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Last active January 26, 2022 10:51
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Simulate many D&D mob rolls
### Introduction
# We're running a massive final D&D 5e battlefield, and would like to roll the dice!
# but having to roll 20d20 to determine if your army of archers hits is a pain
# so here is some R code to simulate dice-rolls for large groups of mobs.
# It shows you exactly what was rolled so you can still cheer on your army of champions!
# (except for individual damage dice, but I don't care too much about that)
### libraries
## library(tidyverse)
# I'm using glue for messages
### functions
#' Do a single dice roll
#' this allows you to roll e.g. 3d8 by calling `roll_dice(3, 8)`.
#' @return the total of the two dice
roll_dice <- function(n = 1, d = 20) {
sum(sample(seq_len(d), size = n, replace = TRUE))
#' Roll a d20
#' This is the special case for the d20, that allows you to roll with advantage/disadvantage
#' It returns only the roll, but can show a message with roll results if desired.
d20 <- function(advantage = FALSE, disadvantage = FALSE, verbose = advantage | disadvantage) {
# roll a d20
roll1 <- roll_dice(1, 20)
if (advantage & disadvantage) {
warning("You have specified both advantage and disadvantage, they cancel out.")
advantage <- disadvantage <- FALSE
# roll a second time
if (advantage | disadvantage) {
roll2 <- roll_dice(1, 20)
} else {
roll2 <- NA
if (advantage) {
roll <- max(roll1, roll2)
} else if (disadvantage) {
roll <- min(roll1, roll2)
} else {
roll <- roll1
if (verbose) {
msg <- paste0("with advantage"[advantage], "with disadvantage"[disadvantage])
## message(glue::glue("Rolling a d20 {msg}"))
if (advantage | disadvantage) {
msg2 <- glue::glue(" and a {roll2}")
} else {
msg2 <- ""
message(glue::glue("Rolled a: {roll1}{msg2}"))
#' Attack with a group of mobs
#' For example, a group of 20 3rd-level rangers with archery have a `to_hit` of 8
#' They deal 1d8 + 4 damage
#' Specify the defender's AC to see if they hit and to total the damage.
attack <- function(n_mobs = 20,
to_hit = +8,
dmg_die_n = 1,
dmg_die = 8,
dmg_bonus = +4,
AC = 15,
advantage = FALSE,
disadvantage = FALSE) {
# do n_mobs d20 rolls
rolls <- replicate(n_mobs, d20(advantage = advantage,
disadvantage = disadvantage))
crit_hit <- rolls == 20
crit_miss <- rolls == 1
crit_n <- sum(crit_hit)
crit_miss_n <- sum(crit_miss)
hits <- rolls + to_hit >= AC # for AC it's "equals or exceeds" PHB 194
hits[crit_hit] <- TRUE # a critical hit ALWAYS hits, regardless of the AC
hits[crit_miss] <- FALSE # a critical miss ALWAYS misses, regardless of the AC
hit_n <- sum(hits)
# do damage rolls
dmg_n <- hit_n + crit_n # we add damage dice rolls for critical hits
dmg <- replicate(dmg_n, roll_dice(dmg_die_n, dmg_die) + dmg_bonus)
tot <- sum(dmg)
list(d20 = rolls,
hit = rolls + to_hit,
crit_n = crit_n,
crit_miss_n = crit_miss_n,
hit_n = hit_n,
dmgn = dmg_n,
dmg = dmg,
tot = tot)
#' Roll saving throws for a group of mobs
#' For example, with a group of 20 archers who are proficient in DEX saves,
#' they roll d20+6 against the DC.
save <- function(n_mobs = 20,
skill_bonus = +6,
DC = 15,
advantage = FALSE,
disadvantage = FALSE) {
rolls <- replicate(n_mobs, d20(advantage = advantage,
disadvantage = disadvantage))
success <- rolls + skill_bonus >= DC # equal or exceed = PHB page 7 (unless contested roll)
success_n <- sum(success)
list(d20 = rolls, check = rolls + skill_bonus, success_n = success_n)
