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Created April 5, 2023 02:34
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PoC: TaskWatcher utility module
# ABSTRACT: Proof of concept of mass task spawning/watching with controlled parallelism
use Terminal::ANSIColor;
use Text::MiscUtils::Layout;
enum MessageType < TaskStart TaskExit TaskOut TaskErr >;
#| Messages communicated from a SubTask to the TaskWatcher
class TaskMessage {
has MessageType:D $.type is required;
has Cool:D $.task-id is required;
has $.content is required;
#| A subtask and its react loop
class SubTask {
has Cool:D $.id is required;
has Supplier:D $.dropbox is required;
has Str:D $.command is required;
has @.args;
has Str $.input;
has Real:D $.timeout = 0;
has UInt $.pid is built(False);
has Supplier $!control .= new;
has Supply $!quit = $!control.Supply;
has Proc::Async $!proc;
method force-quit() {
method start() {
die "Task $.id already started!" if $!proc;
$!proc = $.command, |@.args;
my sub emit-msg($type, $content) {
my $msg =$type, :$content, task-id => $.id);
start react {
my sub force-quit() {
# Signal SIGHUP immediately, and SIGKILL if still not exited
whenever {
$!proc.kill: SIGKILL;
whenever $!proc.stdout.lines { emit-msg(TaskOut, $_) }
whenever $!proc.stderr { emit-msg(TaskErr, $_) }
whenever $!proc.ready { emit-msg(TaskStart, $!pid = $_) }
whenever $!proc.start { emit-msg(TaskExit, $_); done }
whenever $!quit { force-quit }
if $.input.defined {
whenever $!proc.print($.input) { $!proc.close-stdin }
if $.timeout {
whenever$.timeout) { force-quit }
#| A task spawner/watcher with its own queue of work and message dispatch loop
class TaskWatcher {
has UInt:D $.max-tasks is required;
has Supplier::Preserving:D $!dropbox .= new;
has Supply:D $!inbox = $!dropbox.Supply;
has Str:D $!status = '';
has UInt:D $!task-count = 0;
has UInt:D $!exited = 0;
has SubTask:D @!queued;
has SubTask:D %!tasks;
method new-task(Str:D $command, *@args, Real:D :$timeout = 0) {
my $id = ++$!task-count;
@!queued.push:$id, :$command, :@args,
:$!dropbox, :$timeout);
method try-start-task() {
return unless $.active-tasks < $.max-tasks;
with @!queued.shift {
%!tasks{.id} = $_;
method queued-tasks() {
method active-tasks() {
method task-started($task) {
self.log("==> Started task $ $task.command()");
method task-exited($task, $exit-info) {
my $code = $exit-info.exitcode;
my $signal = $exit-info.signal;
self.log("<== Exited task $ with exit code $code, signal $signal");
method task-out($task, $content) {
self.log($'%4d: ') ~ $content);
method task-err($task, $content) {
self.log(colored($'%4d! ') ~ chomp($content), 'bold red'));
method log($content) {
put $content;;
method hide-status() {
my $width = duospace-width($!status);
print "\b" x $width ~ ' ' x $width ~ "\b" x $width;
method show-status() {
constant %color = exited => 'blue',
active => 'yellow',
queued => 'red';
my $key = join '/',
colored('Exited', %color<exited>),
colored('Active', %color<active>),
colored('Queued', %color<queued>);
my $counts = "$!exited / $.active-tasks / $.queued-tasks";
my $bar = '';
if $!task-count {
my $width = 40;
my $exited-width = floor($width * $!exited / $!task-count);
my $active-width = floor($width * $.active-tasks / $!task-count);
my $queued-width = $width - $exited-width - $active-width;
$bar = join '',
colored(' ' x $exited-width, 'on_' ~ %color<exited>),
colored(' ' x $active-width, 'on_' ~ %color<active>),
colored(' ' x $queued-width, 'on_' ~ %color<queued>);
$!status = "$key: $counts $bar";
print $!status;
method dispatch(TaskMessage $message) {
my $id = $message.task-id;
my $task = %!tasks{$id} or die "Unknown task ID $id";
given $message.type {
when TaskStart { self.task-started: $task }
when TaskExit { self.task-exited: $task, $message.content }
when TaskOut { self.task-out: $task, $message.content }
when TaskErr { self.task-err: $task, $message.content }
default { die "Unknown MessageType $_" }
method start() {
start react {
whenever $!inbox { self.dispatch($_) }
method wait() {
sleep .1 while $.queued-tasks || $.active-tasks;
#| Demo: Create and watch a number of trivial tasks, with parallelism $max-tasks
sub MAIN(UInt:D :$max-tasks = Kernel.cpu-cores) {
my $watcher =$max-tasks);
for ^20 {
my $script = $_ >= 10 ?? 'note "ERROR from task ' ~ ($_ + 1) ~ '"; sleep rand'
!! 'say "Hello from task ' ~ ($_ + 1) ~ '"; sleep rand';
$'raku', '-e', $script);
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