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Last active May 11, 2020 20:09
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Piety Promoted Chapter Splitter (a `fl` cli command)
import fs from 'fs';
const edition = 'original';
export default function handler(): void {
const path = `/Users/jared/fl/en/compilations/youthful-piety/${edition}/02-youthful-piety.adoc`;
const adoc = fs.readFileSync(path).toString();
const parts = adoc
.replace(/\n\n([A-Z]{3,}( [A-Z]+\.?)? [A-Z]{3,})/g, '~~~$1')
const chapters: [string, string[], number][] = [['', [], 0]];
let chapterIdx = 0;
const namePattern = /([A-Z]{3,}( [A-Z]+\.?)? [A-Z]{3,})/;
parts.forEach((part, idx) => {
const match = part.match(namePattern);
if (!match) {
console.log('Part has no name!', idx, part);
const name = match[0]
.split(' ')
.map(s => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1))
.join(' ');
let chapter = chapters[chapterIdx];
let [, , linesInChapter] = chapter;
if (linesInChapter > MAX_CHAPTER_LINES) {
chapter = ['', [], 0];
chapters[chapterIdx] = chapter;
chapter[0] = `${chapter[0]}\n${part}`;
chapter[2] += part.split('\n').length;
chapters.forEach(([mainText, names], idx) => {
const title = `== Chapter ${idx + 1}`;
const cs = ['[.chapter-synopsis]'].concat( => `* ${name}`)).join('\n');
let chapterText = `${title}\n\n${cs}\n\n${mainText}`;
const lines = chapterText.split('\n\n');
if (lines[lines.length - 1].trim() === "[.asterism]\n'''") {
chapterText = lines.slice(0, lines.length - 1).join('\n\n');
const fileNum = String(idx + 2).padStart(2, '0');
const chNum = String(idx + 1).padStart(2, '0');
const path = `/Users/jared/fl/en/compilations/youthful-piety/${edition}/${fileNum}-chapter-${chNum}.adoc`;
fs.writeFileSync(path, chapterText);
const MAX_CHAPTER_LINES = 800;
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