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Created August 19, 2014 21:25
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* Class Cell
* Converts string into col/row representation.
class Cell {
public $col = 0;
public $row = 0;
public function __construct($cell) {
if (is_string($cell)) {
private function parseCellStr($cell) {
if (preg_match('/([a-z]*)([0-9]*)/i', $cell, $match) == 1 && count($match) == 3) {
$colTmp = $match[1];
$rowTmp = $match[2];
throw new Exception('Illegal Cell string: ' . $cell);
private function parseColStr($str) {
$str = strtoupper($str);
$this->col = 0;
$digits = strlen($str);
for ($i = 0; $i < $digits; $i++) {
$c = ord($str[$i]) - ord('A');
$this->col += $c * pow(26, $digits - $i - 1);
private function parseRowStr($original) {
$this->row = (int)$original - 1;
* Class CellSelection
* Parses abstract selection string into single CellRange
class CellSelection implements Countable {
protected $cellRange = null;
public function __construct($str) {
$this->cellRange = new CellRange();
$complements = explode('~', $str);
$add = true;
foreach ($complements as $complement) {
if ($add) {
$add = false;
} else {
$add = true;
public function count() {
return $this->cellRange->count();
public function __toString() {
$s = $this->cellRange->count() . "\n";
$s .= $this->cellRange;
return $s;
protected function parseChunk($str) {
$cellRange = new CellRange();
$ranges = explode('&', $str);
foreach ($ranges as $addRanges) {
$cells = explode(':', $addRanges);
if (count($cells) > 1) {
$cellRange->addRange(CellRange::create(new Cell($cells[0]), new Cell($cells[1])));
} else {
$cellRange->addRange(CellRange::create(new Cell($cells[0])));
return $cellRange;
* Class CellRange
* Hold collection of ColumnRanges and adds/removes other CellRange
class CellRange implements Countable {
private $columns = [];
public static function create(Cell $startCell, Cell $endCell = null) {
$cellRange = new CellRange();
$cellRange->columns = ColumnRange::create($startCell, $endCell);
return $cellRange;
public function count() {
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->columns as $colArray) {
foreach ($colArray as $c) {
$count += $c->count();
return $count;
public function __toString() {
$s = '';
foreach ($this->columns as $colArray) {
foreach ($colArray as $col) {
$s .= $col;
return $s;
public function addRange(CellRange $range) {
foreach ($range->columns as $col => $r) {
if (!isset($this->columns[$col])) {
$this->columns[$col] = $r;
} else {
$newColumnRanges = new SplObjectStorage();
foreach ($this->columns[$col] as $colRange) {
foreach ($r as $newRange) {
$ret = $colRange->addColumnRange($newRange);
if ($ret === false && !isset($newColumnRanges[$newRange])) {
$newColumnRanges[$newRange] = 1;
} else {
$newColumnRanges[$newRange] = 0;
foreach ($newColumnRanges as $newRange) {
if ($newColumnRanges[$newRange]) {
$this->columns[$col][] = $newRange;
public function removeRange(CellRange $range) {
foreach ($range->columns as $col => $r) {
if (!isset($this->columns[$col])) {
// nothing to remove
} else {
$newColumnRanges = new SplObjectStorage();
foreach ($this->columns[$col] as $colRange) {
foreach ($r as $newRange) {
$ret = $colRange->removeColumnRange($newRange);
if (is_array($ret)) {
foreach ($ret as $keep) {
} else if (is_object($ret)) {
$this->columns[$col] = [];
foreach ($newColumnRanges as $newRange) {
$this->columns[$col][] = $newRange;
protected function sort() {
foreach ($this->columns as &$values) {
usort($values, array('ColumnRange', 'compareRange'));
protected function coalesce() {
foreach ($this->columns as $col => &$array) {
if (is_array($array) && count($array) > 1) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($array) - 1; $i++) {
$tmp = $array[$i];
$ret = $tmp->addColumnRange($array[$i+1]);
if ($ret) {
array_splice($array, $i, 1);
return $this->coalesce();
* Class ColumnRange
* A single ColumnRange is continuous and will modify itself based on adding and removing other ColumnRanges
class ColumnRange implements Countable {
protected $col = 0;
protected $startRow = 0;
protected $endRow = 0;
* @param Cell $startCell
* @param Cell $endCell
* @return array|ColumnRange
public static function create(Cell $startCell, Cell $endCell = null) {
if (!$endCell) {
return [ $startCell->col => [ new ColumnRange($startCell) ] ];
$startCol = min($startCell->col, $endCell->col);
$endCol = max($startCell->col, $endCell->col);
$startRow = min($startCell->row, $endCell->row);
$endRow = max($startCell->row, $endCell->row);
$out = [];
for ($i = $startCol; $i <= $endCol; $i++) {
$t = new ColumnRange();
$t->col = $i;
$t->startRow = $startRow;
$t->endRow = $endRow;
$out[$i] = [$t];
return $out;
public function __construct(Cell $startCell = null, Cell $endCell = null) {
if (!$startCell) {
return $this;
if (!$endCell) {
$this->col = $startCell->col;
$this->startRow = $startCell->row;
$this->endRow = $startCell->row;
return $this;
if ($startCell->col != $endCell->col) {
throw new Exception('ColumnRange must only contain single column cells.');
$this->startRow = min($startCell->row, $endCell->row);
$this->endRow = max($startCell->row, $endCell->row);
return $this;
public function count() {
return $this->endRow - $this->startRow + 1;
public function __toString() {
$s = '';
for ($i = $this->startRow; $i <= $this->endRow; $i++) {
$s .= $this->col . ', ' . $i . "\n";
return $s;
* Returns ColumnRange if single range describes the combined range.
* Returns false if non overlapping ranges (distinct ranges)
* Explicitly does not check for the same columns
* @param ColumnRange $range
public function addColumnRange(ColumnRange $range) {
// non overlapping
if ( ($this->endRow < $range->startRow - 1) || ($this->startRow - 1 > $range->endRow) ) {
return false;
$this->startRow = min($this->startRow, $range->startRow);
$this->endRow = max($this->endRow, $range->endRow);
return $this;
* Returns false if removal completely overlaps original range
* Returns ColumnRange if removal modifies range.
* Returns Array<ColumnRange> if removal creates two ranges
* Explicitly does not check for identical
* @param ColumnRange $range
public function removeColumnRange(ColumnRange $range) {
// completely overlaps
if ($this->startRow >= $range->startRow && $this->endRow <= $range->endRow) {
return false;
// non-overlapping
if ($this->endRow < $range->startRow || $this->startRow > $range->endRow) {
return $this;
// partial overlap from bottom
if ($this->startRow >= $range->startRow) {
$this->startRow = $range->endRow + 1;
return $this;
// partial overlap from top
if ($this->endRow <= $range->endRow) {
$this->endRow = $range->startRow - 1;
return $this;
// completely contained!
$clone = clone $this;
$this->endRow = $range->startRow -1;
$clone->startRow = $range->endRow + 1;
return [$this, $clone];
public static function compareRange(ColumnRange $a, ColumnRange $b) {
if ($a->startRow < $b->startRow) {
return -1;
return 1;
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