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Last active April 14, 2020 15:35
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gr printf
~/cloned_repos/gnuradio$ rg 'fprintf\(stderr'
16:- Logging: removed all `std::cerr` and `fprintf(stderr,…)` by GNU Radio logging
193: // fprintf(stderr,"win32 AllocationGranularity
104: // fprintf(stderr, "pthread_setschedparam: policy = %d, pri = %d\n", policy, pri);
146: // fprintf(stderr, "sched_setscheduler: policy = %d, pri = %d\n", policy, pri);
535: // fprintf(stderr,"onPickerPointSelected %f %f %d\n", point.x(), point.y(),
544: // fprintf(stderr,"onPickerPointSelected %f %f %d\n", point.x(), point.y(),
415: // fprintf(stderr,"onPickerPointSelected %f %f\n", point.x(), point.y());
422: // fprintf(stderr,"onPickerPointSelected %f %f\n", point.x(), point.y());
72: // fprintf(stderr, ">>> enter_looking\n");
88: // fprintf(stderr, ">>> enter_under_threshold\n");
101: // fprintf(stderr, ">>> enter_locked d_center_osi = %d\n", d_center_osi);
104: // fprintf(stderr, ">>> enter_locked d_avg = %g\n", d_avg);
131: fprintf(stderr, "[%s] could not write to WAV file\n", __FILE__);
196: fprintf(stderr, "[%s] could not save WAV header\n", __FILE__);
87: fprintf(stderr,
33: fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [-n <nsteps>] [-t <ntaps>] [-B <bw>]\n", name);
89: fprintf(stderr, "%s: nsteps must be even\n", argv[0]);
94: fprintf(stderr, "%s: nsteps must be < %d\n", argv[0], MAX_NSTEPS);
99: fprintf(stderr, "%s: ntaps must be even\n", argv[0]);
104: fprintf(stderr, "%s: ntaps must be < %d\n", argv[0], MAX_NTAPS);
109: fprintf(stderr, "%s: bandwidth must be in the range (0, 0.5)\n", argv[0]);
115: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to allocate GSL integration work space\n", argv[0]);
137: fprintf(stderr, "Mu: %10.8f\t", global_mu);
138: fprintf(stderr, "Objective: %g\n", result);
33: fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [-n <nsteps>] [-t <ntaps>] [-B <bw>]\n", name);
89: fprintf(stderr, "%s: nsteps must be even\n", argv[0]);
94: fprintf(stderr, "%s: nsteps must be < %d\n", argv[0], MAX_NSTEPS);
99: fprintf(stderr, "%s: ntaps must be even\n", argv[0]);
104: fprintf(stderr, "%s: ntaps must be < %d\n", argv[0], MAX_NTAPS);
109: fprintf(stderr, "%s: bandwidth must be in the range (0, 0.5)\n", argv[0]);
115: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to allocate GSL integration work space\n", argv[0]);
144: fprintf(stderr, "Mu: %10.8f\t", global_mu);
145: fprintf(stderr, "Objective: %g\n", result);
82: fprintf(stderr, "CCITT ADPCM Decoder -- usage:\n");
83: fprintf(stderr, "\tdecode [-3|4|5] [-a|u|l] < infile > outfile\n");
84: fprintf(stderr, "where:\n");
85: fprintf(stderr, "\t-3\tProcess G.723 24kbps (3-bit) input data\n");
86: fprintf(stderr, "\t-4\tProcess G.721 32kbps (4-bit) input data [default]\n");
87: fprintf(stderr, "\t-5\tProcess G.723 40kbps (5-bit) input data\n");
88: fprintf(stderr, "\t-a\tGenerate 8-bit A-law data\n");
89: fprintf(stderr, "\t-u\tGenerate 8-bit u-law data [default]\n");
90: fprintf(stderr, "\t-l\tGenerate 16-bit linear PCM data\n");
87: fprintf(stderr, "CCITT ADPCM Encoder -- usage:\n");
88: fprintf(stderr, "\tencode [-3|4|5] [-a|u|l] < infile > outfile\n");
89: fprintf(stderr, "where:\n");
90: fprintf(stderr, "\t-3\tGenerate G.723 24kbps (3-bit) data\n");
91: fprintf(stderr, "\t-4\tGenerate G.721 32kbps (4-bit) data [default]\n");
92: fprintf(stderr, "\t-5\tGenerate G.723 40kbps (5-bit) data\n");
93: fprintf(stderr, "\t-a\tProcess 8-bit A-law input data\n");
94: fprintf(stderr, "\t-u\tProcess 8-bit u-law input data [default]\n");
95: fprintf(stderr, "\t-l\tProcess 16-bit linear PCM input data\n");
~/cloned_repos/gnuradio$ rg '\bprintf'
84: // printf("SetPriorityClass + SetThreadPriority\n");
125: // printf("SCHED_FIFO enabled with priority = %d\n", pri);
166: // printf("SCHED_FIFO enabled with priority = %d\n", pri);
67: // printf("%li\n", *(out-1), metric);
308: // printf("min %d\n", state);
130: // insert check printf("%d, %d, %d", ninput_items[0], noutput_items, d_counter);
183: // printf("winner: lane %u, punc_cycle %u, pos/neg corr %d", i, k,
190: // printf("winner: lane %u, punc_cycle %u, pos/neg corr %d", i, k,
218: // printf("producing");
