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Created April 19, 2016 11:12
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Atom Beautify crash reports

Atom Beautify - Debugging information

The following debugging information was generated by Atom Beautify on Tue Apr 19 2016 21:11:40 GMT+1000 (AEST).

Table Of Contents

Platform: darwin


Atom Version: 1.7.1

Atom Beautify Version: 0.29.4

Original file to be beautified

Original File Path: /Users/Jan/nabu/colette-werden/src/templates/about/index.hbs

Original File Grammar: HTML (Mustache)

Original File Language: Mustache

Language namespace: mustache

Supported Beautifiers: JS Beautify

Selected Beautifier: JS Beautify

Original File Contents

{{#extend "layout"}}

  {{#replace "meta"}}
    <title>About - Colette Werden</title>
    <meta name="description" content="She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch 'Colette Werden' – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.">

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    <section id="hero">
      <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-banner-04.jpg" alt="Colette Werden - Let's get acquinted" width="100%" height="400" />

    {{> subscribe}}

    <section id="about-colette">
      <h1>She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch “Colette Werden” – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.</h1>
          <p>Throwback to 2007, where it all began at Suzan Johnston Australia – the country’s longest running image school of over 50 years. There she worked with teenagers, men and women of all walks of life to develop their image, communication skills and overall self-esteem.</p>
          <p>There an “aha” moment hit – she landed on a niche that she deeply connected with – women who were striving to get ahead in their industry.They all had the skills and experience, they had devoted their heart and soul, sweat and tears into their passion and the only thing holding them back was their fear of not being good enough. This all translated into the way they presented themselves and their image began costing them time, money, self-confidence and opportunities. That’s where Colette knew she could help them the most.</p>
          <p>Her business flew organically through word of mouth referrals and her professional team of stylists, make-up artists and photographers expanded. Backed by years of experience, education and experimentation; Colette Werden fast became the leading Style and Image Specialist in her niche.</p>
          <p>In 2014, Colette Werden launched her revolutionary leading-edge <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em> which significantly boosts women’s self-confidence and opens up their eyes to a whole new way of dressing. <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em> helps women dress for what they really want: to create the perception of a longer, leaner appearing silhouette. It takes the guess work out of which outfit works and which doesn’t, and is a complete contrast to the traditional body shape dressing method, which is restrictive.</p>
          <p>Since creating her revolutionary <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em>, Colette Werden also commissioned a nationwide survey with CoreData Research Australia, which revealed outstanding results highlighting women’s relationship with their self-confidence levels, style and wardrobes. All of which she shares in her workshops.</p>
          <p>The red lipstick addict speaks regularly in professional and entrepreneurial communities to motivate teams on dressing for success and developing their personal brand and has transformed the confidence levels of clients from prominent businesses including Jeep, Alfa Romeo, Bendigo Bank, Sladen Legal Law Firm, ANZ, Network 10 and Arbonne Australia.</p>
          <p>Taking her expertise onscreen to broader audiences, Colette has presented on lifestyle shows on Foxtel and on Network 10’s ‘The Circle’. She has also worked with production agencies across the country and presented coverage for the TV Week Logie Awards and Melbourne Fashion Festival.</p>
          <p>It’s been over 10 years that she’s been supporting the Fred Hollow’s foundation with monthly donations and has MC’d at charities supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, like “L’huere de The’ ” at the Sofitel Melbourne for French luxury magazine, Le Style.</p>
          <p>In 2013, Colette was appointed Ambassador for Alfa Romeo, aligning her brand with one of the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world.</p>
          <p>The Colette Werden brand has a global scale vision and lives by the mantra, “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up”.</p>

    <section id="about-logo">
      <h2>About the Colette Werden logo</h2>
      <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-logo.jpg" alt="Colette Werden logo" />
      <p>The Colette Werden logo was cleverly designed to encapsulate the symbol of transformation. The talking marks are shaped in Colette’s facial silhouette and portray the strong voice our image plays. The grey to black transition depicts a woman moving from hiding in her own shadow to confidently owning her identity.</p>

