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Created February 3, 2016 00:05
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scalajs-react + AutoComplete
package shipreq.webapp.client.feature
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.extra._
import org.scalajs.dom.html
import scala.scalajs.js
import shipreq.base.util.ScalaExt.EndoFn
import shipreq.base.util.Vector1
import shipreq.webapp.client.jsfacade.TextComplete
import shipreq.webapp.client.lib.TextEditor
* Usage
* =====
* - Apply `install` in `ReactComponentB.configure`.
* - Satisfy `scalac`. In most cases you'll want to add `ForChild` to the component's props and use `installP`.
object AutoCompleteFeature {
implicit val reusabilityStrategies: Reusability[Strategies] =
Reusability.fn((a, b) =>
(a eq b) ||
a.corresponds(b)(_ eq _))
type Strategies = Vector[TextComplete.Strategy]
implicit def autoLiftSingleStrategy[A](a: A)(implicit f: A => TextComplete.Strategy): Strategies =
type ForChild = Strategies
* Public only for unit-tests. For React components, use one of the `install…` methods.
def lowLevelInstall[E <: html.Element](target : E,
strategies: TextComplete.Strategies,
onUpdate : => (String => Callback))
(implicit E: TextEditor.OfType[E]): Callback =
Callback.ifTrue(strategies.nonEmpty, Callback {
val tgt =$(target)
TextComplete(tgt, strategies)
TextComplete.onSelect(tgt) {
def lowLevelDestroy(node: html.Element): Callback =
Callback {
val $n =$(node)
def install[P, S, B, N <: TopNode, E <: html.Element](
getNode : CompScope.DuringCallbackM[P, S, B, N] => E,
strategies: (P, B) => ForChild,
onUpdate : (P, B) => String => Callback)
(implicit te: TextEditor.OfType[E]): EndoFn[ReactComponentB[P, S, B, N]] =
_.componentDidMount($ => Callback {
val n = getNode($)
lowLevelInstall(n, strategies($.props, $.backend).toJsArray, onUpdate($.props, $.backend)).runNow()
.componentDidUpdate(i => Callback {
val $ = i.$
val p1 = i.prevProps
val p2 = $.props
val b = $.backend
val s1 = strategies(p1, b)
val s2 = strategies(p2, b)
if (s1 ~/~ s2) {
val n = getNode($)
lowLevelInstall(n, s2.toJsArray, onUpdate($.props, b)).runNow()
.componentWillUnmount($ =>
def installP[P, S, B, N <: TopNode, E <: html.Element](
getNode : RefSimple[E],
strategies: P => ForChild,
onUpdate : P => String => Callback)
(implicit te: TextEditor.OfType[E]): EndoFn[ReactComponentB[P, S, B, N]] =
install(getNode(_).get, (p, _) => strategies(p), (p, _) => onUpdate(p))
def installB[P, S, B, N <: TopNode, E <: html.Element](
getNode : RefSimple[E],
strategies: B => ForChild,
onUpdate : B => String => Callback)
(implicit te: TextEditor.OfType[E]): EndoFn[ReactComponentB[P, S, B, N]] =
install(getNode(_).get, (_, b) => strategies(b), (_, b) => onUpdate(b))
def installBP[P, S, B, N <: TopNode, E <: html.Element](
getNode : RefSimple[E],
strategies: B => ForChild,
onUpdate : P => String => Callback)
(implicit te: TextEditor.OfType[E]): EndoFn[ReactComponentB[P, S, B, N]] =
install(getNode(_).get, (_, b) => strategies(b), (p, _) => onUpdate(p))
package shipreq.webapp.client.jsfacade
import scalajs.js.{Function0 => JFn0, Function1 => JFn1, Function2 => JFn2, Function3 => JFn3, _}
import scalajs.js.{Any => JAny, Array => JArray, _}
import org.scalajs.dom.Event
object TextComplete {
final val eventSelect = "textComplete:select"
final val eventShow = "textComplete:show"
final val eventHide = "textComplete:hide"
type MatchType = RegExp // TODO | JFn1[String, RegExp]
type MatchFn = JFn1[String, RegExp]
@native sealed trait SearchFn[A] extends JAny
type ReplaceFn[A] = JFn2[A, Event, JAny]
* @tparam A The type of data returned by the `search` function.