116: printf("nblocks: %u, in_block_size: %d, got_input_size: %d\n",
171: printf("%+4.2f, ", llr_vec[(stage * block_size()) + row]);
38: // printf("ENCODER: inputSize = %d, outputSize = %d\n",inputSize, outputSize);
87: printf("filter[%d]: [", i);
89: printf(" %.4e", d_taps[i][j]);
91: printf("]\n\n");
75: // printf ("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n", expected, actual, expected - actual);
173: printf("Upper Band-edge: [");
175: printf(" %.4e + %.4ej,", tap.real(), tap.imag());
177: printf("]\n\n");
179: printf("Lower Band-edge: [");
181: printf(" %.4e + %.4ej,", tap.real(), tap.imag());
183: printf("]\n\n");
81: printf("filter[%d]: [", i);
83: printf(" %.4e", d_taps[i][j]);
85: printf("]\n\n");
103: // printf ("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f \n", expected.real(), actual.real(),
104: // expected.real() - actual.real()); printf ("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f \n",
51: // printf ("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n", expected, actual, expected - actual);
190: printf("filter[%d]: [", i);
192: printf(" %.4e", d_taps[i][j]);
194: printf("]\n\n");
127: // printf("Adding %d to the accum; the result is: %d.\n", d_stepsize,
131: // printf("Subtracting %d to the accum; the result is: %d.\n", d_stepsize,
171: // printf("got whole packet\n");
173: // printf("seqno %3d\n", d_pktbuf[0]);
189: // printf("%2d %d\n", hamming_dist, d_osi);
64: // printf ("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n", expected, actual, expected - actual);
100: // printf ("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n", expected, actual, expected - actual);
71: printf("cl: phase_error: %f phase: %f freq: %f sample: %f+j%f constellation: "
149: printf("filter[%d]: [", i);
151: printf(" %.4e", d_taps[i][j]);
153: printf("]\n");
350: printf("filter[%d]: [", i);
352: printf(" %.4e + j%.4e", d_taps[i][j].real(), d_taps[i][j].imag());
354: printf("]\n");
548: printf("filter[%d]: [", i);
550: printf(" %.4e", d_taps[i][j]);
552: printf("]\n");
136: // printf("forecast: Multiple = %d\n",multiple);
139: // printf("forecast: Output requirements: %d\n",noutput_items);
140: // printf("forecast: Input requirements: %d %d\n",input_required1,input_required2);
155: // printf("general_work:Streams: %d\n",nstreams);
167: // printf("general_work:Blocks: %d\n",nblocks);
169: // printf("general_work:Input items available: %d\n",ninput_items[i]);
28: printf("Number %d requires more than %d digits.", num, l);
52: printf("Number %d requires more than %d digits.", num, l);
65: // printf("file open error in interleaver()\n");
121: // printf("d_out_l=%f d_out_c=%f d_out_r=%f\n", d_out_l, d_out_c, d_out_r);
77: // printf("file open error in fsm()\n");
133: // printf("max_mem_x\n");
134: // for(int j=0;j<max_mem_x.size();j++) printf("%d ",max_mem_x[j]); printf("\n");
141: // printf("sum_max_mem = %d\n",sum_max_mem);
152: // printf("Gb\n");
153: // for(int m=0;m<Gb[j].size();m++) printf("%d ",Gb[j][m]); printf("\n");
160: // printf("bases_x\n");
161: // for(int j=0;j<max_mem_x.size();j++) printf("%d ",max_mem_x[j]); printf("\n");
180: // printf("state = %d \nstates = ",s);
181: // for(int j=0;j<sx.size();j++) printf("%d ",sx[j]); printf("\n");
184: // printf("input = %d \ninputs = ",i);
185: // for(int j=0;j<inb.size();j++) printf("%d ",inb[j]); printf("\n");
200: // printf("transition = %d \ntransitions = ",tx[j]);
201: // for(int m=0;m<tb[j].size();m++) printf("%d ",tb[j][m]); printf("\n");
212: // printf("output %d equals %d\n",nn,outb[nn]);
175: // printf("forecast: Multiple = %d\n",multiple);
178: // printf("forecast: Output requirements: %d\n",noutput_items);
179: // printf("forecast: Input requirements: %d %d\n",input_required1,input_required2);
195: // printf("general_work:Streams: %d\n",nstreams);
209: // printf("general_work:Blocks: %d\n",nblocks);
211: // printf("general_work:Input items available: %d\n",ninput_items[i]);
97: printf("%18s: cpu: %6.3f steps/sec: %10.3e\n",
91: printf("%18s: cpu: %6.3f steps/sec: %10.3e\n",
61: // printf("Forecast wants %d needs %d\n",noutput_items,ninput_items_required[i]);
104: // printf("here msb %d\n",i);
114: // printf("here lsb %d\n",i);
126: // printf("almost got to end\n");
134: // printf("got to end\n");
