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Last active June 29, 2018 01:45
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  • Save jaredgrady/838ffc1fae82bcbe31da779c1cf3d62f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jaredgrady/838ffc1fae82bcbe31da779c1cf3d62f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Pokemon Showdown Dex
* Roughly equivalent to sim/dex.js in a Pokemon Showdown server, but
* designed for use in browsers rather than in Node.
* This is a generic utility library for Pokemon Showdown code: any
* code shared between the replay viewer and the client usually ends up
* here.
* Licensing note: PS's client has complicated licensing:
* - The client as a whole is AGPLv3
* - The battle replay/animation engine (battle-*.ts) by itself is MIT
* @author Guangcong Luo <>
* @license MIT
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement, fromIndex) {
for (var i = (fromIndex || 0); i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] === searchElement) return i;
return -1;
if (!Array.prototype.includes) {
Array.prototype.includes = function (thing) {
return this.indexOf(thing) !== -1;
if (!String.prototype.includes) {
String.prototype.includes = function (thing) {
return this.indexOf(thing) !== -1;
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
String.prototype.startsWith = function (thing) {
return this.slice(0, thing.length) === thing;
if (!String.prototype.endsWith) {
String.prototype.endsWith = function (thing) {
return this.slice(-thing.length) === thing;
if (!Object.assign) {
Object.assign = function (thing: any, rest: any) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var k in source) {
thing[k] = source[k];
return thing;
// if (!Object.create) {
// Object.create = function (proto) {
// function F() {}
// F.prototype = proto;
// return new F();
// };
// }
if (!window.exports) window.exports = window;
if (window.soundManager) {
if (window.Replays) soundManager.onready(window.Replays.soundReady);
soundManager.onready(function () {
id: 'notif',
url: ''
// @ts-ignore
window.nodewebkit = !!(typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions && process.versions['node-webkit']);
let colorCache = {} as {[userid: string]: string};
function hashColor(name: string) {
if (colorCache[name]) return colorCache[name];
let hash;
if (window.Config && Config.customcolors && Config.customcolors[name]) {
if (Config.customcolors[name].color) {
return (colorCache[name] = 'color:' + Config.customcolors[name].color + ';');
hash = MD5(Config.customcolors[name]);
} else {
hash = MD5(name);
let H = parseInt(hash.substr(4, 4), 16) % 360; // 0 to 360
let S = parseInt(hash.substr(0, 4), 16) % 50 + 40; // 40 to 89
let L = Math.floor(parseInt(hash.substr(8, 4), 16) % 20 + 30); // 30 to 49
let C = (100 - Math.abs(2 * L - 100)) * S / 100 / 100;
let X = C * (1 - Math.abs((H / 60) % 2 - 1));
let m = L / 100 - C / 2;
let R1, G1, B1;
switch (Math.floor(H / 60)) {
case 1: R1 = X; G1 = C; B1 = 0; break;
case 2: R1 = 0; G1 = C; B1 = X; break;
case 3: R1 = 0; G1 = X; B1 = C; break;
case 4: R1 = X; G1 = 0; B1 = C; break;
case 5: R1 = C; G1 = 0; B1 = X; break;
case 0: default: R1 = C; G1 = X; B1 = 0; break;
let R = R1 + m, G = G1 + m, B = B1 + m;
let lum = R * R * R * 0.2126 + G * G * G * 0.7152 + B * B * B * 0.0722; // 0.013 (dark blue) to 0.737 (yellow)
let HLmod = (lum - 0.2) * -150; // -80 (yellow) to 28 (dark blue)
if (HLmod > 18) HLmod = (HLmod - 18) * 2.5;
else if (HLmod < 0) HLmod = (HLmod - 0) / 3;
else HLmod = 0;
// let mod = ';border-right: ' + Math.abs(HLmod) + 'px solid ' + (HLmod > 0 ? 'red' : '#0088FF');
let Hdist = Math.min(Math.abs(180 - H), Math.abs(240 - H));
if (Hdist < 15) {
HLmod += (15 - Hdist) / 3;
L += HLmod;
colorCache[name] = "color:hsl(" + H + "," + S + "%," + L + "%);";
return colorCache[name];
function getString(str: any) {
if (typeof str === 'string' || typeof str === 'number') return '' + str;
return '';
function toId(text: any) {
if (text && {
text =;
} else if (text && text.userid) {
text = text.userid;
if (typeof text !== 'string' && typeof text !== 'number') return '' as ID;
return ('' + text).toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, '') as ID;
function toUserid(text: any) {
return toId(text);
* Sanitize a room ID by removing anything that isn't alphanumeric or `-`.
* Shouldn't actually do anything except against malicious input.
function toRoomid(roomid: string) {
return roomid.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+/g, '').toLowerCase();
function toName(name: any) {
if (typeof name !== 'string' && typeof name !== 'number') return '';
name = ('' + name).replace(/[\|\s\[\]\,\u202e]+/g, ' ').trim();
if (name.length > 18) name = name.substr(0, 18).trim();
// remove zalgo
name = name.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0489\u0610-\u0615\u064B-\u065F\u0670\u06D6-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06ED\u0E31\u0E34-\u0E3A\u0E47-\u0E4E]{3,}/g, '');
name = name.replace(/[\u239b-\u23b9]/g, '');
return name;
interface SpriteData {
w: number;
h: number;
y?: number;
url?: string;
rawHTML?: string;
pixelated?: boolean;
isBackSprite?: boolean;
cryurl?: string;
shiny?: boolean;
const Tools = {
resourcePrefix: (() => {
let prefix = '';
if (document.location.protocol !== 'http:') prefix = 'https:';
return prefix + '//';
fxPrefix: (() => {
if (document.location.protocol === 'file:') {
if (window.Replays) return '';
return 'fx/';
return '//';
* Load trackers are loosely based on Promises, but very simplified.
* Trackers are made with: let tracker = Tools.makeLoadTracker();
* Pass callbacks like so: tracker(callback)
* When tracker.load() is called, all callbacks are run.
* If tracker.load() has already been called, tracker(callback) will
* call the callback instantly.