sealed trait StrategyA[A] extends Object {
var `match`: MatchType = native
var search : SearchFn[A] = native
var replace: ReplaceFn[A] = native
var index : UndefOr[Int] = native
var template : UndefOr[JFn2[A, String, String]] = native
var cache : UndefOr[Boolean] = native
var context : UndefOr[JFn1[A, JAny]] = native // returns bool | string | regex | () → regex
var idProperty: UndefOr[String] = native
sealed trait Callback[A] extends JAny {
def apply(result: JArray[A], stillSearching: Boolean = false): Unit = native
def Options(): Options = (new Object).asInstanceOf[Options]
sealed trait Options extends Object {
var appendTo: JAny = native // $('body')
var height: UndefOr[Int] = native // undefined
var maxCount: Int = native // 10
var placement: String = native // ''
var header: UndefOr[JAny] = native // undefined. T = string | () → string
var footer: UndefOr[JAny] = native // undefined. T = string | () → string
var zIndex: String = native // '100'
var debounce: UndefOr[Int] = native // undefined. T = milliseconds
//var adapter: UndefOr[JAny] = native // undefined
var className: String = native // ''
type Strategy = StrategyA[_]
def search2[A](f: (String, Callback[A]) => Unit): SearchFn[A] =
(f: JFn2[String, Callback[A], Unit]).asInstanceOf[SearchFn[A]]
def search3[A](f: (String, Callback[A], JArray[String]) => Unit): SearchFn[A] =
(f: JFn3[String, Callback[A], JArray[String], Unit]).asInstanceOf[SearchFn[A]]
def replace1[A](f: (A, Event) => String): ReplaceFn[A] =
(f: JFn2[A, Event, String]).asInstanceOf[ReplaceFn[A]]
def replace2[A](f: (A, Event) => (String, String)): ReplaceFn[A] = {
val f2 = (a: A, e: Event) => {
val r = f(a, e)
JArray(r._1, r._2)
(f2: JFn2[A, Event, JArray[String]]).asInstanceOf[ReplaceFn[A]]
object Strategy {
@inline private implicit class DictionaryExt(val self: Dictionary[JAny]) extends AnyVal {
@inline def updated(key: String, value: JAny): Dictionary[JAny] = {
self.update(key, value)
def pattern(pattern: String, flags: String = "", index: UndefOr[Int] = undefined): B1 =
regexp(new RegExp(pattern, flags), index)
def regexp(r: RegExp, index: UndefOr[Int] = undefined): B1 = {
val d = Dictionary.empty[JAny].updated("match", r: MatchType)
index.foreach(d.update("index", _))
new B1(d)
def apply(f: String => RegExp, index: UndefOr[Int] = undefined): B1 = {
val d = Dictionary.empty[JAny].updated("match", f: MatchFn)
index.foreach(d.update("index", _))
new B1(d)
final class B1(val o: Dictionary[JAny]) extends AnyVal {
def apply [A](f: SearchFn[A]) : B2[A] = new B2[A](o.updated("search", f))
def search2[A](f: (String, Callback[A]) => Unit): B2[A] = apply(TextComplete search2 f)
def search3[A](f: (String, Callback[A], JArray[String]) => Unit): B2[A] = apply(TextComplete search3 f)
def search [A](f: String => Seq[A]) : B2[A] = search2((t, c) => c(JArray(f(t): _*)))
final class B2[A](val o: Dictionary[JAny]) extends AnyVal {
def apply (f: ReplaceFn[A]) : B3[A] = new B3(o.updated("replace", f))
def replace (f: A => String) : B3[A] = replaceE((a, _) => f(a))
def replaceE (f: (A, Event) => String) : B3[A] = apply(TextComplete replace1 f)
def replace2 (f: A => (String, String)) : B3[A] = replaceE2((a, _) => f(a))
def replaceE2(f: (A, Event) => (String, String)): B3[A] = apply(TextComplete replace2 f)
final class B3[A](val o: Dictionary[JAny]) extends AnyVal {
def update(key: String, value: JAny): B3[A] = {
o.update(key, value)
def index (i: Int ): B3[A] = update("index", i)
def cache (i: Boolean ): B3[A] = update("cache", i)
def template (i: (A, String) => String): B3[A] = update("template", i: JFn2[A, String, String])
def contextB (i: A => Boolean ): B3[A] = update("context", i: JFn1[A, Boolean])
def contextS (i: A => String ): B3[A] = update("context", i: JFn1[A, String])
def contextR (i: A => RegExp ): B3[A] = update("context", i: JFn1[A, RegExp])
def idProperty(i: String ): B3[A] = update("idProperty", i)
@inline def result: StrategyA[A] =
@inline implicit def autoResultFromB3[A](b: B3[A]): StrategyA[A] = b.result
type Strategies = JArray[Strategy]
@inline implicit def autoSingletonStrategy[A](s: StrategyA[A]): Strategies = {
val a: Strategies = new JArray(1)
a(0) = s
@inline def Strategies(ss: Strategy*): Strategies =
JArray(ss: _*)
type JQuerySel = Dynamic
// def apply(target: JQuerySel, strategy: Strategy[_]): JQuerySel =
// apply(target, JArray(strategy))
// def apply(target: JQuerySel, strategy: Strategy[_], options: UndefOr[Options]): JQuerySel =
