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Created September 3, 2009 18:06
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Ruby Hoedown 2009 Notes
Cucumber Talk - 9AM Fri - Ben Mabey -
placing emphasis on features instead of overall product goals
check wip in cucumber; can limit the number of tests to use with a given tag?
Check out webrat
"specify outcome, not implementation"
Check htmlunit/celerity
faketwitter - good for 1Well
CelerityViewer - lets you watch the browser as celerity works
speeding up cucumber - spork loads up the env once and uses it to run cucumber fast via forking
testjure - parallelize cucumber features across multiple servers
Being Simply Awesome - @atmos,
"Ruby on Rails is your savior"
Kent Beck - Responsive Design - InfoQ
Keep the icebox small
DataMapper - uses adapter pattern to grab the datas
Paul Barnette? - http versioning - half the html spec is versioning related
Appcelerator - - Leon Gerson
awesome! compile a common code to a specific platform using something that's !java
Kitchensink - google widget library
External DSLs - Luke Kanies
RACC / Puppet
Puppet is an external dsl for creating resources for systems. Resources = configuration files?
Compilers class in an hour?
+Buy a copy of the Dragon Book
-This would have been better as a tips and tricks for dsls, instead of a damn lesson on how languages are put together.
Forget Kindergarten, Learn to Scale - Blake Mizerany
HiJack - some sort of deployment thing
?How does one run background processes if you have no local file system from which to run cron or some other scheduler?
-Linus talk on git - svn shouldn't have been
-The Dip - Seth Godin
-varnish - cache built-into heroku
-gemcutter - something to make it easier to publish gems
-Rack:cache - http caching sans squid/varnish
-Rack:ESI - solution for partial page caching
?Could we alter AR to auto memcache everything, and automatically remove/expire records that get updated?
-?delayed_job causes deadlocks? maybe that is why we were screwed last week?
-amqp for messaging - check the spec?, try rabbitmq - exchanges?
-eventmachine - what is it?
-BERT - mojombo - tom preston warner - erlang factory - rpc in erlang?
- How the Cloud got its groove back - talk that sounded interesting
- Ruby proxies for scale and monitoring - igvita
- mojombo - use eventmachine as a proxy, really fast
- sumo launch redis - launches ec2 instances for you?
When using heroku/other cloudy services, break out the crazy shit into an internal API and let your web stack be managed and use that API to call out to self-managed servers
The Time of Your Life - Yossef Mendelssohn
- punch - gem to do command-line time tracking
?could we do tempo command-line punch-in/punch-out
- freshbooks
- freshtrack
- one inch punch - a new take on punch written by yossef
- want more meat. blah blah blah
Threaded Awesome - Damato/Gupta
- learn the tools, debug all the way to the assembly
- gdb, ltrace, etc.
- already saw most of this on damato's site
Lightning Talks - geolocation shortening
+mongodb - check some screencast action
fluffy - write to S3 with standard File methods
mongohq - - hosted mongo accounts - email for betas
stash - plugin/gem to make memcache easier/more fun to use from rubeez - binary42 on github
acts_as_restricted_subdomain - for BC-style multidomain logic
scout - hosted monitoring - has plugins for adding new functionality to their site -
harmony cms - made by nunemaker and Steve Smith from northern IN - rubyish cms built for programmers instead of jerks who think they can use a cms
spreedly - monthly payments win
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