353: void set_config4rpc(std::string set) { printf("Set string was:%s\n", set.c_str()); }
1155: printf("sizeof(pmt_t) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_t));
1156: printf("sizeof(pmt_base) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_base));
1157: printf("sizeof(pmt_bool) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_bool));
1158: printf("sizeof(pmt_symbol) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_symbol));
1159: printf("sizeof(pmt_integer) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_integer));
1160: printf("sizeof(pmt_uint64) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_uint64));
1161: printf("sizeof(pmt_real) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_real));
1162: printf("sizeof(pmt_complex) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_complex));
1163: printf("sizeof(pmt_null) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_null));
1164: printf("sizeof(pmt_pair) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_pair));
1165: printf("sizeof(pmt_vector) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_vector));
1166: printf("sizeof(pmt_uniform_vector) = %3zd\n", sizeof(pmt_uniform_vector));
74: printf("WARNING: pycallback_object get() called without py callback set!\n");
134: printf("TYPE NOT IMPLEMENTED!\n");
21: // printf("\nBinary\n");
24: // printf("in: %f out: %d desired: %d\n", x[i], y, z[i]);
29: // printf("\nBranchless Binary\n");
32: // printf("in: %f out: %d desired: %d\n", x[i], y, z[i]);
47: // printf("\nQuad0\n");
50: // printf("in: %.4f+j%.4f out: %d desired: %d\n", x[i].real(), x[i].imag(), y,
56: // printf("\nBranchless Quad0\n");
59: // printf("in: %.4f+j%.4f out: %d desired: %d\n", x[i].real(), x[i].imag(), y,
76: // printf("\nQuad45\n");
79: // printf("in: %.4f+j%.4f out: %d desired: %d\n", x[i].real(), x[i].imag(), y,
85: // printf("\nBranchless Quad45\n");
88: // printf("in: %.4f+j%.4f out: %d desired: %d\n", x[i].real(), x[i].imag(), y,
59: // printf ("Fxpt max error %.9f, max phase error %.9f\n", max_error,
86: // printf ("Fxpt max error %.9f, max phase error %.9f\n", max_error,
114: // printf ("Fxpt max error %.9f, max phase error %.9f\n", max_error,
47: // printf ("i = %6d\n", i);
67: // printf ("Fxpt max error %.9f, max phase error %.9f\n", max_error,
97: // printf ("Fxpt max error %.9f, max phase error %.9f\n", max_error,
69: // printf("oo = %d, ii = %d, d_offset = %d, noutput_items = %d, ninput_items[0] =
70: // %d", oo, ii, d_offset, noutput_items, ninput_items[0]); printf(", d_periodicity
80: // printf("copy tag from in@%d to out@%d\n", int(tags[i].offset),
89: // printf("copy %d from input\n", max_copy);
91: // printf(" * memcpy returned.\n");
97: // printf("copy %d from d_data[%d] to out[%d]\n", max_copy, d_offset, oo);
99: // printf(" * memcpy returned.\n");
102: // printf(" ## (inelse) oo = %d, d_offset = %d\n", oo, d_offset);
105: // printf(" # exit else, on to next loop.\n");
107: // printf(" # got out of loop\n");
109: // printf("consume = %d, produce = %d\n", ii, oo);
82: printf("P(%d|1) = %lg, P(%d|0) = %lg\n", s, p1, s, p0);
100: printf("symbol Pe = %lg\n", normal(-1 / noise));
107: printf("metrics[%d][%d] = %lg, mettab = %d\n",
194: printf("metrics[%d] = %d state = %lx\n",
219: // printf ("BS = %d\tBSM = %d\tM0 =
419:// printf ("BS = %d\tBSM = %d\tM0 =
69: // printf("noutput_items %d\n",noutput_items);
79: // printf("Entered State 1: %f i: %d noutput_items: %d\n", iptr[i], i,
93: // printf("Leaving State 1: Peak: %f Peak Ind: %d i: %d noutput_items:
100: // printf("Leave in State 0, produced %d\n",noutput_items);
103: // printf("Leave in State 1, only produced %d of %d\n",peak_ind,noutput_items);
53: printf("%04x: ", ((unsigned int)i));
55: printf("%02x ", d[j]);
161: printf("SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC\n");
185: printf("Seg %ld Symb %3ld Trell %2d Byte %6d Bits %d-%d = dibit %d ",
202: printf("sym %d\n", symbol);
258: printf("peak real = %+e, %+e, %d, %d\n",
263: printf("peak imag = %+e, %+e, %d, %d\n",
153: // printf( "d_timing_adjust = %f\n", d_timing_adjust );
92: // self->d_log->printf("PAsrc cb: f/b = %4ld\n", framesPerBuffer);
49: printf("Number of devices found = %d\n", numDevices);