makeLoadTracker() {
type LoadTracker = ((callback: Function, context: any) => any) & {
isLoaded: boolean,
value: any,
load: (value: any) => void,
unload: () => void,
callbacks: [Function, any][],
let tracker: LoadTracker = function (callback, context) {
if (tracker.isLoaded) {, tracker.value);
} else {
tracker.callbacks.push([callback, context]);
return tracker;
} as LoadTracker;
tracker.callbacks = [];
tracker.value = undefined;
tracker.isLoaded = false;
tracker.load = function (value) {
if (tracker.isLoaded) return;
tracker.isLoaded = true;
tracker.value = value;
for (let i = 0; i < tracker.callbacks.length; i++) {
tracker.callbacks[i][0].call(tracker.callbacks[i][1], value);
tracker.unload = function () {
if (!tracker.isLoaded) return;
tracker.isLoaded = false;
return tracker;
resolveAvatar(avatar: string | number): string {
let avatarnum = Number(avatar);
if (!isNaN(avatarnum)) {
// default avatars
return Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/trainers/' + avatarnum + '.png';
avatar = '' + avatar;
if (avatar.charAt(0) === '#') {
return Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/trainers/' + toId(avatar.substr(1)) + '.png';
if (window.Config && Config.server && Config.server.registered) {
// custom avatar served by the server
let protocol = (Config.server.port === 443) ? 'https' : 'http';
return protocol + '://' + + ':' + Config.server.port +
'/avatars/' + encodeURIComponent(avatar).replace('%3F', '?');
// just pick a random avatar
let sprites = [1, 2, 101, 102, 169, 170];
return Tools.resolveAvatar(sprites[Math.floor(Math.random() * sprites.length)]);
escapeFormat(formatid: string): string {
let atIndex = formatid.indexOf('@@@');
if (atIndex >= 0) {
return Tools.escapeFormat(formatid.slice(0, atIndex)) + '<br />Custom rules: ' + Tools.escapeHTML(formatid.slice(atIndex + 3));
if (window.BattleFormats && BattleFormats[formatid]) {
return Tools.escapeHTML(BattleFormats[formatid].name);
return Tools.escapeHTML(formatid);
parseChatMessage(message: string, name: string, timestamp: string, isHighlighted?: boolean, $chatElem?: any) {
let showMe = !((Tools.prefs('chatformatting') || {}).hideme);
let group = ' ';
if (!/[A-Za-z0-9]/.test(name.charAt(0))) {
// Backwards compatibility
group = name.charAt(0);
name = name.substr(1);
let color = hashColor(toId(name));
let clickableName = '<small>' + Tools.escapeHTML(group) + '</small><span class="username" data-name="' + Tools.escapeHTML(name) + '">' + Tools.escapeHTML(name) + '</span>';
let hlClass = isHighlighted ? ' highlighted' : '';
let mineClass = ( && app.user && app.user.get('name') === name ? ' mine' : '');
let cmd = '';
let target = '';
if (message.charAt(0) === '/') {
if (message.charAt(1) === '/') {
message = message.slice(1);
} else {
let spaceIndex = message.indexOf(' ');
cmd = (spaceIndex >= 0 ? message.slice(1, spaceIndex) : message.slice(1));
if (spaceIndex >= 0) target = message.slice(spaceIndex + 1);
switch (cmd) {
case 'me':
if (!showMe) return '<div class="chat chatmessage-' + toId(name) + hlClass + mineClass + '">' + timestamp + '<strong style="' + color + '">' + clickableName + ':</strong> <em>/me' + Tools.parseMessage(' ' + target) + '</em></div>';
return '<div class="chat chatmessage-' + toId(name) + hlClass + mineClass + '">' + timestamp + '<strong style="' + color + '">&bull;</strong> <em>' + clickableName + '<i>' + Tools.parseMessage(' ' + target) + '</i></em></div>';
case 'mee':
if (!showMe) return '<div class="chat chatmessage-' + toId(name) + hlClass + mineClass + '">' + timestamp + '<strong style="' + color + '">' + clickableName + ':</strong> <em>/me' + Tools.parseMessage(' ' + target).slice(1) + '</em></div>';
return '<div class="chat chatmessage-' + toId(name) + hlClass + mineClass + '">' + timestamp + '<strong style="' + color + '">&bull;</strong> <em>' + clickableName + '<i>' + Tools.parseMessage(' ' + target).slice(1) + '</i></em></div>';
case 'invite':
let roomid = toRoomid(target);
return [
'<div class="chat">' + timestamp + '<em>' + clickableName + ' invited you to join the room "' + roomid + '"</em></div>',
'<div class="notice"><button name="joinRoom" value="' + roomid + '">Join ' + roomid + '</button></div>'
case 'announce':
return '<div class="chat chatmessage-' + toId(name) + hlClass + mineClass + '">' + timestamp + '<strong style="' + color + '">' + clickableName + ':</strong> <span class="message-announce">' + Tools.parseMessage(target) + '</span></div>';
case 'log':
return '<div class="chat chatmessage-' + toId(name) + hlClass + mineClass + '">' + timestamp + '<span class="message-log">' + Tools.parseMessage(target) + '</span></div>';
case 'data-pokemon':
let buf = '<li class="result">';
let template = Tools.getTemplate(target);
if (!template.abilities || !template.baseStats) return '[not supported in replays]';
buf += '<span class="col numcol">' + (template.tier || Tools.getTemplate(template.baseSpecies).tier) + '</span> ';
buf += '<span class="col iconcol"><span style="' + Tools.getPokemonIcon(template) + '"></span></span> ';
buf += '<span class="col pokemonnamecol" style="white-space:nowrap"><a href="' + + '" target="_blank">' + template.species + '</a></span> ';
buf += '<span class="col typecol">';
if (template.types) for (let i = 0; i < template.types.length; i++) {
buf += Tools.getTypeIcon(template.types[i]);
buf += '</span> ';
buf += '<span style="float:left;min-height:26px">';
if (template.abilities['1']) {
buf += '<span class="col twoabilitycol">' + template.abilities['0'] + '<br />' + template.abilities['1'] + '</span>';
} else {
buf += '<span class="col abilitycol">' + template.abilities['0'] + '</span>';
if (template.abilities['S']) {
buf += '<span class="col twoabilitycol' + (template.unreleasedHidden ? ' unreleasedhacol' : '') + '"><em>' + template.abilities['H'] + '<br />' + template.abilities['S'] + '</em></span>';
} else if (template.abilities['H']) {
buf += '<span class="col abilitycol' + (template.unreleasedHidden ? ' unreleasedhacol' : '') + '"><em>' + template.abilities['H'] + '</em></span>';
} else {
buf += '<span class="col abilitycol"></span>';
buf += '</span>';
buf += '<span style="float:left;min-height:26px">';
buf += '<span class="col statcol"><em>HP</em><br />' + template.baseStats.hp + '</span> ';
buf += '<span class="col statcol"><em>Atk</em><br />' + template.baseStats.atk + '</span> ';
buf += '<span class="col statcol"><em>Def</em><br />' + template.baseStats.def + '</span> ';
buf += '<span class="col statcol"><em>SpA</em><br />' + + '</span> ';
buf += '<span class="col statcol"><em>SpD</em><br />' + template.baseStats.spd + '</span> ';
buf += '<span class="col statcol"><em>Spe</em><br />' + template.baseStats.spe + '</span> ';
let bst = 0;
for (const i in template.baseStats) bst += template.baseStats[i as StatName];
buf += '<span class="col bstcol"><em>BST<br />' + bst + '</em></span> ';
buf += '</span>';
buf += '</li>';
return '<div class="message"><ul class="utilichart">' + buf + '<li style=\"clear:both\"></li></ul></div>';
case 'data-item':
if (!window.BattleSearch) return '[not supported in replays]';
return '<div class="message"><ul class="utilichart">' + BattleSearch.renderItemRow(Tools.getItem(target), 0, 0) + '<li style=\"clear:both\"></li></ul></div>';
case 'data-ability':
if (!window.BattleSearch) return '[not supported in replays]';
return '<div class="message"><ul class="utilichart">' + BattleSearch.renderAbilityRow(Tools.getAbility(target), 0, 0) + '<li style=\"clear:both\"></li></ul></div>';
case 'data-move':
if (!window.BattleSearch) return '[not supported in replays]';
return '<div class="message"><ul class="utilichart">' + BattleSearch.renderMoveRow(Tools.getMove(target), 0, 0) + '<li style=\"clear:both\"></li></ul></div>';
case 'text':
return '<div class="chat">' + Tools.parseMessage(target) + '</div>';
case 'error':
return '<div class="chat message-error">' + Tools.escapeHTML(target) + '</div>';
case 'html':
return '<div class="chat chatmessage-' + toId(name) + hlClass + mineClass + '">' + timestamp + '<strong style="' + color + '">' + clickableName + ':</strong> <em>' + Tools.sanitizeHTML(target) + '</em></div>';
case 'uhtml':
case 'uhtmlchange':
let parts = target.split(',');
let $elements = $chatElem.find('div.uhtml-' + toId(parts[0]));
let html = parts.slice(1).join(',');
if (!html) {
} else if (!$elements.length) {
$chatElem.append('<div class="chat uhtml-' + toId(parts[0]) + '">' + Tools.sanitizeHTML(html) + '</div>');
} else if (cmd === 'uhtmlchange') {
} else {
$chatElem.append('<div class="chat uhtml-' + toId(parts[0]) + '">' + Tools.sanitizeHTML(html) + '</div>');
return '';
case 'raw':
return '<div class="chat">' + Tools.sanitizeHTML(target) + '</div>';
// Not a command or unsupported. Parsed as a normal chat message.
if (!name) {
return '<div class="chat' + hlClass + '">' + timestamp + '<em>' + Tools.parseMessage(message) + '</em></div>';
return '<div class="chat chatmessage-' + toId(name) + hlClass + mineClass + '">' + timestamp + '<strong style="' + color + '">' + clickableName + ':</strong> <em>' + Tools.parseMessage(message) + '</em></div>';
parseMessage(str: string) {
// Don't format console commands (>>).