    {{> clients}}

    {{> in-the-media}}


Package Settings

The raw package settings options

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Beautification options

Editor Options: Options from Atom Editor settings

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Config Options: Options from Atom Beautify package settings

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Home Options: Options from /Users/Jan/.jsbeautifyrc

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EditorConfig Options: Options from EditorConfig file

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Project Options: Options from .jsbeautifyrc files starting from directory /Users/Jan/nabu/colette-werden/src/templates/about and going up to root

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Final Options

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Beautified File Contents:

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        <title>About - Colette Werden</title>
        <meta name="description" content="She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch 'Colette Werden' – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.">

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        <section id="hero">
            <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-banner-04.jpg" alt="Colette Werden - Let's get acquinted" width="100%" height="400" />

        {{> subscribe}}

        <section id="about-colette">
            <h1>She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch “Colette Werden” – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.</h1>
                    <p>Throwback to 2007, where it all began at Suzan Johnston Australia – the country’s longest running image school of over 50 years. There she worked with teenagers, men and women of all walks of life to develop their image, communication
                        skills and overall self-esteem.</p>
                    <p>There an “aha” moment hit – she landed on a niche that she deeply connected with – women who were striving to get ahead in their industry.They all had the skills and experience, they had devoted their heart and soul, sweat and tears
                        into their passion and the only thing holding them back was their fear of not being good enough. This all translated into the way they presented themselves and their image began costing them time, money, self-confidence and opportunities.
                        That’s where Colette knew she could help them the most.</p>
                    <p>Her business flew organically through word of mouth referrals and her professional team of stylists, make-up artists and photographers expanded. Backed by years of experience, education and experimentation; Colette Werden fast became
                        the leading Style and Image Specialist in her niche.</p>
                    <p>In 2014, Colette Werden launched her revolutionary leading-edge <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em> which significantly boosts women’s self-confidence and opens up their eyes to a whole new way of dressing. <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em>                        helps women dress for what they really want: to create the perception of a longer, leaner appearing silhouette. It takes the guess work out of which outfit works and which doesn’t, and is a complete contrast to the traditional
                        body shape dressing method, which is restrictive.</p>
                    <p>Since creating her revolutionary <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em>, Colette Werden also commissioned a nationwide survey with CoreData Research Australia, which revealed outstanding results highlighting women’s relationship with their
                        self-confidence levels, style and wardrobes. All of which she shares in her workshops.</p>
                    <p>The red lipstick addict speaks regularly in professional and entrepreneurial communities to motivate teams on dressing for success and developing their personal brand and has transformed the confidence levels of clients from prominent
                        businesses including Jeep, Alfa Romeo, Bendigo Bank, Sladen Legal Law Firm, ANZ, Network 10 and Arbonne Australia.</p>
                    <p>Taking her expertise onscreen to broader audiences, Colette has presented on lifestyle shows on Foxtel and on Network 10’s ‘The Circle’. She has also worked with production agencies across the country and presented coverage for the
                        TV Week Logie Awards and Melbourne Fashion Festival.</p>
                    <p>It’s been over 10 years that she’s been supporting the Fred Hollow’s foundation with monthly donations and has MC’d at charities supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, like “L’huere de The’ ” at the Sofitel Melbourne for
                        French luxury magazine, Le Style.</p>
                    <p>In 2013, Colette was appointed Ambassador for Alfa Romeo, aligning her brand with one of the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world.</p>
                    <p>The Colette Werden brand has a global scale vision and lives by the mantra, “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up”.</p>

        <section id="about-logo">
            <h2>About the Colette Werden logo</h2>
            <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-logo.jpg" alt="Colette Werden logo" />
            <p>The Colette Werden logo was cleverly designed to encapsulate the symbol of transformation. The talking marks are shaped in Colette’s facial silhouette and portray the strong voice our image plays. The grey to black transition depicts a woman
                moving from hiding in her own shadow to confidently owning her identity.</p>

