo Process number: $$
echo Last command exit code: $?
sh -stfu 2> /dev/null # silent stderr
echo Last command exit code: $?
## Conditionals
if [ $1 -le 2 ]
then echo "$1 <= 2"
elif [ $1 -le 4 ]
then echo "$1 <= 4"
echo "i can't count to $1"
# numbers
if [ 1 -eq "1" ]; then echo "1 == 1"; fi # equal
if [ 1 -ne 2 ]; then echo "1 != 2"; fi # not equal
if [ 2 -gt 1 ]; then echo "2 > 1"; fi # greater then
if [ 2 -ge 2 ]; then echo "2 >= 2"; fi # greater equal
if [ 1 -lt 2 ]; then echo "1 < 2"; fi # lower then
if [ 1 -le 1 ]; then echo "1 <= 2"; fi # lower equal
# strings
if [ "foo" = "foo" ]; then echo '"foo" == "foo"'; fi
if [ "foo" != "bar" ]; then echo '"foo" != "bar"'; fi
if [ -z "" ]; then echo '"" is empty'; fi
if [ -n "foo" ]; then echo '"foo" is not empty'; fi
# always use "$VAR" in quotes if you checking string variables
if [ "$1" = "5" ]; then echo "$1 == 5"; else echo "$1 != 5"; fi
# check folders and files
if [ -f "$0" ]; then echo "me exists"; fi
mkdir foo
if [ -d "./foo" ]; then echo "folder exists"; fi
rm -r foo
if [ ! -d "./foo" ]; then echo "folder removed"; fi
## Loops
# while loop with break condition
while [ $i -le 10 ]
echo $i
i=$(( $i + 1 ))
# infinite loop
while [ : ]
echo 1
break # we don't want you to run infinite :)
# for loop with list [one, two, three]
for i in one two three
echo $i
# for loop with list from command (all files/dirs in $PWD that end with .sh)
for i in $(ls *.sh)
echo $i
# loop through all file names in $PWD that end with .sh
for i in *.sh
echo $i
# loop through all command line arguments
for i in $@
echo $i
# same as above, but shorter
for i
echo $i
## Functions
hello() {
echo "hello $@"
hello world !
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