if (str.substr(0, 3) === '>> ' || str.substr(0, 4) === '>>> ') return Tools.escapeHTML(str);
// Don't format console results (<<).
if (str.substr(0, 3) === '<< ') return Tools.escapeHTML(str);
str = formatText(str);
let options = Tools.prefs('chatformatting') || {};
if (options.hidelinks) {
str = str.replace(/<a[^>]*>/g, '<u>').replace(/<\/a>/g, '</u>');
if (options.hidespoiler) {
str = str.replace(/<span class="spoiler">/g, '<span class="spoiler spoiler-shown">');
if (options.hidegreentext) {
str = str.replace(/<span class="greentext">/g, '<span>');
return str;
escapeHTML(str: string, jsEscapeToo?: boolean) {
str = getString(str).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
if (jsEscapeToo) str = str.replace(/'/g, '\\\'');
return str;
unescapeHTML(str: string) {
str = (str ? '' + str : '');
return str.replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
escapeRegExp(str: string) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
escapeQuotes(str: string) {
str = (str ? '' + str : '');
str = str.replace(/'/g, '\\\'');
return str;
sanitizeHTML: (function () {
if (!('html4' in window)) {
return function () {
throw new Error('sanitizeHTML requires caja');
// Add <marquee> <blink> <psicon> to the whitelist.
Object.assign(html4.ELEMENTS, {
'marquee': 0,
'blink': 0,
'psicon': html4.eflags['OPTIONAL_ENDTAG'] | html4.eflags['EMPTY']
Object.assign(html4.ATTRIBS, {
// See
'marquee::behavior': 0,
'marquee::bgcolor': 0,
'marquee::direction': 0,
'marquee::height': 0,
'marquee::hspace': 0,
'marquee::loop': 0,
'marquee::scrollamount': 0,
'marquee::scrolldelay': 0,
'marquee::truespeed': 0,
'marquee::vspace': 0,
'marquee::width': 0,
'psicon::pokemon': 0,
'psicon::item': 0
let uriRewriter = function (urlData: any) {
if (urlData.scheme_ === 'geo' || urlData.scheme_ === 'sms' || urlData.scheme_ === 'tel') return null;
return urlData;
let tagPolicy = function (tagName: string, attribs: string[]) {
if (html4.ELEMENTS[tagName] & html4.eflags['UNSAFE']) {
let targetIdx = 0, srcIdx = 0;
if (tagName === 'a') {
// Special handling of <a> tags.
for (let i = 0; i < attribs.length - 1; i += 2) {
switch (attribs[i]) {
case 'target':
targetIdx = i + 1;
let dataUri = '';
if (tagName === 'img') {
for (let i = 0; i < attribs.length - 1; i += 2) {
if (attribs[i] === 'src' && attribs[i + 1].substr(0, 11) === 'data:image/') {
srcIdx = i;
dataUri = attribs[i + 1];
if (attribs[i] === 'src' && attribs[i + 1].substr(0, 2) === '//') {
if (location.protocol !== 'http:' && location.protocol !== 'https:') {
attribs[i + 1] = 'http:' + attribs[i + 1];
} else if (tagName === 'psicon') {
// <psicon> is a custom element which supports a set of mutually incompatible attributes:
// <psicon pokemon> and <psicon item>
let classValueIndex = -1;
let styleValueIndex = -1;
let iconAttrib = null;
for (let i = 0; i < attribs.length - 1; i += 2) {
if (attribs[i] === 'pokemon' || attribs[i] === 'item') {
// If declared more than once, use the later.
iconAttrib = attribs.slice(i, i + 2);
} else if (attribs[i] === 'class') {
classValueIndex = i + 1;
} else if (attribs[i] === 'style') {
styleValueIndex = i + 1;
tagName = 'span';
if (iconAttrib) {
if (classValueIndex < 0) {
attribs.push('class', '');
classValueIndex = attribs.length - 1;
if (styleValueIndex < 0) {
attribs.push('style', '');
styleValueIndex = attribs.length - 1;
// Prepend all the classes and styles associated to the custom element.
if (iconAttrib[0] === 'pokemon') {
attribs[classValueIndex] = attribs[classValueIndex] ? 'picon ' + attribs[classValueIndex] : 'picon';
attribs[styleValueIndex] = attribs[styleValueIndex] ? Tools.getPokemonIcon(iconAttrib[1]) + '; ' + attribs[styleValueIndex] : Tools.getPokemonIcon(iconAttrib[1]);
} else if (iconAttrib[0] === 'item') {
attribs[classValueIndex] = attribs[classValueIndex] ? 'itemicon ' + attribs[classValueIndex] : 'itemicon';
attribs[styleValueIndex] = attribs[styleValueIndex] ? Tools.getItemIcon(iconAttrib[1]) + '; ' + attribs[styleValueIndex] : Tools.getItemIcon(iconAttrib[1]);
if (attribs[targetIdx] === 'replace') {
targetIdx = -targetIdx;
attribs = html.sanitizeAttribs(tagName, attribs, uriRewriter);
if (targetIdx < 0) {
targetIdx = -targetIdx;
attribs[targetIdx - 1] = 'data-target';
attribs[targetIdx] = 'replace';
targetIdx = 0;
if (dataUri && tagName === 'img') {
attribs[srcIdx + 1] = dataUri;
if (tagName === 'a' || tagName === 'form') {
if (targetIdx) {
attribs[targetIdx] = '_blank';
} else {
if (tagName === 'a') {
return {tagName: tagName, attribs: attribs};
let localizeTime = function (full: string, date: string, time: string, timezone?: string) {
let parsedTime = new Date(date + 'T' + time + (timezone || 'Z').toUpperCase());
// Very old (pre-ES5) web browsers may be incapable of parsing ISO 8601
// dates. In such a case, gracefully continue without replacing the date
// format.
if (!parsedTime.getTime()) return full;
let formattedTime;
// Try using Intl API if it exists
if (window.Intl && Intl.DateTimeFormat) {
formattedTime = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric'}).format(parsedTime);
} else {
// toLocaleString even exists in ECMAScript 1, so no need to check
// if it exists.
formattedTime = parsedTime.toLocaleString();
return '<time>' + Tools.escapeHTML(formattedTime) + '</time>';
return function (input: any) {
// <time> parsing requires ISO 8601 time. While more time formats are
// supported by most JavaScript implementations, it isn't required, and
// how to exactly enforce ignoring user agent timezone setting is not obvious.
// As dates come from the server which isn't aware of client timezone, a
// particular timezone is required.
// This regular expression is split into three groups.
// Group 1 - date
// Group 2 - time (seconds and milliseconds are optional)
// Group 3 - optional timezone
// Group 1 and group 2 are split to allow using space as a separator
// instead of T. Stricly speaking ECMAScript 5 specification only
// allows T, however it's more practical to also allow spaces.