53: printf("--------------------------------------- device #%d\n", i);
57: printf("[ Default Input");
61: printf("[ Default %s Input", hostInfo->name);
66: printf((defaultDisplayed ? "," : "["));
67: printf(" Default Output");
71: printf((defaultDisplayed ? "," : "["));
72: printf(" Default %s Output", hostInfo->name);
76: printf(" ]\n");
79: printf("Name = %s\n", deviceInfo->name);
80: printf("Host API = %s\n",
82: printf("Max inputs = %d", deviceInfo->maxInputChannels);
83: printf(", Max outputs = %d\n", deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels);
85: printf("Default low input latency = %8.3f\n",
87: printf("Default low output latency = %8.3f\n",
89: printf("Default high input latency = %8.3f\n",
91: printf("Default high output latency = %8.3f\n",
148: printf("Seg %ld Symb %3ld Trell %2d Byte %6d Bits %d-%d = ",
190: printf("/*\n\
199: printf("const unsigned int sync_symbol_indices_max = %d;\n", sync_symbol_indices_max);
200: printf("const unsigned int sync_symbol_indices[%d] = {\n ", sync_symbol_indices_max);
202: printf("%d,%s", sync_symbol_indices[i], (7 == i % 8) ? "\n " : " ");
204: printf("};\n\n");
214: printf("const unsigned int enco_which_max = %d;\n", enco_which_max);
216: printf("const unsigned int enco_which_syms[%d][%d] = {\n", ENCODERS, enco_which_max);
218: printf(" /* %d */\n {", i);
220: printf("%d,%s", enco_which_syms[i][j], (7 == j % 8) ? "\n " : " ");
221: printf("},\n");
223: printf("};\n\n");
225: printf(
228: printf(" /* %d */\n {", i);
230: printf("%d,%s", enco_which_dibits[i][j], (7 == j % 8) ? "\n " : " ");
231: printf("},\n");
233: printf("};\n\n");
162: // printf("%d ", i);
170: printf("aO");
73: // printf("Bit addr %d byte addr %d residue %d val
156: printf ("genpoly:\n");
158: printf (" %3d*X^%d\n", rs->alpha_to[rs->genpoly[i]], i);
64: printf("Testing fixed (255,223) RS codec...");
69: printf("OK\n");
71: printf("Testing CCSDS standard (255,223) RS codec...");
76: printf("OK\n");
85: printf("Testing (%d,%d) RS codec...", nn, kk);
93: printf("init_rs_char failed!\n");
104: printf("init_rs_int failed!\n");
109: printf("init_rs_init support is not enabled\n");
115: printf("OK\n");
120: printf("All codec tests passed!\n");
122: printf("count = %d no_eras = %d\n lambda(x) is WRONG\n", count, no_eras);
127: printf("\n Erasure positions as determined by roots of Eras Loc Poly:\n");
129: printf("%d ", loc[i]);
130: printf("\n");
205: printf("count %d root %d loc %d\n", count, i, k);
261: printf("\n ERROR: denominator = 0\n");
14: printf("unsigned char CCSDS_alpha_to[] = {");
17: printf("\n");
18: printf("0x%02x,", rs->alpha_to[i]);
20: printf("\n};\n\nunsigned char CCSDS_index_of[] = {");
23: printf("\n");
24: printf("%3d,", rs->index_of[i]);
26: printf("\n};\n\nunsigned char CCSDS_poly[] = {");
29: printf("\n");
31: printf("%3d,", rs->genpoly[i]);
33: printf("\n};\n");
36: printf("unsigned char Taltab[] = {\n");
39: printf("\n");
40: printf("0x%02x,", Taltab[i]);
42: printf("\n};\n\nunsigned char Tal1tab[] = {");
45: printf("\n");
46: printf("0x%02x,", Tal1tab[i]);
48: printf("\n};\n");
33:#define PRINTPARM printf("(255,223):");
35:#define PRINTPARM printf("CCSDS (255,223):");
37:#define PRINTPARM printf("(%d,%d):", rs->nn, rs->nn - rs->nroots);
115: printf(" decoder says %d errors, true number is %d\n", derrors, errors);
121: printf(" decoder indicates error in location %d without error\n", i);
127: printf(" uncorrected errors! output ^ input:");
130: printf(" %02x", tblock[i] ^ block[i]);
131: printf("\n");
41: printf(" { ");
43: printf("%12.5e", x[i]);
45: printf(", ");
47: printf(" }, // %3d/%d\n", imu, nsteps);
146: printf("\
153: printf("static constexpr int DNTAPS = %4d;\n", ntaps);
154: printf("static constexpr int DNSTEPS = %4d;\n", nsteps);
155: printf("static constexpr double DBANDWIDTH = %g;\n\n", global_B);
157: printf("static constexpr float Dtaps[DNSTEPS+1][DNTAPS] = {\n");
158: printf(" // -4 -3 -2 -1 0 "
165: printf("};\n\n");
41: printf(" { ");
43: printf("%12.5e", x[i]);
45: printf(", ");
47: printf(" }, // %3d/%d\n", imu, nsteps);
161: printf("\
168: printf("static constexpr int NTAPS = %4d;\n", ntaps);
169: printf("static constexpr int NSTEPS = %4d;\n", nsteps);
170: printf("static constexpr double BANDWIDTH = %g;\n\n", global_B);
