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Created June 26, 2014 04:35
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Determine if given location is directed at an entity
public static boolean isLookingAt(Entity entity, Location eye) {
double yaw = eye.getYaw() > 0 ? eye.getYaw() : 360 - Math.abs(eye.getYaw()); // remove negative degrees
yaw += 90; // rotate +90 degrees
if (yaw > 360)
yaw -= 360;
yaw = (yaw * Math.PI) / 180;
double pitch = ((eye.getPitch() + 90) * Math.PI) / 180;
AxisAlignedBB box = ((CraftLivingEntity) entity).getHandle().boundingBox;
// two dimensional coordinates that correspond to the corners of the bounding box on the horizontal plane (x, z)
double[][] hCoords = new double[][] {
{box.a, box.c}, {box.d, box.c}, {box.a, box.f}, {box.d, box.f}
Double[] thetas = new Double[4];
// convert to theta in polar coordinates
for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++)
thetas[t] = toPolar(hCoords[t][0] - eye.getX(), hCoords[t][1] - eye.getZ());
// Calculate the required range for this entity
Range<Double, Double> yawRange = getLargestArcRange(thetas);
// Doing this for pitch is a bit more difficult, we need to use all corners of the bounding box in 3D space
double[][] corners = new double[][] {
{box.a, box.b, box.c}, {box.d, box.b, box.c}, {box.a, box.b, box.f}, {box.d, box.b, box.f},
{box.a, box.e, box.c}, {box.d, box.e, box.c}, {box.a, box.e, box.f}, {box.d, box.e, box.f},
Double[] phis = new Double[8];
for (int t = 0; t < 8; t++) {
double xo = corners[t][0] - eye.getX();
double yo = corners[t][1] - eye.getY();
double zo = corners[t][2] - eye.getZ();
// convert to phi angle in spherical coordinates
phis[t] = Math.acos(yo / Math.sqrt((xo * xo) + (yo * yo) + (zo * zo)));
Range<Double, Double> pitchRange = getLargestArcRange(phis);
return inside(yaw, yawRange.getLowest(), yawRange.getHighest()) && inside(pitch, pitchRange.getLowest(), pitchRange.getHighest());
// Sorts combinations of angles and returns the combination of angles with the largest distance between them
public static Range<Double, Double> getLargestArcRange(Double[] angles) {
Set<Set<Double>> combinations = getCombinationsFor(Arrays.asList(angles), 2);
Range<Double, Double> largestRange = null;
Double largest = null;
for (Set<Double> combo : combinations) {
Double[] array = combo.toArray(new Double[2]);
double arc = distance(array[0], array[1]);
if (largest == null || arc > largest) {
largest = arc;
largestRange = new Range<>(array[0], array[1]);
if (largestRange != null && largestRange.getLowest() > largestRange.getHighest())
largestRange = new Range<>(largestRange.getHighest(), largestRange.getLowest());
return largestRange;
// Found from stackoverflow somewhere, because I'm lazy. I rewrote it to use generics, it's useful for sorting.
public static <T> Set<Set<T>> getCombinationsFor(List<T> group, int k) {
Set<Set<T>> allCombos = new HashSet<>();
if (k == 0) {
allCombos.add(new HashSet<T>());
return allCombos;
if (k > group.size())
return allCombos;
List<T> groupWithoutX = new ArrayList<>(group);
T x = groupWithoutX.remove(groupWithoutX.size()-1);
Set<Set<T>> combosWithoutX = getCombinationsFor(groupWithoutX, k);
Set<Set<T>> combosWithX = getCombinationsFor(groupWithoutX, k-1);
for (Set<T> combo : combosWithX)
return allCombos;
// distance between two angles, in radians
private static double distance(double r1, double r2) {
double d = Math.abs(r2 - r1);
if (d <= Math.PI)
return d;
else return 2 * Math.PI - d;
// [0, 2pi)
private static double toPolar(double x, double y) {
double theta = Math.atan2(y, x);
if (theta < 0)
return 2 * Math.PI + theta;
else return theta;
private static boolean inside(double theta, double small, double large) {
// If the range includes 0 rad
if (large - small > Math.PI)
return theta > large || theta < small;
else return theta < large && theta > small;
private static class Range<L extends Number, H extends Number> {
L lowest;
H highest;
Range(L lowest, H highest) {
this.lowest = lowest;
this.highest = highest;
public L getLowest() {
return lowest;
public H getHighest() {
return highest;
public void setKey(L lowest) {
this.lowest = lowest;
public void setValue(H highest) {
this.highest = highest;
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This code does not work if the 'eye' location is inside the entity's bounding box. Add this at line 10 if you want to catch overlap cases:

if (box.a(Vec3D.a(eye.getX(), eye.getY(), eye.getZ())))
return true;

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