return html.sanitizeWithPolicy(getString(input), tagPolicy)
.replace(/<time>\s*([+-]?\d{4,}-\d{2}-\d{2})[T ](\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2}(?:\.\d{3})?)?)(Z|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})?\s*<\/time>/ig, localizeTime);
interstice: (function () {
let patterns = (function (whitelist) {
let patterns = [];
for (let i = 0; i < whitelist.length; ++i) {
patterns.push(new RegExp('^(https?:)?//([A-Za-z0-9-]*\\.)?' +
whitelist[i] +
'(/.*)?', 'i'));
return patterns;
})((window.Config && Config.whitelist) ? Config.whitelist : []);
return {
isWhitelisted(uri: string) {
if ((uri[0] === '/') && (uri[1] !== '/')) {
// domain-relative URIs are safe
return true;
for (let i = 0; i < patterns.length; ++i) {
if (patterns[i].test(uri)) {
return true;
return false;
getURI(uri: string) {
return '' + encodeURIComponent(uri);
safeJSON(callback: (safeData: any) => void) {
return function (data: string) {
if (data.length < 1) return;
if (data[0] == ']') data = data.substr(1);
return callback($.parseJSON(data));
prefs(prop: string, value?: any, save?: boolean) {
// @ts-ignore
if (window.Storage && Storage.prefs) return Storage.prefs(prop, value, save);
return undefined;
getShortName(name: string) {
let shortName = name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+$/, '');
if (shortName.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
shortName += name.slice(shortName.length).replace(/[^\(\)]+/g, '').replace(/\(\)/g, '');
return shortName;
getEffect(effect: any): Effect {
if (!effect || typeof effect === 'string') {
let name = $.trim(effect || '');
if (name.substr(0, 5) === 'item:') {
return Tools.getItem(name.substr(5));
} else if (name.substr(0, 8) === 'ability:') {
return Tools.getAbility(name.substr(8));
} else if (name.substr(0, 5) === 'move:') {
return Tools.getMove(name.substr(5));
let id = toId(name);
effect = {};
if (id && window.BattleStatuses && BattleStatuses[id]) {
effect = BattleStatuses[id];
effect.exists = true;
} else if (id && window.BattleMovedex && BattleMovedex[id] && BattleMovedex[id].effect) {
effect = BattleMovedex[id].effect;
effect.exists = true;
} else if (id && window.BattleAbilities && BattleAbilities[id] && BattleAbilities[id].effect) {
effect = BattleAbilities[id].effect;
effect.exists = true;
} else if (id && window.BattleItems && BattleItems[id] && BattleItems[id].effect) {
effect = BattleItems[id].effect;
effect.exists = true;
} else if (id === 'recoil') {
effect = {
effectType: 'Recoil'
effect.exists = true;
} else if (id === 'drain') {
effect = {
effectType: 'Drain'
effect.exists = true;
if (! = id;
if (! = Tools.escapeHTML(name);
if (!effect.category) effect.category = 'Effect';
if (!effect.effectType) effect.effectType = 'Effect';
return effect;
getMove(move: any): Move {
if (!move || typeof move === 'string') {
let name = $.trim(move || '');
let id = toId(name);
move = (window.BattleMovedex && window.BattleMovedex[id]) || {};
if ( move.exists = true;
if (!move.exists && id.substr(0, 11) === 'hiddenpower' && id.length > 11) {
let matches = /([a-z]*)([0-9]*)/.exec(id)!;
move = (window.BattleMovedex && window.BattleMovedex[matches[1]]) || {};
move = {...move};
move.basePower = matches[2];
if (!move.exists && id.substr(0, 6) === 'return' && id.length > 6) {
move = (window.BattleMovedex && window.BattleMovedex['return']) || {};
move = {...move};
move.basePower = id.slice(6);
if (!move.exists && id.substr(0, 11) === 'frustration' && id.length > 11) {
move = (window.BattleMovedex && window.BattleMovedex['frustration']) || {};
move = {...move};
move.basePower = id.slice(11);
if (! = id;
if (! = Tools.escapeHTML(name);
if (!move.critRatio) move.critRatio = 1;
if (!move.baseType) move.baseType = move.type;
if (!move.effectType) move.effectType = 'Move';
if (!move.secondaries && move.secondary) move.secondaries = [move.secondary];
if (!move.flags) move.flags = {};
if (!move.gen) {
if (move.num >= 560) {
move.gen = 6;
} else if (move.num >= 468) {
move.gen = 5;
} else if (move.num >= 355) {
move.gen = 4;
} else if (move.num >= 252) {
move.gen = 3;
} else if (move.num >= 166) {
move.gen = 2;
} else if (move.num >= 1) {
move.gen = 1;
} else {
move.gen = 0;
return move;
getCategory(move: Move, gen: number, type?: string) {
if (gen <= 3 && move.category !== 'Status') {
return ((type || move.type) in {Fire:1, Water:1, Grass:1, Electric:1, Ice:1, Psychic:1, Dark:1, Dragon:1} ? 'Special' : 'Physical');
return move.category;
getItem(item: any): Item {
if (!item || typeof item === 'string') {
let name = $.trim(item || '');
let id = toId(name);
item = (window.BattleItems && window.BattleItems[id]) || {};
if ( item.exists = true;
if (! = id;
if (! = Tools.escapeHTML(name);
if (!item.category) item.category = 'Effect';
if (!item.effectType) item.effectType = 'Item';
if (!item.gen) {
if (item.num >= 577) {
item.gen = 6;
} else if (item.num >= 537) {
item.gen = 5;
} else if (item.num >= 377) {
item.gen = 4;
} else {
item.gen = 3;
return item;
getAbility(ability: any): Ability {
if (!ability || typeof ability === 'string') {
let name = $.trim(ability || '');
let id = toId(name);
ability = (window.BattleAbilities && window.BattleAbilities[id]) || {};
if ( ability.exists = true;
if (! = id;
if (! = Tools.escapeHTML(name);
if (!ability.category) ability.category = 'Effect';
if (!ability.effectType) ability.effectType = 'Ability';
if (!ability.gen) {
if (ability.num >= 165) {
ability.gen = 6;
} else if (ability.num >= 124) {
ability.gen = 5;
} else if (ability.num >= 77) {
ability.gen = 4;
} else if (ability.num >= 1) {
ability.gen = 3;
} else {
ability.gen = 0;
return ability;
getTemplate(template: any): Template {
if (!template || typeof template === 'string') {
let name = template;
let id = toId(name);
let speciesid = id;
if (window.BattleAliases && BattleAliases[id]) {
name = BattleAliases[id];
id = toId(name);
if (!id) name = '';
if (!window.BattlePokedex) window.BattlePokedex = {};
if (!window.BattlePokedex[id]) {
template = window.BattlePokedex[id] = {};
for (let i = 0; i < baseSpeciesChart.length; i++) {
let baseid = baseSpeciesChart[i];
if (id.length > baseid.length && id.substr(0, baseid.length) === baseid) {
template.baseSpecies = baseid;
template.forme = id.substr(baseid.length);
if (id !== 'yanmega' && id.slice(-4) === 'mega') {
template.baseSpecies = id.slice(0, -4);
template.forme = id.slice(-4);
} else if (id.slice(-6) === 'primal') {
template.baseSpecies = id.slice(0, -6);
template.forme = id.slice(-6);
} else if (id.slice(-5) === 'alola') {
template.baseSpecies = id.slice(0, -5);
template.forme = id.slice(-5);
template.exists = false;
template = window.BattlePokedex[id];
if (template.species) name = template.species;
if (template.exists === undefined) template.exists = true;
if (! = id;
if (! = name = Tools.escapeHTML(name);
if (!template.speciesid) template.speciesid = id;
if (!template.species) template.species = name;
if (!template.baseSpecies) template.baseSpecies = name;
if (!template.forme) template.forme = '';
if (!template.formeLetter) template.formeLetter = '';
if (!template.formeid) {
let formeid = '';