172: printf("static constexpr float taps[NSTEPS+1][NTAPS] = {\n");
173: printf(" // -4 -3 -2 -1 0 "
180: printf("};\n\n");
~/cloned_repos/gnuradio$ rg 'cerr'
16:- Logging: removed all `std::cerr` and `fprintf(stderr,…)` by GNU Radio logging
28: // std::cerr << "tpb_thread_body: " << block << std::endl;
101: std::cerr << "WARNING: Config file '" << fname
103: std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
104: std::cerr << "Skipping it" << std::endl;
107: std::cerr << "WARNING: Config file '" << fname
53:// catch (Swig::DirectorException &e) { std::cerr << e.getMessage(); SWIG_fail; }
153: std::cerr << "Logger config failed :" << e.what() << std::endl;
232: app = new log4cpp::OstreamAppender("ConsoleAppender::", &std::cerr);
559: std::cerr << "block_executor: source " << m
332: // std::cerr << "reader: " << r << " alignment: " << ri << std::endl;
344: // std::cerr << "writer: " << w << " alignment: " << wi << std::endl;
78: // std::cerr << "Creating FFTW wisdom lockfile: " << wisdom_lock_file << std::endl;
150: // std::cerr << "thrift_server_template: i_impl" << std::endl;
519: * \param target Std target to write 'cout' or 'cerr' (default is cout)
531: * \param target Std target to write 'cout' or 'cerr' (default is cout)
836: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING SET: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << std::endl;
897: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING SET: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << std::endl;
1001: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING TRIGGER: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << std::endl;
1042: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING TRIGGER: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << std::endl;
1167: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING GET: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << std::endl;
1210: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING GET CONST: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << " " <<
1273: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING GET: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << std::endl;
1316: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING GET CONST: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << " " <<
1469: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING VAR: " << " " << desc_ << std::endl;
1639: // std::cerr << "REGISTERING GET: " << d_id << " " << desc_ << std::endl;
348: // std::cerr << "old secs: " << secs << std::endl;
349: // std::cerr << "old fracs: " << fracs << std::endl;
350: // std::cerr << "seg size: " << d_total_seg_size << std::endl;
351: // std::cerr << "diff: " << diff << std::endl;
358: // std::cerr << "new secs: " << secs << std::endl;
359: // std::cerr << "new fracs: " << fracs << std::endl << std::endl;
380: std::cerr << std::endl
223: std::cerr << "source(): max # samples = " << d_buffer_sample_count << std::endl;
333: std::cerr << std::endl
367: std::cerr << std::endl
390: std::cerr << "---- Client Stream Format (Before) ----" << std::endl
439: std::cerr << "---- Client Stream Format (After) ----" << std::endl
648: std::cerr << std::endl
684: std::cerr << "alloc_audio_buffer_list: (#chan, #bytes) == (" << n_channels << ", "
733: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self())) << " : audio_osx_source::start: Starting."
740: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
762: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self())) << " : audio_osx_source::start: Returning."
772: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self())) << " : audio_osx_source::stop: Starting."
778: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
795: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self())) << " : audio_osx_source::stop: Returning."
805: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self())) << " : audio_osx_source::teardown: Starting."
930: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self())) << " : audio_osx_source::teardown: Returning."
963: std::cerr << "chk_topo: Actual # user output channels = " << noutputs << std::endl;
974: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self())) << " : audio_osx_source::work: Starting."
