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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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module Main
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Profunctor.Lens
-- This is an unpleasant helper function because type inference is Hard
myLens : Lensing p => Simple (Lens {p}) (String, String) String
myLens = _1
-- hello : String
-- hello = view _1 ("hello", "world")
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- When elaborating right hand side of hello:
-- When elaborating argument a to constructor Builtins.MkPair:
-- Can't unify
-- String (Type of "hello")
-- with
-- a (Expected type)
-- :(
hello : String
hello = view myLens ("hello", "world") -- "hello"
goodbyeworld : (String, String)
goodbyeworld = set myLens "goodbye" ("hello", "world") -- ("goodbye", "world")
ollehworld : (String, String)
ollehworld = over myLens reverse ("hello", "world") -- ("olleh", "world")
-- This is the same problem as with myLens
myPrism : Prisming p => Simple (Prism {p}) (Either String String) String
myPrism = _l
jhi : Maybe String
jhi = preview myPrism (Left "hi") -- Just "hi"
lhi: Either String String
lhi= review myPrism "hi" -- Left "hi"
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