if (template.baseSpecies !== name) {
formeid = '-' + toId(template.forme);
template.formeid = formeid;
if (!template.spriteid) template.spriteid = toId(template.baseSpecies) + template.formeid;
if (!template.effectType) template.effectType = 'Template';
if (!template.gen) {
if (template.forme && template.formeid in {'-mega':1, '-megax':1, '-megay':1}) {
template.gen = 6;
template.isMega = true;
template.battleOnly = true;
} else if (template.formeid === '-primal') {
template.gen = 6;
template.isPrimal = true;
template.battleOnly = true;
} else if (template.formeid.slice(-5) === 'totem') {
template.gen = 7;
template.isTotem = true;
} else if (template.formeid === '-alola') {
template.gen = 7;
} else if (template.num >= 722) {
template.gen = 7;
} else if (template.num >= 650) {
template.gen = 6;
} else if (template.num >= 494) {
template.gen = 5;
} else if (template.num >= 387) {
template.gen = 4;
} else if (template.num >= 252) {
template.gen = 3;
} else if (template.num >= 152) {
template.gen = 2;
} else if (template.num >= 1) {
template.gen = 1;
} else {
template.gen = 0;
if (template.otherForms && template.otherForms.indexOf(speciesid) >= 0) {
if (!window.BattlePokedexAltForms) window.BattlePokedexAltForms = {};
if (!window.BattlePokedexAltForms[speciesid]) {
template = window.BattlePokedexAltForms[speciesid] = $.extend({}, template);
let form = speciesid.slice(template.baseSpecies.length);
let formid = '-' + form;
form = form[0].toUpperCase() + form.slice(1);
template.form = form;
template.species = template.baseSpecies + (form ? '-' + form : '');
template.speciesid = toId(template.species);
template.spriteid = toId(template.baseSpecies) + formid;
template = window.BattlePokedexAltForms[speciesid];
if (template.spriteid.slice(-5) === 'totem') template.spriteid = template.spriteid.slice(0, -5);
if (template.spriteid.slice(-1) === '-') template.spriteid = template.spriteid.slice(0, -1);
return template;
getType(type: any): Effect {
if (!type || typeof type === 'string') {
let id = toId(type) as string;
id = id.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + id.substr(1);
type = (window.BattleTypeChart && window.BattleTypeChart[id]) || {};
if (type.damageTaken) type.exists = true;
if (! = id;
if (! = id;
if (!type.effectType) {
type.effectType = 'Type';
return type;
getAbilitiesFor(template: any, gen = 7): {[id: string]: string} {
template = this.getTemplate(template);
if (gen < 3 || !template.abilities) return {};
const id =;
const templAbilities = template.abilities;
const table = (gen >= 7 ? null : window.BattleTeambuilderTable['gen' + gen]);
const abilities = {} as {[id: string]: string};
if (!table) return Object.assign(abilities, templAbilities);
if (table.overrideAbility && id in table.overrideAbility) {
abilities['0'] = table.overrideAbility[id];
} else {
abilities['0'] = templAbilities['0'];
const removeSecondAbility = table.removeSecondAbility && id in table.removeSecondAbility;
if (!removeSecondAbility && templAbilities['1']) {
abilities['1'] = templAbilities['1'];
if (gen >= 5 && templAbilities['H']) abilities['H'] = templAbilities['H'];
if (gen >= 7 && templAbilities['S']) abilities['S'] = templAbilities['S'];
return abilities;
hasAbility: function (template: any, ability: string, gen = 7) {
const abilities = this.getAbilitiesFor(template, gen);
for (const i in abilities) {
if (ability === abilities[i]) return true;
return false;
loadedSpriteData: {'xy':1, 'bw':0},
loadSpriteData(gen: 'xy' | 'bw') {
if (this.loadedSpriteData[gen]) return;
this.loadedSpriteData[gen] = 1;
let path = $('script[src*="pokedex-mini.js"]').attr('src') || '';
let qs = '?' + (path.split('?')[1] || '');
path = (path.match(/.+?(?=data\/pokedex-mini\.js)/) || [])[0] || '';
let el = document.createElement('script');
el.src = path + 'data/pokedex-mini-bw.js' + qs;
getSpriteData(pokemon: Pokemon | Template | string, siden: number, options: {gen?: number, shiny?: boolean, gender?: GenderName, afd?: boolean, noScale?: boolean} = {gen: 6}) {
if (!options.gen) options.gen = 6;
if (pokemon instanceof Pokemon) {
if (pokemon.volatiles.transform) {
options.shiny = pokemon.volatiles.transform[2];
} else {
options.shiny = pokemon.shiny;
options.gender = pokemon.gender;
pokemon = pokemon.getSpecies();
const template = Tools.getTemplate(pokemon);
let spriteData = {
w: 96,
h: 96,
y: 0,
url: Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/',
pixelated: true,
isBackSprite: false,
cryurl: '',
shiny: options.shiny
let name = template.spriteid;
let dir, facing;
if (siden) {
dir = '';
facing = 'front';
} else {
spriteData.isBackSprite = true;
dir = '-back';
facing = 'back';
// Decide what gen sprites to use.
let fieldGenNum = options.gen;
if (Tools.prefs('nopastgens')) fieldGenNum = 6;
if (Tools.prefs('bwgfx') && fieldGenNum >= 6) fieldGenNum = 5;
let genNum = Math.max(fieldGenNum, Math.min(template.gen, 5));
let gen = ['', 'rby', 'gsc', 'rse', 'dpp', 'bw', 'xy', 'xy'][genNum];
let animationData = null;
let miscData = null;
let speciesid = template.speciesid;
if (template.isTotem) speciesid = toId(name);
if (gen === 'xy' && window.BattlePokemonSprites) {
animationData = BattlePokemonSprites[speciesid];
if (gen === 'bw' && window.BattlePokemonSpritesBW) {
animationData = BattlePokemonSpritesBW[speciesid];
if (window.BattlePokemonSprites) miscData = BattlePokemonSprites[speciesid];
if (!miscData && window.BattlePokemonSpritesBW) miscData = BattlePokemonSpritesBW[speciesid];
if (!animationData) animationData = {};
if (!miscData) miscData = {};
if (miscData.num > 0) {
spriteData.cryurl = 'audio/cries/' + toId(template.baseSpecies);
let formeid = template.formeid;
if (template.isMega || formeid && (formeid === '-sky' || formeid === '-therian' || formeid === '-primal' || formeid === '-eternal' || template.baseSpecies === 'Kyurem' || formeid === '-super' || formeid === '-unbound' || formeid === '-midnight' || formeid === '-school' || template.baseSpecies === 'Oricorio' || template.baseSpecies === 'Zygarde')) {
spriteData.cryurl += formeid;
spriteData.cryurl += (window.nodewebkit ? '.ogg' : '.mp3');
if (options.shiny && options.gen > 1) dir += '-shiny';
// April Fool's 2014
if (window.Config && Config.server && Config.server.afd || options.afd) {
dir = 'afd' + dir;
spriteData.url += dir + '/' + name + '.png';
return spriteData;
// Digimon sprites
if (window.location.href.includes('digimon')) {
dir = 'digimon/sprites/digimon' + dir;
spriteData.url += dir + '/' + name + '.png';
return spriteData;
if (animationData[facing + 'f'] && options.gender === 'F') facing += 'f';
let allowAnim = !Tools.prefs('noanim') && !Tools.prefs('nogif');
if (allowAnim && genNum >= 6) spriteData.pixelated = false;
if (allowAnim && animationData[facing] && genNum >= 5) {
if (facing.slice(-1) === 'f') name += '-f';
dir = gen + 'ani' + dir;
spriteData.w = animationData[facing].w;
spriteData.h = animationData[facing].h;
spriteData.url += dir + '/' + name + '.gif';
} else {
// There is no entry or enough data in pokedex-mini.js
// Handle these in case-by-case basis; either using BW sprites or matching the played gen.