1002: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: doing reset." << std::endl;
1019: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: mutex locked." << std::endl;
1026: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: returning after reset." << std::endl;
1035: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: mutex locked." << std::endl;
1039: std::cerr << "work1: SC = " << d_queue_sample_count << ", #OI = " << noutput_items
1060: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: waiting." << std::endl;
1066: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: done waiting." << std::endl;
1075: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: "
1085: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: no data "
1098: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: copying " << actual_noutput_items
1130: std::cerr << "work2: SC = " << d_queue_sample_count
1135: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::work: returning." << std::endl;
1160: std::cerr << "cc1: io#DP = " << (*io_number_data_packets)
1173: std::cerr << "cc2: Returning." << std::endl;
1187: std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
1196: std::cerr << "audio_osx_source::au_input_callback: mutex locked." << std::endl;
1202: std::cerr << "cb0: in#Fr = " << in_number_frames << ", inBus# = " << in_bus_number
1281: std::cerr << "cb1: avail: #IF = " << available_input_frames
1305: std::cerr << "cb2: actual: #IF = " << This->d_n_actual_input_frames
1308: std::cerr << "cb2.1: avail#IF = " << available_input_frames
1322: std::cerr << "cb3: enqueuing audio data." << std::endl;
1343: std::cerr << "cb4: #OI = " << actual_output_frames
1355: std::cerr << "cb5: returning." << std::endl;
14:using std::cerr;
209: cerr << "Encoder " << i << " has different max_dibits "
239: cerr << "atsc_viterbi_gen: Usage:\n";
240: cerr << " ./atsc_viterbi_gen -o\n";
241: cerr << "That's all, folks!\n";
29: // std::cerr << "rpcserver_thrift::ctor" ;
34: // std::cerr << "rpcserver_thrift::dtor" ;
~/cloned_repos/gnuradio$ rg 'cout'
237: std::cout << "nU";
82: // std::cout << "readloop\n";
55: std::cout << desc << std::endl;
60: std::cout << gr::prefix() << std::endl;
63: std::cout << gr::sysconfdir() << std::endl;
66: std::cout << gr::prefsdir() << std::endl;
69: std::cout << gr::userconf_path() << std::endl;
72: std::cout << gr::prefs::singleton()->to_string() << std::endl;
75: std::cout << gr::build_date() << std::endl;
78: std::cout << gr::build_time_enabled_components() << std::endl;
81: std::cout << gr::version() << std::endl;
84: std::cout << gr::c_compiler() << std::endl;
87: std::cout << gr::cxx_compiler() << std::endl;
90: std::cout << gr::compiler_flags() << std::endl;
58: // std::cout << "register_symbolic_name: " << ss.str() << std::endl;
77: std::cout << "Validating block: " << (*p) << std::endl;
126: std::cout << "check_valid_port( " << e.block() << ", " << e.port() << ")\n";
130: std::cout << "Could not find port: " << e.port() << " in:" << std::endl;
134: std::cout << it->first << std::endl;
135: std::cout << std::endl;
65: // std::cout<<"GNURadio Reloading logger
75: std::cout << "GNURadio leaving logger config file watch." << std::endl;
94: // std::cout<<"GNURadio Loading logger
230: app = new log4cpp::OstreamAppender("ConsoleAppender::", &std::cout);
30: GR_ADD_CONSOLE_APPENDER("main", "cout", "%d{%H:%M:%S} : %m%n");
docs/usage-manual/(exported from wiki) Polymorphic Types (PMTs).txt
53: std::cout << P << std::endl;
56: std::cout << P2 << std::endl;
57: std::cout << pmt::is_complex(P2) << std::endl;
130: std::cout << "Equal!" << std::endl; // This line will never be reached
472: std::cout << "The PMT a contains " << a << std::endl;
360: std::cout << "set_min_output_buffer on block " << unique_id() << " to "
597: // std::cout << "system_handler " << msg << "\n";
603: std::cout << "WARNING: bad message op on system port!\n";
docs/usage-manual/(exported from wiki) Message Passing.txt
277: std::cout << "***** MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT ********\n";
279: std::cout << "**********************************\n";
76: std::cout << "connect: block is hierarchical, setting parent to " << this
92: std::cout << "connecting: " << endpoint(src, src_port) << " -> "
104: std::cout << "connect: src is hierarchical, setting parent to " << this
111: std::cout << "connect: dst is hierarchical, setting parent to " << this
150: std::cout << "connecting message port..." << std::endl;
175: std::cout << "msg_connect: src is hierarchical, setting parent to " << this
182: std::cout << "msg_connect: dst is hierarchical, setting parent to " << this
189: std::cout << boost::format("msg_connect( (%s, %s, %d), (%s, %s, %d) )\n") % src %
201: std::cout << "disconnecting message port..." << std::endl;
258: std::cout << "disconnect: block is hierarchical, clearing parent"
275: std::cout << "disconnect: block found in edge " << (*p) << std::endl;
297: std::cout << "disconnecting: " << endpoint(src, src_port) << " -> "
309: std::cout << "disconnect: src is hierarchical, clearing parent" << std::endl;
315: std::cout << "disconnect: dst is hierarchical, clearing parent" << std::endl;
449: std::cout << "Resolving port " << port << " as an "
520: std::cout << "Block " << endp.block() << " is a leaf node, returning."