// apply(target, JArray(strategy), options)
def apply(target: JQuerySel, strategies: Strategies): JQuerySel =
def apply(target: JQuerySel, strategies: Strategies, options: UndefOr[Options]): JQuerySel =
target.textcomplete(strategies, options)
/** If you want to "stop autocompleting". */
def destroy(target: JQuerySel): JQuerySel =
/** Fired with the selected value when a dropdown is selected. */
def onSelect(target: JQuerySel, f: (Event, String, Strategy) => Unit): JQuerySel =
target.on(Dynamic.literal(eventSelect -> (f: JFn3[Event, String, Strategy, Unit])))
/** Fired with the selected value when a dropdown is selected. */
def onSelect(target: JQuerySel, f: (Event, String) => Unit): JQuerySel =
target.on(Dynamic.literal(eventSelect -> (f: JFn2[Event, String, Unit])))
/** Fired with the selected value when a dropdown is selected. */
def onSelect(target: JQuerySel, f: (Event) => Unit): JQuerySel =
target.on(Dynamic.literal(eventSelect -> (f: JFn1[Event, Unit])))
/** Fired with the selected value when a dropdown is selected. */
def onSelect(target: JQuerySel)(f: => Unit): JQuerySel =
target.on(Dynamic.literal(eventSelect -> ((() => f): JFn0[Unit])))
/** Fired when a dropdown is shown. */
def onShow(target: JQuerySel, f: Event => Unit): JQuerySel =
target.on(Dynamic.literal(eventShow -> (f: JFn1[Event, Unit])))
/** Fired when a dropdown is shown. */
def onShow(target: JQuerySel)(f: => Unit): JQuerySel =
target.on(Dynamic.literal(eventShow -> ((() => f): JFn0[Unit])))
/** Fired when a dropdown is hidden. */
def onHide(target: JQuerySel, f: Event => Unit): JQuerySel =
target.on(Dynamic.literal(eventHide -> (f: JFn1[Event, Unit])))
/** Fired when a dropdown is hidden. */
def onHide(target: JQuerySel)(f: => Unit): JQuerySel =
target.on(Dynamic.literal(eventHide -> ((() => f): JFn0[Unit])))
// ===================================================================================================================
// Additional niceties
type Query[A] = String => Stream[A]
* Prevents auto-complete when the search term is empty.
* Prevents showing all options without criteria.
* Note that you can prevent this in your `match` regex.
def ignoreEmptyTerm[A](f: Query[A]): Query[A] =
term =>
if (term.isEmpty)
* Prevents auto-complete when the only result just what the user already has typed.
def ignorePerfectMatch[A](query: Query[A])(perfectMatch: (String, A) => Boolean): Query[A] =
term => {
val r = query(term)
if (r.lengthCompare(1) == 0 && perfectMatch(term, r.head))
def ignorePerfectMatchStr(query: Query[String]): Query[String] =
ignorePerfectMatch(query)(_ == _)
* Normalises term and options before comparison.
* @param options Pre-sorted options.
def normalisedStringQuery[A](norm: String => String, cmp: (String, String) => Boolean, options: Stream[String]): Query[String] = {
val os = => (norm(s), s))
term => {
val t2 = norm(term)
os.filter(o => cmp(o._1, t2)).map(_._2)
* Matches options containing the search string, where case is ignored.
* @param options Pre-sorted options.
def caseInsensitiveContains(options: Stream[String]): Query[String] =
normalisedStringQuery(_.toLowerCase, _ contains _, options))
* Matches options containing the search string, where case is ignored.
* @param options Pre-sorted options.
def caseInsensitiveStartsWith(options: Stream[String]): Query[String] =
normalisedStringQuery(_.toLowerCase, _ startsWith _, options))
package shipreq.webapp.client.lib
import japgolly.scalajs.react._, vdom.prefix_<^._
import org.scalajs.dom.html
sealed abstract class TextEditor {
type Dom <: html.Element
@inline final def asImplicit: TextEditor.OfType[Dom] = this
def tag: ReactTagOf[Dom]
def multiLine: Boolean
def value(d: Dom): String
def focus(d: Dom): Unit
def select(d: Dom): Unit
final def singleLine = !multiLine
object TextEditor {
type OfType[D <: html.Element] = TextEditor {type Dom = D}
implicit object Input extends TextEditor {
override type Dom = html.Input
override def tag = <.input(^.`type` := "text")
override def multiLine = false
override def value (d: Dom) = d.value
override def focus (d: Dom) = d.focus()
override def select(d: Dom) =
implicit object TextArea extends TextEditor {
override type Dom = html.TextArea
override def tag = <.textarea
override def multiLine = true
override def value (d: Dom) = d.value
override def focus (d: Dom) = d.focus()
override def select(d: Dom) =
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