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Jared Brodsky jarbro

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jarbro /
Last active December 20, 2024 05:12
Generate Symantec VIP Access Token as TOTP

Generate Symantec VIP Access Token as OTP

Recently I came across a web service that required two-factor authentication using the Symantec VIP Access App. I already manage all of my OTP tokens in a different app (If you are on iOS I highly recommend using OTP Auth by Roland Moers.) and did not want to have to use yet another app to generate the TOTP.

There is a way to generate a Symantec VIP Access compatible token very easily if you have access to an environment which can run Python PIP. I happen to have Ubuntu Windows Subsystem Linux running on my machine. (If you are running Windows 10 and don't have this you should really check it out.) Let's get started...



Here we install python3-pip and qrencode so we can generate our secret, I

jarbro /
Last active July 12, 2022 12:29
DNS Made Easy 2048 bit DKIM Support

DNS Made Easy 2048 bit DKIM support

If you have ever attempted to create your own DKIM key for your own mail server you know it can be a daunting task. Every flavor SMTP DKIM configuration is a bit different. Though once you've gotten your SMTP server configured with your private and public key, the easiest part of the entire process should be to make the necessary changes at your DNS provider,right? Unfortunately, not all providers support automatically accepting 2048 bit DKIM keys and you are ready to bang your head against the wall. Why dont they support a 2048 bit key or larger? Well, their system wont automatically handle keys larger than 255 contiguous characters because they haven't updated their interfaces to handle RFC 4408. More on this in a bit.

If you are using DNS Made Easy like I was, you probably ran across the error when trying to enter your DKIM key.

"Contiguous strings may not be longer than 255 characters"

Thankfully, [DNS RFC 4408](https

jarbro /
Last active September 1, 2016 18:58
Substituting multiple items in FileMaker

Substituting multiple items in FileMaker


substitute ( text ; searchString ; replaceString ) This function replaces the “search-sting” by specific “replace-string” in your text.


If you have colors as “Red” & ¶ & “Green” & ¶ & “Blue” & ¶ & “Yellow” and you want to replace the text “Red” as “R” then the syntax will be

jarbro /
Last active September 12, 2018 03:34
FileMaker Openfire REST API Integration

FileMaker Openfire API Integration

We've been using Openfire XMPP at my company since ~2004 and wanted to be able to push out some alerts to our users from FileMaker using our existing chat client. In this example we are just going to send a system broadcast message to all users. For other uses you can find the Full REST API documentation here.

What you will need.

  • Latest Version of Openfire XMPP server Link
  • FileMaker Pro or Server
  • Base Elements Plugin download or FileMaker Pro 16.
  • Time, Love & Tenderness

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jarbro on github.
  • I am jarbro ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is DA0A 3053 6077 5177 C87B 9F19 9C07 24F1 40C3 8E39

To claim this, I am signing this object:

jarbro /
Created August 4, 2016 16:30
One-Click Ghost Installer (Updated for nodejs 4)
# Written by Andy Boutte and David Balderston of and
# will download and install all needed compontents to run Ghost
# Updated by @jarbro to install nodejs 4 the current recommended version
echo ""