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Forked from marcamos/Gruntfile.js
Created February 21, 2014 19:52
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module.exports = function(grunt) {
"use strict";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Load plugins as needed ####
// Using a 'just in time' approach -- meaning: only load plugins when they
// are needed -- this will automatically find, then load, any and all
// plugins that are needed by the task currently being executed. It will
// scan the devDependencies object, in package.json, and match any of the
// following patterns automatically:
// - grunt-contrib-[task name]
// - grunt-[task name]
// - [task name]
// For any [task name] / [plugin name] pair that can't be found by the above
// patterns, you can find them manually by adding them as a second argument
// using the following pattern:
// - task name: 'plugin name'
// We've done that, below, with "replace: 'grunt-text-replace'", as it does
// not conform to the three patterns that are matched automatically.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
require('jit-grunt')(grunt, {
replace: 'grunt-text-replace'
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Display task execution time ####
// This module will display elapsed execution time of grunt tasks when they
// are finished, right on the command line. It's useful for keeping tabs on
// the performance of your Grunt configuration.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Project configuration ####
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Variables ####
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sassPath: 'html/lib/sass/',
cssPath: 'html/lib/css/',
jsPath: 'html/lib/js/',
imgPath: 'html/lib/img/',
sassFileTypes: 'sass,scss',
imgFileTypes: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,png',
docFileTypes: '.html,.php',
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Get data from package.json ####
// Get data from the package.json file and assign it to a pkg variable.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Build a reusable banner ####
// A banner variable that can be utilized later via "<%= banner %>".
// Property names (defined over in package.json) which are preceded by
// "pkg." will output the corresponding values for those properties.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
banner: '/*!\n' +
' * <%= %> | version: <%= pkg.version %> | updated: <%="yyyy-mm-dd @ h:MM:ss TT") %>\n' +
' * Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> <%= %>\n' +
' */\n',
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Task configuration ####
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task: Sass compiling.
sass: {
// Task-wide options.
options: {},
// Target: development.
dev: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {
style: "expanded",
lineNumbers: true
// Source file(s), in the order we want to compile them.
src: '<%= sassPath %>all.{<%= sassFileTypes %>}',
// Destination file.
dest: '<%= cssPath %>all.css'
// Target: production.
prod: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {
style: "compressed",
// Utilize the banner variable defined above.
banner: '<%= banner %>'
// Source file(s), in the order we want to compile them.
src: '<%= sassPath %>all.{<%= sassFileTypes %>}',
// Destination file.
dest: '<%= cssPath %>all.min.css'
// Task: JavaScript hinting.
jshint: {
// Task-wide options.
options: {},
// Target: all.
all: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {},
// Source file(s), in the order we want to hint them.
src: [
'<%= jsPath %>*.js',
'!<%= jsPath %>*.min.js', // ...but not minified files.
'!<%= jsPath %>all.js' // ...but not the concatenated file.
// Task: JavaScript file concatenation.
concat: {
// Task-wide options.
options: {},
// Target: all.
all: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {
// Separate each concatenated script with a semicolon.
separator: ';'
// Source file(s), in the order we want to concatenate them.
src: [
'<%= jsPath %>vendor/jquery-1.10.2.js',
'<%= jsPath %>plugins/*.js',
'<%= jsPath %>*.js',
'!<%= jsPath %>*.min.js', // ...but not minified files.
'!<%= jsPath %>all.js' // ...but not the concatenated file.
// Destination file.
dest: '<%= jsPath %>all.js',
// Warn if a given file is missing or invalid.
nonull: true
// Task: JavaScript minification.
uglify: {
// Task-wide options.
options: {},
// Target: all.
all: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {
// Utilize the banner variable defined above.
banner: '<%= banner %>',
// Report the original vs. minified file-size.
report: 'min'
// Source file(s), in the order we want to minify them.
src: '<%= jsPath %>all.js',
// Destination file.
dest: '<%= jsPath %>all.min.js'
// Task: image minification.
imagemin: {
// Task-wide options.
options: {},
// Target: all.
all: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {},
// Files to minify.
files: [{
// Allow for a dynamically-built file-list.
expand: true,
// The directory to start this task within.
cwd: '<%= imgPath %>',
// Relative to the path defined in "cwd", the sub-
// directories and file type(s) to work on.
src: ['**/*.{<%= imgFileTypes %>}'],
// Destination location.
dest: '<%= imgPath %>'
// Task: find and replace things in the project.
replace: {
// Target: remove the Livereload script.
removeLivereload: {
// Scan all document file types inside of html/.
src: 'html/**/*{<%= docFileTypes %>}',
// Replacement(s) to make.
replacements: [{
// From: The full script element needed for Livereload to
// function, plus a line-return.
from: /<script src="\/\/localhost:35729\/livereload\.js"><\/script>\n/m,
// To: Nothing.
to: ''
// Overwrite each file.
overwrite: true
// Target: add the Livereload script.
addLivereload: {
// Scan all document file types inside of html/.
src: 'html/**/*{<%= docFileTypes %>}',
// Replacement(s) to make.
replacements: [{
// From: a closing body tag.
from: /<\/body>/,
// To: The full script element needed for Livereload to
// function, a line-return, and the closing body tag.
to: '<script src="//localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script>\n</body>'
// Overwrite each file.
overwrite: true
// Target: replace production-specific css file name with
// development-specific css file name.