if (gen === 'xy') gen = 'bw';
dir = gen + dir;
// Gender differences don't exist prior to Gen 4,
// so there are no sprites for it
if (genNum >= 4 && miscData['frontf'] && options.gender === 'F') {
name += '-f';
spriteData.url += dir + '/' + name + '.png';
if (!options.noScale) {
if (fieldGenNum > 5) {
// no scaling
} else if (!spriteData.isBackSprite || fieldGenNum === 5) {
spriteData.w *= 2;
spriteData.h *= 2;
spriteData.y += -16;
} else {
// backsprites are multiplied 1.5x by the 3D engine
spriteData.w *= 2 / 1.5;
spriteData.h *= 2 / 1.5;
spriteData.y += -11;
if (fieldGenNum === 5) spriteData.y = -35;
if (fieldGenNum === 5 && spriteData.isBackSprite) spriteData.y += 40;
if (genNum <= 2) spriteData.y += 2;
if (template.isTotem && !options.noScale) {
spriteData.w *= 1.5;
spriteData.h *= 1.5;
spriteData.y += -11;
return spriteData;
getPokemonIcon(pokemon: any, facingLeft?: boolean) {
let num = 0;
if (pokemon === 'pokeball') {
return 'background:transparent url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/smicons-pokeball-sheet.png) no-repeat scroll -0px 4px';
} else if (pokemon === 'pokeball-statused') {
return 'background:transparent url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/smicons-pokeball-sheet.png) no-repeat scroll -40px 4px';
} else if (pokemon === 'pokeball-fainted') {
return 'background:transparent url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/smicons-pokeball-sheet.png) no-repeat scroll -80px 4px;opacity:.4;filter:contrast(0)';
} else if (pokemon === 'pokeball-none') {
return 'background:transparent url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/smicons-pokeball-sheet.png) no-repeat scroll -80px 4px';
let id = toId(pokemon);
if (pokemon && pokemon.species) id = toId(pokemon.species);
if (pokemon && pokemon.volatiles && pokemon.volatiles.formechange && !pokemon.volatiles.transform) id = toId(pokemon.volatiles.formechange[2]);
if (pokemon && pokemon.num !== undefined) num = pokemon.num;
else if (window.BattlePokemonSprites && BattlePokemonSprites[id] && BattlePokemonSprites[id].num) num = BattlePokemonSprites[id].num;
else if (window.BattlePokedex && window.BattlePokedex[id] && BattlePokedex[id].num) num = BattlePokedex[id].num;
if (num < 0) num = 0;
if (num > 807) num = 0;
let altNums = {
egg: 816 + 1,
pikachubelle: 816 + 2,
pikachulibre: 816 + 3,
pikachuphd: 816 + 4,
pikachupopstar: 816 + 5,
pikachurockstar: 816 + 6,
pikachucosplay: 816 + 7,
// unown gap
castformrainy: 816 + 35,
castformsnowy: 816 + 36,
castformsunny: 816 + 37,
deoxysattack: 816 + 38,
deoxysdefense: 816 + 39,
deoxysspeed: 816 + 40,
burmysandy: 816 + 41,
burmytrash: 816 + 42,
wormadamsandy: 816 + 43,
wormadamtrash: 816 + 44,
cherrimsunshine: 816 + 45,
shelloseast: 816 + 46,
gastrodoneast: 816 + 47,
rotomfan: 816 + 48,
rotomfrost: 816 + 49,
rotomheat: 816 + 50,
rotommow: 816 + 51,
rotomwash: 816 + 52,
giratinaorigin: 816 + 53,
shayminsky: 816 + 54,
unfezantf: 816 + 55,
basculinbluestriped: 816 + 56,
darmanitanzen: 816 + 57,
deerlingautumn: 816 + 58,
deerlingsummer: 816 + 59,
deerlingwinter: 816 + 60,
sawsbuckautumn: 816 + 61,
sawsbucksummer: 816 + 62,
sawsbuckwinter: 816 + 63,
frillishf: 816 + 64,
jellicentf: 816 + 65,
tornadustherian: 816 + 66,
thundurustherian: 816 + 67,
landorustherian: 816 + 68,
kyuremblack: 816 + 69,
kyuremwhite: 816 + 70,
keldeoresolute: 816 + 71,
meloettapirouette: 816 + 72,
vivillonarchipelago: 816 + 73,
vivilloncontinental: 816 + 74,
vivillonelegant: 816 + 75,
vivillonfancy: 816 + 76,
vivillongarden: 816 + 77,
vivillonhighplains: 816 + 78,
vivillonicysnow: 816 + 79,
vivillonjungle: 816 + 80,
vivillonmarine: 816 + 81,
vivillonmodern: 816 + 82,
vivillonmonsoon: 816 + 83,
vivillonocean: 816 + 84,
vivillonpokeball: 816 + 85,
vivillonpolar: 816 + 86,
vivillonriver: 816 + 87,
vivillonsandstorm: 816 + 88,
vivillonsavanna: 816 + 89,
vivillonsun: 816 + 90,
vivillontundra: 816 + 91,
pyroarf: 816 + 92,
flabebeblue: 816 + 93,
flabebeorange: 816 + 94,
flabebewhite: 816 + 95,
flabebeyellow: 816 + 96,
floetteblue: 816 + 97,
floetteeternal: 816 + 98,
floetteorange: 816 + 99,
floettewhite: 816 + 100,
floetteyellow: 816 + 101,
florgesblue: 816 + 102,
florgesorange: 816 + 103,
florgeswhite: 816 + 104,
florgesyellow: 816 + 105,
furfroudandy: 816 + 106,
furfroudebutante: 816 + 107,
furfroudiamond: 816 + 108,
furfrouheart: 816 + 109,
furfroukabuki: 816 + 110,
furfroulareine: 816 + 111,
furfroumatron: 816 + 112,
furfroupharaoh: 816 + 113,
furfroustar: 816 + 114,
meowsticf: 816 + 115,
aegislashblade: 816 + 116,
hoopaunbound: 816 + 118,
rattataalola: 816 + 119,
raticatealola: 816 + 120,
raichualola: 816 + 121,
sandshrewalola: 816 + 122,
sandslashalola: 816 + 123,
vulpixalola: 816 + 124,
ninetalesalola: 816 + 125,
diglettalola: 816 + 126,
dugtrioalola: 816 + 127,
meowthalola: 816 + 128,
persianalola: 816 + 129,
geodudealola: 816 + 130,
graveleralola: 816 + 131,
golemalola: 816 + 132,
grimeralola: 816 + 133,
mukalola: 816 + 134,
exeggutoralola: 816 + 135,
marowakalola: 816 + 136,
greninjaash: 816 + 137,
zygarde10: 816 + 138,
zygardecomplete: 816 + 139,
oricoriopompom: 816 + 140,
oricoriopau: 816 + 141,
oricoriosensu: 816 + 142,
lycanrocmidnight: 816 + 143,
wishiwashischool: 816 + 144,
miniormeteor: 816 + 145,
miniororange: 816 + 146,
minioryellow: 816 + 147,
miniorgreen: 816 + 148,
miniorblue: 816 + 149,
miniorviolet: 816 + 150,
miniorindigo: 816 + 151,
magearnaoriginal: 816 + 152,
pikachuoriginal: 816 + 153,
pikachuhoenn: 816 + 154,
pikachusinnoh: 816 + 155,
pikachuunova: 816 + 156,
pikachukalos: 816 + 157,
pikachualola: 816 + 158,
pikachupartner: 816 + 159,
lycanrocdusk: 816 + 160,
necrozmaduskmane: 816 + 161,
necrozmadawnwings: 816 + 162,
necrozmaultra: 816 + 163,
gumshoostotem: 735,
raticatealolatotem: 816 + 120,
marowakalolatotem: 816 + 136,
araquanidtotem: 752,
lurantistotem: 754,
salazzletotem: 758,
vikavolttotem: 738,
togedemarutotem: 777,
mimikyutotem: 778,
mimikyubustedtotem: 778,
ribombeetotem: 743,
kommoototem: 784,
venusaurmega: 984 + 0,
charizardmegax: 984 + 1,
charizardmegay: 984 + 2,
blastoisemega: 984 + 3,
beedrillmega: 984 + 4,
pidgeotmega: 984 + 5,
alakazammega: 984 + 6,
slowbromega: 984 + 7,
gengarmega: 984 + 8,
kangaskhanmega: 984 + 9,
pinsirmega: 984 + 10,
gyaradosmega: 984 + 11,
aerodactylmega: 984 + 12,
mewtwomegax: 984 + 13,
mewtwomegay: 984 + 14,
ampharosmega: 984 + 15,
steelixmega: 984 + 16,
scizormega: 984 + 17,
heracrossmega: 984 + 18,
houndoommega: 984 + 19,
tyranitarmega: 984 + 20,
sceptilemega: 984 + 21,
blazikenmega: 984 + 22,
swampertmega: 984 + 23,
gardevoirmega: 984 + 24,
sableyemega: 984 + 25,
mawilemega: 984 + 26,
aggronmega: 984 + 27,
medichammega: 984 + 28,
manectricmega: 984 + 29,
sharpedomega: 984 + 30,
cameruptmega: 984 + 31,
altariamega: 984 + 32,
banettemega: 984 + 33,
absolmega: 984 + 34,
glaliemega: 984 + 35,
salamencemega: 984 + 36,
metagrossmega: 984 + 37,
latiasmega: 984 + 38,
latiosmega: 984 + 39,
kyogreprimal: 984 + 40,
groudonprimal: 984 + 41,
rayquazamega: 984 + 42,
lopunnymega: 984 + 43,
garchompmega: 984 + 44,
lucariomega: 984 + 45,
abomasnowmega: 984 + 46,
gallademega: 984 + 47,
audinomega: 984 + 48,
dianciemega: 984 + 49,
syclant: 1152 + 0,
revenankh: 1152 + 1,
pyroak: 1152 + 2,
fidgit: 1152 + 3,
stratagem: 1152 + 4,
arghonaut: 1152 + 5,
kitsunoh: 1152 + 6,
cyclohm: 1152 + 7,
colossoil: 1152 + 8,
krilowatt: 1152 + 9,
voodoom: 1152 + 10,
tomohawk: 1152 + 11,