530: std::cout << "Resolving endpoint " << endp << " as an "
543: std::cout << " ** Flattening " << d_owner->name()
564: std::cout << "Getting (" << (d_owner->alias()).c_str() << ") min buffer"
570: std::cout << "Getting (" << (d_owner->alias()).c_str() << ") max buffer"
588: std::cout << "Block (" << (bb->alias()).c_str()
597: std::cout << "HBlock (" << (hh->alias()).c_str()
613: std::cout << "Block (" << (bb->alias()).c_str()
622: std::cout << "HBlock (" << (hh->alias()).c_str()
640: std::cout << "Block (" << (bb->alias()).c_str()
649: std::cout << "HBlock (" << (hh->alias()).c_str()
665: std::cout << "Block (" << (bb->alias()).c_str()
674: std::cout << "HBlock (" << (hh->alias()).c_str()
686: std::cout << "Flattening stream connections: " << std::endl;
690: std::cout << "Flattening edge " << (*p) << std::endl;
699: std::cout << (*s) << "->" << (*d) << std::endl;
707: std::cout << "Flattening msg connections: " << std::endl;
712: std::cout << boost::format(
721: std::cout << "hier incoming port: " << q->src() << std::endl;
727: std::cout << "hier outgoing port: " << q->dst() << std::endl;
733: std::cout << "internal msg connection: " << q->src() << "-->" << q->dst()
744: std::cout << "sfg->clear_endpoint(" << (*it).first << ", " << (*it).second
756: std::cout << "not connecting hier connection!" << std::endl;
800: std::cout << "Block (" << (bb->alias()).c_str() << ") Port ("
809: std::cout << "HBlock (" << (hh->alias()).c_str() << ") Port ("
824: std::cout << "Block (" << (bb->alias()).c_str() << ") Port ("
833: std::cout << "HBlock (" << (hh->alias()).c_str() << ") Port ("
853: std::cout << "flatten_aux: recursing into hierarchical block "
868: std::cout << "flatten_aux finished in top_block" << std::endl;
886: std::cout << "lock: entered in " << this << std::endl;
897: std::cout << "unlock: entered in " << this << std::endl;
132: // std::cout << "constraining output items to " << block->max_output_buffer(port)
159: // std::cout << "make_buffer(" << nitems << ", " << item_size << ", " << grblock <<
373: std::cout << " edge: " << (*e) << std::endl;
376: std::cout << " block: " << (*p) << std::endl;
378: std::cout << " detail @" << detail << ":" << std::endl;
384: std::cout << " output " << i << ": " << buffer << std::endl;
389: std::cout << " reader " << i << ": " << reader
47: std::cout << "Could not open the file" << std::endl;
117: std::cout << "Data not ok, exiting" << std::endl;
164: std::cout << "Indices in column " << column << std::endl;
166: std::cout << nlist[column][i] << ", ";
168: std::cout << nlist[column][num_nlist[column] - 1] << std::endl;
173: std::cout << "Indices in row " << row << std::endl;
175: std::cout << mlist[row][i] << ", ";
177: std::cout << mlist[row][num_mlist[row] - 1] << std::endl;
254: std::cout << gsl_matrix_get((gsl_matrix*)(M.get()), i, j) << " ";
256: std::cout << std::endl;
258: std::cout << std::endl;
260: std::cout << "numpy.matrix([ ";
262: std::cout << "[ ";
264: std::cout << gsl_matrix_get((gsl_matrix*)(M.get()), i, j) << ", ";
266: std::cout << "], ";
268: std::cout << "])" << std::endl;
303: std::cout << "Error in add_matrices_mod2. Matrices do"
308: std::cout << "Error in add_matrices_mod2. Matrices do"
340: std::cout << "Error in "
109: std::cout << "Error in set_parameters_for_encoding while "
149: std::cout << "Error in set_parameters_for_encoding while"
212: std::cout << "Error in "
216: std::cout << "Error in ldpc_H_matrix::back_solve_mod2\n";
66: std::cout << int(H[i][j]) << " ";
68: std::cout << '\n';
162: std::cout << "[";
164: std::cout << (int)*(temp + i) << " ";
166: std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
174: std::cout << "( ";
176: std::cout << (int)*bits++ << ", ";
178: std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
139: // std::cout << "ntaps: " << taps.size() << std::endl;
140: // print_taps(std::cout, taps);
153: // std::cout << "ntaps: " << taps.size() << std::endl;
154: // print_taps(std::cout, taps);
173: // std::cout << "ntaps: " << taps.size() << std::endl;
174: // print_taps(std::cout, taps);
189: // std::cout << "ntaps: " << taps.size() << std::endl;
190: // print_taps(std::cout, taps);
204: // std::cout << "ntaps: " << taps.size() << std::endl;
205: // print_taps(std::cout, taps);
225: // std::cout << "ntaps: " << taps.size() << std::endl;
226: // print_taps(std::cout, taps);
169: std::cout << row << "->" << int(bit_reverse(row, block_power())) << ":\t";
173: std::cout << std::endl;
56: std::cout << permute[i] << ", ";
58: std::cout << "\n";
56: std::cout << int(vec[i]) << " ";
58: std::cout << '\n';
139: std::cout << "file not found " << std::endl;
216: std::cout << error << std::endl;
45: std::cout << boost::format(
65: std::cout << boost::format("UHD Tags Demo %s") % desc << std::endl
122: std::cout << "starting flow graph" << std::endl;