        {{> clients}} {{> in-the-media}}


Original vs. Beautified Diff:

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 {{#extend "layout"}}
-  {{#replace "meta"}}
-    <title>About - Colette Werden</title>
-    <meta name="description" content="She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch 'Colette Werden' – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.">
-  {{/replace}}
+    {{#replace "meta"}}
+        <title>About - Colette Werden</title>
+        <meta name="description" content="She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch 'Colette Werden' – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.">
+    {{/replace}}
-  {{#replace "main"}}
+    {{#replace "main"}}
-    <section id="hero">
-      <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-banner-04.jpg" alt="Colette Werden - Let's get acquinted" width="100%" height="400" />
-    </section>
+        <section id="hero">
+            <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-banner-04.jpg" alt="Colette Werden - Let's get acquinted" width="100%" height="400" />
+        </section>
-    {{> subscribe}}
+        {{> subscribe}}
-    <section id="about-colette">
-      <h1>She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch “Colette Werden” – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.</h1>
-      <div>
-        <div>
-          <p>Throwback to 2007, where it all began at Suzan Johnston Australia – the country’s longest running image school of over 50 years. There she worked with teenagers, men and women of all walks of life to develop their image, communication skills and overall self-esteem.</p>
-          <p>There an “aha” moment hit – she landed on a niche that she deeply connected with – women who were striving to get ahead in their industry.They all had the skills and experience, they had devoted their heart and soul, sweat and tears into their passion and the only thing holding them back was their fear of not being good enough. This all translated into the way they presented themselves and their image began costing them time, money, self-confidence and opportunities. That’s where Colette knew she could help them the most.</p>
-          <p>Her business flew organically through word of mouth referrals and her professional team of stylists, make-up artists and photographers expanded. Backed by years of experience, education and experimentation; Colette Werden fast became the leading Style and Image Specialist in her niche.</p>
-          <p>In 2014, Colette Werden launched her revolutionary leading-edge <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em> which significantly boosts women’s self-confidence and opens up their eyes to a whole new way of dressing. <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em> helps women dress for what they really want: to create the perception of a longer, leaner appearing silhouette. It takes the guess work out of which outfit works and which doesn’t, and is a complete contrast to the traditional body shape dressing method, which is restrictive.</p>
-          <p>Since creating her revolutionary <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em>, Colette Werden also commissioned a nationwide survey with CoreData Research Australia, which revealed outstanding results highlighting women’s relationship with their self-confidence levels, style and wardrobes. All of which she shares in her workshops.</p>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-          <p>The red lipstick addict speaks regularly in professional and entrepreneurial communities to motivate teams on dressing for success and developing their personal brand and has transformed the confidence levels of clients from prominent businesses including Jeep, Alfa Romeo, Bendigo Bank, Sladen Legal Law Firm, ANZ, Network 10 and Arbonne Australia.</p>
-          <p>Taking her expertise onscreen to broader audiences, Colette has presented on lifestyle shows on Foxtel and on Network 10’s ‘The Circle’. She has also worked with production agencies across the country and presented coverage for the TV Week Logie Awards and Melbourne Fashion Festival.</p>
-          <p>It’s been over 10 years that she’s been supporting the Fred Hollow’s foundation with monthly donations and has MC’d at charities supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, like “L’huere de The’ ” at the Sofitel Melbourne for French luxury magazine, Le Style.</p>
-          <p>In 2013, Colette was appointed Ambassador for Alfa Romeo, aligning her brand with one of the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world.</p>