necturna: 1152 + 12,
mollux: 1152 + 13,
aurumoth: 1152 + 14,
malaconda: 1152 + 15,
cawmodore: 1152 + 16,
volkraken: 1152 + 17,
plasmanta: 1152 + 18,
naviathan: 1152 + 19,
crucibelle: 1152 + 20,
crucibellemega: 1152 + 21,
kerfluffle: 1152 + 22,
pajantom: 1152 + 23,
jumbao: 1152 + 24,
syclar: 1188 + 0,
embirch: 1188 + 1,
flarelm: 1188 + 2,
breezi: 1188 + 3,
scratchet: 1188 + 4,
necturine: 1188 + 5,
cupra: 1188 + 6,
argalis: 1188 + 7,
brattler: 1188 + 8,
cawdet: 1188 + 9,
volkritter: 1188 + 10,
snugglow: 1188 + 11,
floatoy: 1188 + 12,
caimanoe: 1188 + 13,
pluffle: 1188 + 14,
rebble: 1188 + 15,
tactite: 1188 + 16,
privatyke: 1188 + 17,
nohface: 1188 + 18,
monohm: 1188 + 19,
duohm: 1188 + 20,
// protowatt: 1188 + 21,
voodoll: 1188 + 22
} as {[id: string]: number};
if (altNums[id]) {
num = altNums[id];
if (pokemon && pokemon.gender === 'F') {
if (id === 'unfezant' || id === 'frillish' || id === 'jellicent' || id === 'meowstic' || id === 'pyroar') {
num = altNums[id + 'f'];
if (facingLeft) {
altNums = {
pikachubelle: 1044 + 0,
pikachupopstar: 1044 + 1,
clefairy: 1044 + 2,
clefable: 1044 + 3,
jigglypuff: 1044 + 4,
wigglytuff: 1044 + 5,
dugtrioalola: 1044 + 6,
poliwhirl: 1044 + 7,
poliwrath: 1044 + 8,
mukalola: 1044 + 9,
kingler: 1044 + 10,
croconaw: 1044 + 11,
cleffa: 1044 + 12,
igglybuff: 1044 + 13,
politoed: 1044 + 14,
// unown gap
sneasel: 1044 + 35,
teddiursa: 1044 + 36,
roselia: 1044 + 37,
zangoose: 1044 + 38,
seviper: 1044 + 39,
castformrainy: 1044 + 40,
absolmega: 1044 + 41,
absol: 1044 + 42,
regirock: 1044 + 43,
torterra: 1044 + 44,
budew: 1044 + 45,
roserade: 1044 + 46,
magmortar: 1044 + 47,
togekiss: 1044 + 48,
rotomwash: 1044 + 49,
shayminsky: 1044 + 50,
emboar: 1044 + 51,
pansear: 1044 + 52,
simisear: 1044 + 53,
drilbur: 1044 + 54,
excadrill: 1044 + 55,
sawk: 1044 + 56,
lilligant: 1044 + 57,
garbodor: 1044 + 58,
solosis: 1044 + 59,
vanilluxe: 1044 + 60,
amoonguss: 1044 + 61,
klink: 1044 + 62,
klang: 1044 + 63,
klinklang: 1044 + 64,
litwick: 1044 + 65,
golett: 1044 + 66,
golurk: 1044 + 67,
kyuremblack: 1044 + 68,
kyuremwhite: 1044 + 69,
kyurem: 1044 + 70,
keldeoresolute: 1044 + 71,
meloetta: 1044 + 72,
greninja: 1044 + 73,
greninjaash: 1044 + 74,
furfroudebutante: 1044 + 75,
barbaracle: 1044 + 76,
clauncher: 1044 + 77,
clawitzer: 1044 + 78,
sylveon: 1044 + 79,
klefki: 1044 + 80,
zygarde: 1044 + 81,
zygarde10: 1044 + 82,
zygardecomplete: 1044 + 83,
dartrix: 1044 + 84,
steenee: 1044 + 85,
tsareena: 1044 + 86,
comfey: 1044 + 87,
miniormeteor: 1044 + 88,
minior: 1044 + 89,
miniororange: 1044 + 90,
minioryellow: 1044 + 91,
miniorgreen: 1044 + 92,
miniorblue: 1044 + 93,
miniorviolet: 1044 + 94,
miniorindigo: 1044 + 95,
dhelmise: 1044 + 96,
necrozma: 1044 + 97,
marshadow: 1044 + 98,
pikachuoriginal: 1044 + 99,
pikachupartner: 1044 + 100,
necrozmaduskmane: 1044 + 101,
necrozmadawnwings: 1044 + 102,
necrozmaultra: 1044 + 103,
stakataka: 1044 + 104,
blacephalon: 1044 + 105=
if (altNums[id]) {
num = altNums[id];
let top = Math.floor(num / 12) * 30;
let left = (num % 12) * 40;
let fainted = (pokemon && pokemon.fainted ? ';opacity:.7;filter:contrast(0)' : '');
let spriteSheet = 'sprites/smicons-sheet.png?a3';
// Digimon types
if (window.location.href.includes('digimon')) {
spriteSheet = 'digimon/sprites/digimonicons-sheet.png';
return 'background:transparent url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + spriteSheet + ') no-repeat scroll -' + left + 'px -' + top + 'px' + fainted; },
getTeambuilderSprite(pokemon: any, gen: number = 0) {
if (!pokemon) return '';
let id = toId(pokemon.species);
let spriteid = pokemon.spriteid;
let template = Tools.getTemplate(pokemon.species);
if (pokemon.species && !spriteid) {
if (template.spriteid) {
spriteid = template.spriteid;
} else {
spriteid = toId(pokemon.species);
if (Tools.getTemplate(pokemon.species).exists === false) {
return 'background-image:url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/bw/0.png);background-position:10px 5px;background-repeat:no-repeat';
let shiny = (pokemon.shiny ? '-shiny' : '');
// let sdata;
// if (BattlePokemonSprites[id] && BattlePokemonSprites[id].front && !Tools.prefs('bwgfx')) {
// if (BattlePokemonSprites[id].front.anif && pokemon.gender === 'F') {
// spriteid += '-f';
// sdata = BattlePokemonSprites[id].front.anif;
// } else {
// sdata = BattlePokemonSprites[id].front.ani;
// }
// } else {
// return 'background-image:url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/bw' + shiny + '/' + spriteid + '.png);background-position:10px 5px;background-repeat:no-repeat';
// }
if (Tools.prefs('nopastgens')) gen = 6;
let spriteDir = Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/xydex';
if ((!gen || gen >= 6) && !template.isNonstandard && !Tools.prefs('bwgfx')) {
let offset = '-2px -3px';
if (template.gen >= 7) offset = '-6px -7px';
if (id.substr(0, 6) === 'arceus') offset = '-2px 7px';
if (id === 'garchomp') offset = '-2px 2px';
if (id === 'garchompmega') offset = '-2px 0px';
return 'background-image:url(' + spriteDir + shiny + '/' + spriteid + '.png);background-position:' + offset + ';background-repeat:no-repeat';
spriteDir = Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/bw';
if (gen <= 1 && template.gen <= 1) spriteDir = Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/rby';
else if (gen <= 2 && template.gen <= 2) spriteDir = Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/gsc';
else if (gen <= 3 && template.gen <= 3) spriteDir = Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/rse';
else if (gen <= 4 && template.gen <= 4) spriteDir = Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/dpp';
return 'background-image:url(' + spriteDir + shiny + '/' + spriteid + '.png);background-position:10px 5px;background-repeat:no-repeat';
// let w = Math.round(57 - sdata.w / 2), h = Math.round(57 - sdata.h / 2);
// if (id === 'altariamega' || id === 'dianciemega' || id === 'charizardmegay') h += 15;
// if (id === 'gliscor' || id === 'gardevoirmega' || id === 'garchomp' || id === 'garchompmega' || id === 'lugia' || id === 'golurk') h += 8;
// if (id === 'manectricmega') h -= 8;
// if (id === 'giratinaorigin' || id === 'steelixmega') h -= 15;
// if (id === 'lugia' || id === 'latiosmega' || id === 'latias' || id === 'garchompmega' || id === 'kyuremwhite') w += 8;
// if (id === 'rayquazamega' || id === 'giratinaorigin' || id === 'wailord' || id === 'latiasmega') w += 15;
// return 'background-image:url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/xy' + shiny + '/' + spriteid + '.png);background-position:' + w + 'px ' + h + 'px;background-repeat:no-repeat';
getItemIcon(item: any) {
let num = 0;
if (typeof item === 'string' && exports.BattleItems) item = exports.BattleItems[toId(item)];
if (item && item.spritenum) num = item.spritenum;
let top = Math.floor(num / 16) * 24;
let left = (num % 16) * 24;
return 'background:transparent url(' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/itemicons-sheet.png) no-repeat scroll -' + left + 'px -' + top + 'px';
getTypeIcon(type: string, b?: boolean) { // b is just for utilichart.js
if (!type) return '';
let sanitizedType = type.replace(/\?/g, '%3f');
return '<img src="' + Tools.resourcePrefix + 'sprites/types/' + sanitizedType + '.png" alt="' + type + '" height="14" width="32"' + (b ? ' class="b"' : '') + ' />';
* Replay files
// Replay files are .html files that display a replay for a battle.