129: std::cout << "press ctrl + c to exit" << std::endl;
137: std::cout << "stopping flow graph" << std::endl;
141: std::cout << "done!" << std::endl;
1339: // std::cout << k << std::endl;
1345: // std::cout << prioro1[k*FSM1.O()+i] << ", ";
1347: // std::cout << std::endl;
1377: // std::cout << posti1[k*FSM1.I()+i] << ", ";
1378: // std::cout << std::endl;
1436: // std::cout << data[k] << ", "<< std::endl;
1438: // std::cout << std::endl;
1525: // std::cout << k << std::endl;
1531: // std::cout << prioro1[k*FSM1.O()+i] << ", ";
1533: // std::cout << std::endl;
1563: // std::cout << posti1[k*FSM1.I()+i] << ", ";
1564: // std::cout << std::endl;
1622: // std::cout << data[k] << ", "<< std::endl;
1624: // std::cout << std::endl;
493: // std::cout << "################## BEGIN SVG TRELLIS PIC #####################" <<
560: // std::cout << "################## END SVG TRELLIS PIC ##################### " <<
45: // std::cout << d_K << "\n";
75: std::cout << boost::format("Allocated virtual ethernet interface: %s\n"
106: // std::cout << std::endl << "Found start of burst: "
129: // std::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
130: // std::cout.precision(8);
131: // std::cout << "Time found: " << (double)tsecs + tfrac <<
132: // std::endl; std::cout << " time: " << d_timeval << std::endl;
133: // std::cout << " time at N = " << time_nitems << " burst N = "
139: // std::cout << "Time not found" << std::endl;
140: // std::cout << " time: " << d_timeval << std::endl;
171: // std::cout << "Created new file: " << filename.str() << std::endl;
187: // std::cout << "Found end of burst: "
118: // std::cout << "Thrift Single-threaded server" << std::endl;
123: // std::cout << "Thrift Multi-threaded server : " << d_nthreads << std::endl;
519: * \param target Std target to write 'cout' or 'cerr' (default is cout)
531: * \param target Std target to write 'cout' or 'cerr' (default is cout)
141:void pmt::print(pmt_t v) { std::cout << write_string(v) << std::endl; }
279: // std::cout << v << std::endl;
280: // std::cout << t2 << std::endl;
383: // std::cout << "pmt::dict_keys: " << pmt::dict_keys(dict) << std::endl;
384: // std::cout << "pmt::dict_values: " << pmt::dict_values(dict) << std::endl;
30: std::cout << "******* MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT ********\n";
32: std::cout << "************************************\n";
45: std::cout << "* MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT PDU VERBOSE *\n";
48: std::cout << "pdu_length = " << len << std::endl;
49: std::cout << "contents = " << std::endl;
58: std::cout << std::endl;
61: std::cout << "***********************************\n";
140: std::cout << sout.str();
140: std::cout << std::endl << "qa_block_tags::t1" << std::endl;
144: std::cout << "tags3[" << i << "] = " << tags3[i] << "\t\t" << expected_tags3[i]
150: std::cout << std::endl;
152: std::cout << "tags4[" << i << "] = " << tags4[i] << "\t\t" << expected_tags4[i]
244: std::cout << std::endl << "qa_block_tags::t2" << std::endl;
251: std::cout << "tags2[" << i << "] = " << tags2[i] << "\t\t" << expected_tags2[i]
256: std::cout << std::endl;
258: std::cout << "tags2[" << i << "] = " << tags4[i] << "\t\t" << expected_tags4[i]
336: std::cout << std::endl << "qa_block_tags::t3" << std::endl;
340: std::cout << "tags3[" << i << "] = " << tags3[i] << "\t\t" << expected_tags3[i]
346: std::cout << std::endl;
348: std::cout << "tags4[" << i << "] = " << tags4[i] << "\t\t" << expected_tags4[i]
449: std::cout << std::endl << "qa_block_tags::t5" << std::endl;
452: std::cout << "tags1.size(): " << tags1.size() << std::endl;
454: std::cout << "tags1[" << i << "] = " << tags1[i] << "\t\t" << expected_tags1[i]
460: std::cout << std::endl;
461: std::cout << "tags2.size(): " << tags2.size() << std::endl;
463: std::cout << "tags2[" << i << "] = " << tags2[i] << "\t\t" << expected_tags2[i]
28: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t0()\n";
38: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t1()\n";
54: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t2()\n";
73: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t3()\n";
94: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t4()\n";
121: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t5()\n";
139: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t6()\n";
167: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t7()\n";
187: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t8()\n";
217: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t9()\n";
237: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t10()\n";
289: std::cout << "qa_top_block::t12()\n";
138: std::cout << desc << std::endl;
144: std::cout << "Error: failed to enable real-time scheduling." << std::endl;
156: std::cout << "Press Enter to quit: ";
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