-          <p>The Colette Werden brand has a global scale vision and lives by the mantra, “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up”.</p>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </section>
+        <section id="about-colette">
+            <h1>She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch “Colette Werden” – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.</h1>
+            <div>
+                <div>
+                    <p>Throwback to 2007, where it all began at Suzan Johnston Australia – the country’s longest running image school of over 50 years. There she worked with teenagers, men and women of all walks of life to develop their image, communication
+                        skills and overall self-esteem.</p>
+                    <p>There an “aha” moment hit – she landed on a niche that she deeply connected with – women who were striving to get ahead in their industry.They all had the skills and experience, they had devoted their heart and soul, sweat and tears
+                        into their passion and the only thing holding them back was their fear of not being good enough. This all translated into the way they presented themselves and their image began costing them time, money, self-confidence and opportunities.
+                        That’s where Colette knew she could help them the most.</p>
+                    <p>Her business flew organically through word of mouth referrals and her professional team of stylists, make-up artists and photographers expanded. Backed by years of experience, education and experimentation; Colette Werden fast became
+                        the leading Style and Image Specialist in her niche.</p>
+                    <p>In 2014, Colette Werden launched her revolutionary leading-edge <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em> which significantly boosts women’s self-confidence and opens up their eyes to a whole new way of dressing. <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em>                        helps women dress for what they really want: to create the perception of a longer, leaner appearing silhouette. It takes the guess work out of which outfit works and which doesn’t, and is a complete contrast to the traditional
+                        body shape dressing method, which is restrictive.</p>
+                    <p>Since creating her revolutionary <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em>, Colette Werden also commissioned a nationwide survey with CoreData Research Australia, which revealed outstanding results highlighting women’s relationship with their
+                        self-confidence levels, style and wardrobes. All of which she shares in her workshops.</p>
+                </div>
+                <div>
+                    <p>The red lipstick addict speaks regularly in professional and entrepreneurial communities to motivate teams on dressing for success and developing their personal brand and has transformed the confidence levels of clients from prominent
+                        businesses including Jeep, Alfa Romeo, Bendigo Bank, Sladen Legal Law Firm, ANZ, Network 10 and Arbonne Australia.</p>
+                    <p>Taking her expertise onscreen to broader audiences, Colette has presented on lifestyle shows on Foxtel and on Network 10’s ‘The Circle’. She has also worked with production agencies across the country and presented coverage for the
+                        TV Week Logie Awards and Melbourne Fashion Festival.</p>
+                    <p>It’s been over 10 years that she’s been supporting the Fred Hollow’s foundation with monthly donations and has MC’d at charities supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, like “L’huere de The’ ” at the Sofitel Melbourne for
+                        French luxury magazine, Le Style.</p>
+                    <p>In 2013, Colette was appointed Ambassador for Alfa Romeo, aligning her brand with one of the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world.</p>
+                    <p>The Colette Werden brand has a global scale vision and lives by the mantra, “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up”.</p>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </section>
-    <section id="about-logo">
-      <h2>About the Colette Werden logo</h2>
-      <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-logo.jpg" alt="Colette Werden logo" />