// The .html files mainly contain replay log data; the actual replay
// player is downloaded online. Also included is a textual log and
// some minimal CSS to make it look pretty, for offline viewing.
// This strategy helps keep the replay file reasonably small; of
// the 30 KB or so for a 50-turn battle, around 10 KB is the log
// data, and around 20 KB is the textual log.
// The actual replay player is downloaded from replay-embed.js,
// which handles loading all the necessary resources for turning the log
// data into a playable replay.
// Battle log data is stored in and loaded from a
// <script type="text/plain" class="battle-log-data"> tag.
// replay-embed.js is loaded through a cache-buster that rotates daily.
// This allows pretty much anything about the replay viewer to be
// updated as desired.
createReplayFile(room: any) {
let battle = room.battle;
let replayid =;
if (replayid) {
// battle room
replayid = replayid.slice(7);
if ( !== 'showdown') {
if (!Config.server.registered) {
replayid = 'unregisteredserver-' + replayid;
} else {
replayid = + '-' + replayid;
} else {
// replay panel
replayid = room.fragment;
let buf = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n';
buf += '<meta charset="utf-8" />\n';
buf += '<!-- version 1 -->\n';
buf += '<title>' + Tools.escapeHTML(battle.tier) + ' replay: ' + Tools.escapeHTML( + ' vs. ' + Tools.escapeHTML( + '</title>\n';
buf += '<style>\n';
buf += 'html,body {font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;font-size:10pt;margin:0;padding:0;}body{padding:12px 0;} .battle-log {font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;font-size:10pt;} .battle-log-inline {border:1px solid #AAAAAA;background:#EEF2F5;color:black;max-width:640px;margin:0 auto 80px;padding-bottom:5px;} .battle-log .inner {padding:4px 8px 0px 8px;} .battle-log .inner-preempt {padding:0 8px 4px 8px;} .battle-log .inner-after {margin-top:0.5em;} .battle-log h2 {margin:0.5em -8px;padding:4px 8px;border:1px solid #AAAAAA;background:#E0E7EA;border-left:0;border-right:0;font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;font-size:13pt;} .battle-log .chat {vertical-align:middle;padding:3px 0 3px 0;font-size:8pt;} .battle-log .chat strong {color:#40576A;} .battle-log .chat em {padding:1px 4px 1px 3px;color:#000000;font-style:normal;} .chat.mine {background:rgba(0,0,0,0.05);margin-left:-8px;margin-right:-8px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;} .spoiler {color:#BBBBBB;background:#BBBBBB;padding:0px 3px;} .spoiler:hover, .spoiler:active, .spoiler-shown {color:#000000;background:#E2E2E2;padding:0px 3px;} .spoiler a {color:#BBBBBB;} .spoiler:hover a, .spoiler:active a, .spoiler-shown a {color:#2288CC;} .chat code, .chat .spoiler:hover code, .chat .spoiler:active code, .chat .spoiler-shown code {border:1px solid #C0C0C0;background:#EEEEEE;color:black;padding:0 2px;} .chat .spoiler code {border:1px solid #CCCCCC;background:#CCCCCC;color:#CCCCCC;} .battle-log .rated {padding:3px 4px;} .battle-log .rated strong {color:white;background:#89A;padding:1px 4px;border-radius:4px;} .spacer {margin-top:0.5em;} .message-announce {background:#6688AA;color:white;padding:1px 4px 2px;} .message-announce a, .broadcast-green a, .broadcast-blue a, .broadcast-red a {color:#DDEEFF;} .broadcast-green {background-color:#559955;color:white;padding:2px 4px;} .broadcast-blue {background-color:#6688AA;color:white;padding:2px 4px;} .infobox {border:1px solid #6688AA;padding:2px 4px;} .infobox-limited {max-height:200px;overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden;} .broadcast-red {background-color:#AA5544;color:white;padding:2px 4px;} .message-learn-canlearn {font-weight:bold;color:#228822;text-decoration:underline;} .message-learn-cannotlearn {font-weight:bold;color:#CC2222;text-decoration:underline;} .message-effect-weak {font-weight:bold;color:#CC2222;} .message-effect-resist {font-weight:bold;color:#6688AA;} .message-effect-immune {font-weight:bold;color:#666666;} .message-learn-list {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} .message-throttle-notice, .message-error {color:#992222;} .message-overflow, .chat small.message-overflow {font-size:0pt;} .message-overflow::before {font-size:9pt;content:\'...\';} .subtle {color:#3A4A66;}\n';
buf += '</style>\n';
buf += '<div class="wrapper replay-wrapper" style="max-width:1180px;margin:0 auto">\n';
buf += '<input type="hidden" name="replayid" value="' + replayid + '" />\n';
buf += '<div class="battle"></div><div class="battle-log"></div><div class="replay-controls"></div><div class="replay-controls-2"></div>\n';
buf += '<h1 style="font-weight:normal;text-align:center"><strong>' + Tools.escapeHTML(battle.tier) + '</strong><br /><a href="' + toId( + '" class="subtle" target="_blank">' + Tools.escapeHTML( + '</a> vs. <a href="' + toId( + '" class="subtle" target="_blank">' + Tools.escapeHTML( + '</a></h1>\n';
buf += '<script type="text/plain" class="battle-log-data">' + battle.activityQueue.join('\n').replace(/\//g, '\\/') + '</script>\n';
buf += '</div>\n';
buf += '<div class="battle-log battle-log-inline"><div class="inner">' + battle.scene.$log.html() + '</div></div>\n';
buf += '</div>\n';
buf += '<script>\n';
buf += 'let daily = Math.floor(;document.write(\'<script src="\'+daily+\'"></\'+\'script>\');\n';
buf += '</script>\n';
return buf;
createReplayFileHref(room: any) {
// unescape(encodeURIComponent()) is necessary because btoa doesn't support Unicode
return 'data:text/plain;base64,' + encodeURIComponent(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(Tools.createReplayFile(room)))));
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