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Created June 3, 2019 22:03
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package shipreq.base.util
import java.util.UUID
import scalaz.Functor
import scalaz.syntax.functor._
import scalaz.Scalaz.Id
/** Takes a potentially slow `String* => String` function and makes it super fast by executing it once,
* turning the result into a template, then using the template for all subsequent calls.
* This assumes provided functions are pure.
object Template {
// TODO These names are a monstrosity
// TODO Generate forall arities
def functor1A[F[_], A](f: A => F[String])(implicit F: Functor[F], p1: Param[A]): F[A => String] =
prepareF(1, a => f(p1.fromStr(a(0)))).map(t => (a: A) => t(Array(p1.toStr(a))))
def functor1[F[_]: Functor](f: String => F[String]): F[String => String] =
prepareF(1, a => f(a(0))).map(t => s => t(Array(s)))
def apply1(f: String => String): String => String = {
val t = prepare(1, a => f(a(0)))
s => t(Array(s))
def functor2A[F[_], A, B](f: (A, B) => F[String])(implicit F: Functor[F], p1: Param[A], p2: Param[B]): F[(A, B) => String] =
prepareF(2, a => f(p1.fromStr(a(0)), p2.fromStr(a(1)))).map(t => (a: A, b: B) => t(Array(p1.toStr(a), p2.toStr(b))))
final class Param[A](val fromStr: String => A, val toStr: A => String)
object Param {
def apply[A](fromStr: String => A)(toStr: A => String): Param[A] =
new Param(fromStr, toStr)
implicit val string: Param[String] = {
val id = (s: String) => s
def apply2(f: (String, String) => String): (String, String) => String = {
val t = prepare(2, a => f(a(0), a(1)))
(s1, s2) => t(Array(s1, s2))
private def prepare(arity: Int, f: Array[String] => String): Array[String] => String =
prepareF[Id](arity, f)
private def prepareF[F[_]: Functor](arity: Int, f: Array[String] => F[String]): F[Array[String] => String] = {
val ids = Array.fill(arity)(newId())
f(ids).map { templateWithIds =>
if (templateWithIds eq null)
_ => null
else {
val regex = {
val i = ids.mkString("|")
val r = s"(?=$i)|(?<=$i)"
def makeFragFn(frag: String): (Array[String], StringBuilder) => Unit =
ids.indexWhere(frag == _) match {
case -1 => (_, sb) => sb.append(frag)
case i => (a, sb) => sb.append(a(i))
val fragFns =
fragFns.length match {
case 0 =>
_ => ""
case 1 =>
val ff = fragFns(0)
a => {
val sb = new StringBuilder
ff(a, sb)
case len =>
a => {
val sb = new StringBuilder
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
fragFns(i)(a, sb)
i += 1
private def newId(): String =
"\u0001" + UUID.randomUUID().toString.replace("-", " ") + "\u0002"
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