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Created May 29, 2020 10:32
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"id": "ad8c9f89-3405-4142-9d02-a76e7ed079d8",
"subject": "/microbizz/questionnaireAnswered/KAP/RD0003FF2C8218",
"data": {
"EventMethod": 3,
"Entity": {
"Id": 13355,
"Title": "FF Afslut KAP-installation",
"UserId": "154",
"UserText": "Simon Mønster Nautrup",
"AnswerDateTime": "2020-05-29T08:25:04Z",
"UseInExternalDocumentation": false,
"Job": {
"JobNumber": "68262",
"Title": "FF KAP-installation",
"Name": "2193867015",
"Address1": "Hovmosevej 15",
"Address2": "Gadevang 2019.okt-1",
"ZipCode": "3400",
"City": "Hillerød",
"Description": "",
"CreatedDateTime": "2019-12-06T12:25:27Z",
"DataHandle": {
"MicrobizzId": "68262"
"JobActive": false,
"ContactName": "",
"ContactPhone": "",
"GPSCoordinates": {
"Longitude": 12.2965,
"Latitude": 55.9653
"MainDistributor": "",
"LocalDistributor": "",
"WallboxId": "",
"TodoStateId": "5",
"WorkareaId": "17",
"CustomerText": "2193867015"
"Answers": [
"Question": "Er billeder uploadet til Genesis?",
"Answer": "Ja",
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "1"
"Question": "Er det muligt at måle dæmpning?",
"Answer": "Nej",
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "5"
"Question": "Fra skel til husmur",
"Answer": "",
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "10"
"Question": "Indføring på husmur/sokkel",
"Answer": "",
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "11"
"Question": "Indføring indvendigt",
"Answer": "",
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "12"
"Question": "KAP stik åben",
"Answer": "",
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "3"
"Question": "KAP stik lukket",
"Answer": "",
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "4"
"Question": "Skal der udføres reetablering",
"Answer": "Nej",
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "6"
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "13"
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "7"
"Formvalue": "",
"QuestionId": "8"
"DataHandle": {
"MicrobizzId": 13355,
"QuestionFormId": "42",
"ModCode": "todo"
"LocationType": "KAP"
"CorrelationId": "ad8c9f89-3405-4142-9d02-a76e7ed079d8",
"ClientEventTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"eventType": "QuestionnaireAnsweredEvent",
"dataVersion": "1.08",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2020-05-29T06:25:09.6043681Z",
"topic": "/subscriptions/794a6ca8-4e39-470e-9e4e-80a33aecd8e9/resourceGroups/DEC-prod-rg/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/dec-eventgrid-prod-topic"
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