-      <p>The Colette Werden logo was cleverly designed to encapsulate the symbol of transformation. The talking marks are shaped in Colette’s facial silhouette and portray the strong voice our image plays. The grey to black transition depicts a woman moving from hiding in her own shadow to confidently owning her identity.</p>
-    </section>
+        <section id="about-logo">
+            <h2>About the Colette Werden logo</h2>
+            <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-logo.jpg" alt="Colette Werden logo" />
+            <p>The Colette Werden logo was cleverly designed to encapsulate the symbol of transformation. The talking marks are shaped in Colette’s facial silhouette and portray the strong voice our image plays. The grey to black transition depicts a woman
+                moving from hiding in her own shadow to confidently owning her identity.</p>
+        </section>
-    {{> clients}}
+        {{> clients}} {{> in-the-media}}
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      <h1>She calls it her “obsession with confident women” and her drive to empower females that catapulted her desire to launch “Colette Werden” – the image development hub for driven female entrepreneurs and professionals.</h1>
          <p>Throwback to 2007, where it all began at Suzan Johnston Australia – the country’s longest running image school of over 50 years. There she worked with teenagers, men and women of all walks of life to develop their image, communication skills and overall self-esteem.</p>
          <p>There an “aha” moment hit – she landed on a niche that she deeply connected with – women who were striving to get ahead in their industry.They all had the skills and experience, they had devoted their heart and soul, sweat and tears into their passion and the only thing holding them back was their fear of not being good enough. This all translated into the way they presented themselves and their image began costing them time, money, self-confidence and opportunities. That’s where Colette knew she could help them the most.</p>
          <p>Her business flew organically through word of mouth referrals and her professional team of stylists, make-up artists and photographers expanded. Backed by years of experience, education and experimentation; Colette Werden fast became the leading Style and Image Specialist in her niche.</p>
          <p>In 2014, Colette Werden launched her revolutionary leading-edge <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em> which significantly boosts women’s self-confidence and opens up their eyes to a whole new way of dressing. <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em> helps women dress for what they really want: to create the perception of a longer, leaner appearing silhouette. It takes the guess work out of which outfit works and which doesn’t, and is a complete contrast to the traditional body shape dressing method, which is restrictive.</p>
          <p>Since creating her revolutionary <em>The Ratio System&trade;</em>, Colette Werden also commissioned a nationwide survey with CoreData Research Australia, which revealed outstanding results highlighting women’s relationship with their self-confidence levels, style and wardrobes. All of which she shares in her workshops.</p>
          <p>The red lipstick addict speaks regularly in professional and entrepreneurial communities to motivate teams on dressing for success and developing their personal brand and has transformed the confidence levels of clients from prominent businesses including Jeep, Alfa Romeo, Bendigo Bank, Sladen Legal Law Firm, ANZ, Network 10 and Arbonne Australia.</p>
          <p>Taking her expertise onscreen to broader audiences, Colette has presented on lifestyle shows on Foxtel and on Network 10’s ‘The Circle’. She has also worked with production agencies across the country and presented coverage for the TV Week Logie Awards and Melbourne Fashion Festival.</p>
          <p>It’s been over 10 years that she’s been supporting the Fred Hollow’s foundation with monthly donations and has MC’d at charities supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, like “L’huere de The’ ” at the Sofitel Melbourne for French luxury magazine, Le Style.</p>
          <p>In 2013, Colette was appointed Ambassador for Alfa Romeo, aligning her brand with one of the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world.</p>
          <p>The Colette Werden brand has a global scale vision and lives by the mantra, “No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up”.</p>

