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Created January 26, 2011 11:10
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A function that splits sentence\paragraph if it contains [ \* \{ ]
;;Build a function splitParagraph which, given a paragraph string, returns an array of paragraph fragments. ;;Think of a good way to represent the fragments.
;;Clojure version (naive)
(ns moon)
(def map-tag {\{ \} \* \* })
;; the tags use will use for as breaking point....
(def map-type { \* "Footnotes" \{ "References"})
;; what you intend to use as your type
(def map-num { \{ 1 \* 1 })
;; just to make use you started one char above
(def cstring "*CARL FRIDAY LEWIS* is in the house { we built for our God } we wait*the cool things is here* {let's do it}")
(defn get-num [char-key]
(get map-num char-key 0))
;; return 0 or one of the value of map-num
(defn process-tag [n astring]
(if (= n 0)
(let [start-char (. astring (charAt 0))
end (if (contains? map-tag start-char)
(. astring (indexOf (int (get map-tag start-char )) 1))
(let [[star brack ][(. astring (indexOf (int \{) 1)) (. astring (indexOf (int \*) 1))]]
;; This is needed to figure out the end of sentence when it started
;; without either \{ or \*
;; This is ugly.... get a better algorithm. I am also searching for one.
(and (not (= -1 star))(not (= -1 brack))) (min star brack)
;; if star and brack are in the sentence take the minimum
(and (= -1 star) (= -1 brack )) (count astring)
;; if brack and star are not in the sentence , take the length of
;; the sentence
;;take which ever that is not negative
(and (not (= -1 star ))(= -1 brack)) star
(and (not (= -1 brack ))(= -1 star)) brack)))]
(cons {:type (get map-type start-char "Normal"):content (subs astring (get-num start-char) end)}
(process-tag (if ( = (count astring) end)
(count (subs astring (+ (get-num start-char) end))))
(if ( = (count astring) end)
(subs astring (+ (get-num start-char) end)))))))))
;;Building up a list of map
(print (process-tag (count cstring) cstring))
;; One could say that the above is not functional... I agree, but I have lazy and cons stuff there.
Python Version ... here I cheated. However, if you spend time with the cojure version you will be able to code it well
datastore = []
def processTag(text):
while len(text) > 0:
# simple infinite loop
numTemp = text[1:len(text)].find("*")
starcontent = text[1:numTemp + 1]
datastore.append({"type": "Star", "content": starcontent})
text = text[numTemp + 2:]
if ((text.startswith("{"))):
numTemp = text.find("}")
brackcontent = text[1:numTemp ]
datastore.append({"type": "Footnotes", "content": brackcontent})
text = text[numTemp + 2:]
num = text.find("{")
# This is where I cheated, figure it out and rectify it
if num == -1:
datastore.append({"type": "Normal", "content": text})
text = ""
norcontent = text[ : num]
datastore.append({"type": "Normal", "content": norcontent})
text = text[num:]
removeTag("*CARL FRIDAY LEWIS* is in the house { we built for our God } we wait*the cool things is here* {let's do it}")
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