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Last active May 18, 2021 00:23
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  • Save jared-hughes/f4d2b604f8f2ccacd23453097c9d83fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jared-hughes/f4d2b604f8f2ccacd23453097c9d83fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Custom function in Desmos, including custom autoOperatorNames. Warning: currently incompatible with other scripts that manipulate the worker, such as desmos god mode.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Custom Desmos Function
// @namespace
// @match *://*
// @description Custom function in Desmos, including custom autoOperatorNames. Warning: currently incompatible with other scripts that manipulate the worker, such as desmos god mode.
// @grant none
// @version 0.1.1
// @run-at document-start
// @author fireflame241 (Jared Hughes)
// ==/UserScript==
/* To change the function, ctrl+F for "squiggle" and edit */
// the function definition itself
function squiggle(x) {
return 8*Math.sin(x) + 3*Math.sin(4*x)
window.Worker = new Proxy(Worker, {
construct(target, args) {
if (args[0].startsWith("blob:")) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest"GET", args[0], false)
const hooked = xhr.responseText
// Define BuiltIn.squiggle to be the above function
.replace(/Object.defineProperty\((?<exports>.),"sinh"/g, `
Object.defineProperty($<exports>, "squiggle", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return ${squiggle.toString()}
}), $&`)
// Mark squiggle as a builtin that calls BuiltIn.squiggle(x)
.replace(/sinh:(?<func>.)\("BuiltIn","sinh"/, `squiggle:$<func>("BuiltIn","squiggle"), $&`)
args[0] = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([hooked]))
return new target(...args)
function applyNames() {
/* see for more info, including forcing a rerender */
const fields = document.querySelectorAll('.dcg-mq-editable-field')
fields.forEach(field => {
const opt = field._mqMathFieldInstance.__controller.root.cursor.options;
// allow squiggle to be written without manipulating LaTeX in the console
opt.autoOperatorNames.squiggle = 'squiggle'
function initialRerender() {
.filter(e => e.type === 'expression')
.forEach(e => {
const selector = `.dcg-expressionitem[expr-id='${}'] .dcg-mq-editable-field`
const mqField = document.querySelector(selector)
function init() {
window.Calc.controller.dispatcher.register(e => {
if (
['tick', 'new-expression', 'new-expression-at-end'].includes(e.type) ||
(e.type === 'on-special-key-pressed' && e.key === 'Enter')
) {
// update the math field of new expression elements
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (window.Calc && window.Calc.controller) {
}, 50)
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