    <section id="about-logo">
      <h2>About the Colette Werden logo</h2>
      <img src="/assets/img/colette-werden-logo.jpg" alt="Colette Werden logo" />
      <p>The Colette Werden logo was cleverly designed to encapsulate the symbol of transformation. The talking marks are shaped in Colette’s facial silhouette and portray the strong voice our image plays. The grey to black transition depicts a woman moving from hiding in her own shadow to confidently owning her identity.</p>

    {{> clients}}

    {{> in-the-media}}

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2016-04-19T11:11:40.182Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] [ { name: 'Mustache',
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2016-04-19T11:11:40.182Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] Language Mustache supported
2016-04-19T11:11:40.182Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] getOptions selections [ 'html', 'handlebars', 'mustache' ] indent_size=2, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, end_with_comma=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=coffee-fmt, 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2016-04-19T11:11:40.186Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true indent_size=2, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false
2016-04-19T11:11:40.186Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.186Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html indent_size=2, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false
2016-04-19T11:11:40.186Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.186Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars indent_size=2, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false
2016-04-19T11:11:40.186Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.186Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache indent_size=2, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false
2016-04-19T11:11:40.186Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, end_with_comma=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=coffee-fmt, beautify_on_save=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , wrap_line_length=250, preserve_newlines=true, 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2016-04-19T11:11:40.190Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html default_beautifier=Pretty Diff, indent_inner_html=true, max_preserve_newlines=2, unformatted=[p, a, sub, sup, b, i, u, em, strong, span, small, button, nobr, script, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6], wrap_line_length=5000, indent_size=4, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=4, preserve_newlines=true, end_with_newline=false, extra_liners=[head, body, /html], disabled=false, beautify_on_save=false
2016-04-19T11:11:40.190Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html default_beautifier=Pretty Diff, indent_inner_html=true, max_preserve_newlines=2, unformatted=[p, a, sub, sup, b, i, u, em, strong, span, small, button, nobr, script, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6], wrap_line_length=5000, indent_size=4, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=4, preserve_newlines=true, end_with_newline=false, extra_liners=[head, body, /html], disabled=false, beautify_on_save=false
2016-04-19T11:11:40.190Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars beautify_on_save=true, wrap_attributes_indent_size=2, indent_inner_html=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_line_length=250, wrap_attributes=auto, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, unformatted=[a, span, img, bdo, em, strong, dfn, code, samp, kbd, var, cite, abbr, acronym, q, sub, sup, tt, i, b, big, small, u, s, strike, font, ins, del, pre, address, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6], end_with_newline=false, extra_liners=[head, body, /html], disabled=false, default_beautifier=JS Beautify
2016-04-19T11:11:40.191Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars default_beautifier=JS Beautify, indent_inner_html=false, max_preserve_newlines=10, unformatted=[a, span, img, bdo, em, strong, dfn, code, samp, kbd, var, cite, abbr, acronym, q, sub, sup, tt, i, b, big, small, u, s, strike, font, ins, del, pre, address, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6], wrap_line_length=250, indent_size=4, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=2, preserve_newlines=true, end_with_newline=false, extra_liners=[head, body, /html], disabled=false, beautify_on_save=true
2016-04-19T11:11:40.191Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache beautify_on_save=true, indent_inner_html=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_line_length=250, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=4, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, unformatted=[a, span, img, bdo, em, strong, dfn, code, samp, kbd, var, cite, abbr, acronym, q, sub, sup, tt, i, b, big, small, u, s, strike, font, ins, del, pre, address, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6], end_with_newline=false, extra_liners=[head, body, /html], disabled=false, default_beautifier=JS Beautify
2016-04-19T11:11:40.191Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache default_beautifier=JS Beautify, indent_inner_html=false, max_preserve_newlines=10, unformatted=[a, span, img, bdo, em, strong, dfn, code, samp, kbd, var, cite, abbr, acronym, q, sub, sup, tt, i, b, big, small, u, s, strike, font, ins, del, pre, address, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6], wrap_line_length=250, indent_size=4, indent_char= , brace_style=collapse, indent_scripts=normal, wrap_attributes=auto, wrap_attributes_indent_size=4, preserve_newlines=true, end_with_newline=false, extra_liners=[head, body, /html], disabled=false, beautify_on_save=true
2016-04-19T11:11:40.192Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.192Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.192Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.193Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.193Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.193Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.193Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.194Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.194Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.194Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.194Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.194Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.195Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.195Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.195Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.195Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.195Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.195Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.195Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.196Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.196Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.196Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.196Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.196Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.197Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.197Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.197Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.198Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.199Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.200Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.200Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.200Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.200Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.200Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.200Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] true 
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options html
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options handlebars
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache undefined
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] options mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.201Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] HTML (Mustache) name=Mustache, namespace=mustache, fallback=[html, handlebars], grammars=[HTML (Mustache)], extensions=[mustache], options=[]
2016-04-19T11:11:40.202Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] language options: {
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2016-04-19T11:11:40.203Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] Mustache /Users/Jan/nabu/colette-werden/src/templates/about/index.hbs { indent_size: 4,
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2016-04-19T11:11:40.206Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] beautifiers 0=JS Beautify
2016-04-19T11:11:40.206Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] beautifier JS Beautify
2016-04-19T11:11:40.214Z - verbose: [beautifiers/] JS Beautify language Mustache
2016-04-19T11:11:40.214Z - info: [beautifiers/] JS Beautify Options: {
    "indent_size": 4,
    "indent_char": " ",
    "indent_with_tabs": false,
    "default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "indent_inner_html": false,
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    "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 4,
    "preserve_newlines": true,
    "end_with_newline": false,
    "extra_liners": [
    "disabled": false,
    "beautify_on_save": true

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