devCssFile: {
// Scan all document file types inside of html/.
src: 'html/**/*{<%= docFileTypes %>}',
// Replacement(s) to make.
replacements: [{
// From: "all.min.css".
from: /all\.min\.css/,
// To: "all.css".
to: 'all.css'
// Overwrite each file.
overwrite: true
// Target: replace development-specific css file name with
// production-specific css file name.
prodCssFile: {
// Scan all document file types inside of html/.
src: 'html/**/*{<%= docFileTypes %>}',
// Replacement(s) to make.
replacements: [{
// From: "all.css".
from: /all\.css/,
// To: "all.min.css".
to: 'all.min.css'
// Overwrite each file.
overwrite: true
// Target: replace production-specific js file name with
// development-specific js file name.
devJsFile: {
// Scan all document file types inside of html/.
src: 'html/**/*{<%= docFileTypes %>}',
// Replacement(s) to make.
replacements: [{
// From: "all.min.js".
from: /all\.min\.js/,
// To: "all.js".
to: 'all.js'
// Overwrite each file.
overwrite: true
// Target: replace development-specific js file name with
// production-specific js file name.
prodJsFile: {
// Scan all document file types inside of html/.
src: 'html/**/*{<%= docFileTypes %>}',
// Replacement(s) to make.
replacements: [{
// From: "all.js".
from: /all\.js/,
// To: "all.min.js".
to: 'all.min.js'
// Overwrite each file.
overwrite: true
// Target: bust cache. This target assumes "?cb=[any number here]"
// has been appended to any file-path you'd like to cache-bust. For
// example, css files, js files, image files, etc.:
// <link rel="stylesheet" href="/lib/css/all.css?cb=1" />
// <script src="/lib/js/all.min.js?cb=1"></script>
// <img src="/lib/img/photo.jpg?cb=1" alt="A photo" />
cacheBust: {
// Scan all document file types inside of html/.
src: 'html/**/*{<%= docFileTypes %>}',
// Replacement(s) to make.
replacements: [{
// From: "?cb=[any number here]".
from: /\?cb=[0-9]*/g,
// To: "?cb=[the current Unix epoch time]"
to: function() {
var uid = new Date().valueOf();
return '?cb=' + uid;
// Overwrite each file.
overwrite: true
// Task: aside from creating notifications when something fails (which
// is this task's permanent/default behavior), also create the following
// notifications for these custom, non-failure events. The targets below
// are utilized by requesting them via targets found in the watch task.
notify: {
// Target: Sass.
sass: {
options: {
title: 'CSS',
message: 'Compiled successfully.'
// Target: JavaScript.
js: {
options: {
title: 'JavaScript',
message: 'Hinted and concatenated successfully.'
// Target: ready for production.
goProd: {
options: {
title: 'Ready for Production',
message: 'Ship it!'
// Target: ready for development.
goDev: {
options: {
title: 'Ready for Development',
message: 'Make it better!'
// Task: when something changes, run specific task(s).
watch: {
// Task-wide options.
options: {},
// Target: Sass.
sass: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {},
// Watch all sassFileTypes files inside of sassPath.
files: '<%= sassPath %>**/*.{<%= sassFileTypes %>}',
// Task(s) to run.
tasks: [
// Target: css.
css: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {
// Utilize Livereload.
livereload: true
// Watch all .css files inside of cssPath.
files: '<%= cssPath %>*.css'
// Target: JavaScript.
js: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {
// Utilize Livereload.
livereload: true
// Watch all JavaScript files inside of jsPath.
files: [
'<%= jsPath %>*.js',
'!<%= jsPath %>*.min.js', // ...but not minified files.
'!<%= jsPath %>all.js' // ...but not the concatenated file.
// Task(s) to run.
tasks: [
// Target: documents.
docs: {
// Target-specific options.
options: {
// Utilize Livereload.
livereload: true
// Watch all docFileTypes inside of html/.
files: 'html/**/*{<%= docFileTypes %>}'
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Define task aliases that run multiple tasks ####
// On the command-line, type "grunt [alias]" without the square brackets or
// double-quotes, and press return. The format is as follows:
// grunt.registerTask('alias', [
// 'task1',
// 'task2:targetName',
// 'task3'
// ]);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #### Task alias: "default" ####
// Task(s) to run when typing only "grunt" in the console.
grunt.registerTask('default', [
// #### Task alias: "goProd" ####
// Tasks(s) to run when it's time to convert things from development mode to
// production mode.
grunt.registerTask('goProd', [
// #### Task alias: "goDev" ####
// Tasks(s) to run when it's time to convert things from production mode to
// development mode.
grunt.registerTask('goDev', [
"name": "xyz-inc-marketing",
"description": "A marketing website for XYZ, Inc.",
"version": "0.1.0",
"author": {
"name": "The Outfit, Inc.",
"url": "",
"email": ""
"owner": {
"name": "XYZ, Inc.",
"url": "",
"email": ""
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-contrib-concat": "~0.3.0",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.6.5",
"grunt-contrib-sass": "~0.5.1",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.7",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3",
"grunt-contrib-imagemin": "~0.3.0",
"grunt-text-replace": "~0.3.11",
"grunt-notify": "~0.2.17",
"grunt-newer": "~0.6.1",
"jit-grunt": "~0.2.1",
"time-grunt": "~0.2.9"
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