# a synonym for a skill save
#' Roll skill checks for a group of mobs
check <- save
### some examples
# attack with 15 human hunters with a shortsword.
attack(15, +6, 1, 8, +4, AC = 15)
#> $d20
#> [1] 20 1 19 6 6 10 10 8 7 17 1 11 16 13 11
#> $hit
#> [1] 26 7 25 12 12 16 16 14 13 23 7 17 22 19 17
#> $crit_n
#> [1] 1
#> $crit_miss_n
#> [1] 2
#> $hit_n
#> [1] 9
#> $dmgn
#> [1] 10
#> $dmg
#> [1] 8 5 11 7 9 9 10 12 12 10
#> $tot
#> [1] 93
# they can also attack with their off-hand using their bonus action, but for
# the damage we do not add the ability modifier
attack(15, +6, 1, 8, +0, AC = 15)
# our hunters are colossus slayers, so they deal an extra 1d8 damage if the
# target's HP is below it's max HP: (only once per turn, only for first attack)
attack(15, +6, 2, 8, +4, AC = 15)
# special case for our hunter's combined attack
hunters <- function(n = 20, AC, advantage = FALSE, disadvantage = FALSE) {
first <- attack(n, +6, 2, 8, +4, AC = AC, advantage = advantage, disadvantage = disadvantage)
second <- attack(n, +6, 1, 8, +0, AC = AC, advantage = advantage, disadvantage = disadvantage)
list(colossus = first, off_hand = second, sum = first$tot + second$tot)
#> $colossus
#> $colossus$d20
#> [1] 12 14 11 10 13 6 19 11 16 7 2 12 14 16 5
#> $colossus$hit
#> [1] 18 20 17 16 19 12 25 17 22 13 8 18 20 22 11
#> $colossus$crit_n
#> [1] 0
#> $colossus$crit_miss_n
#> [1] 0
#> $colossus$hit_n
#> [1] 12
#> $colossus$dmgn
#> [1] 12
#> $colossus$dmg
#> [1] 16 11 16 13 17 8 15 18 7 12 13 15
#> $colossus$tot
#> [1] 161
#> $off_hand
#> $off_hand$d20
#> [1] 6 10 13 14 13 14 13 10 7 16 20 5 2 13 11
#> $off_hand$hit
#> [1] 12 16 19 20 19 20 19 16 13 22 26 11 8 19 17
#> $off_hand$crit_n
#> [1] 1
#> $off_hand$crit_miss_n
#> [1] 0
#> $off_hand$hit_n
#> [1] 12
#> $off_hand$dmgn
#> [1] 13
#> $off_hand$dmg
#> [1] 7 4 1 1 5 2 3 2 1 8 7 7 1
#> $off_hand$tot
#> [1] 49
#> $sum
#> [1] 210
# attack with 19 archers that have a +8 bonus to hit. They are also colossus
# slayers so they roll 2d8+4 damage against an AC of 15, with advantage
attack(19, +8, 2, 8, +4, AC = 15, adv = TRUE)
#> Rolled a: 4 and a 15
#> Rolled a: 10 and a 18
#> Rolled a: 20 and a 16
#> Rolled a: 20 and a 12
#> Rolled a: 4 and a 13
#> Rolled a: 9 and a 12
#> Rolled a: 8 and a 16
#> Rolled a: 11 and a 16
#> Rolled a: 17 and a 18
#> Rolled a: 20 and a 9
#> Rolled a: 18 and a 13
#> Rolled a: 15 and a 18
#> Rolled a: 5 and a 17
#> Rolled a: 3 and a 19
#> Rolled a: 4 and a 14
#> Rolled a: 15 and a 16
#> Rolled a: 2 and a 14
#> Rolled a: 15 and a 8
#> Rolled a: 12 and a 6
#> $d20
#> [1] 15 18 20 20 13 12 16 16 18 20 18 18 17 19 14 16 14 15 12
#> $hit
#> [1] 23 26 28 28 21 20 24 24 26 28 26 26 25 27 22 24 22 23 20
#> $crit_n
#> [1] 3
#> $crit_miss_n
#> [1] 0
#> $hit_n
#> [1] 19
#> $dmgn
#> [1] 22
#> $dmg
#> [1] 12 9 9 10 19 13 17 13 13 15 13 9 6 15 14 9 17 8 7 15 8 10
#> $tot
#> [1] 261
# Do a stealth check for 15 human ranger hunters, who have +6 on stealth
check(15, +6, DC = 14)
#> $d20
#> [1] 16 4 4 7 6 3 7 14 5 18 4 3 9 7 14
#> $check
#> [1] 22 10 10 13 12 9 13 20 11 24 10 9 15 13 20
#> $success_n
#> [1] 5
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