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Created August 30, 2017 15:13
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Fix animation in Safari, fix initial visibility flicker in Chrome
odoo.define('website_animate.o_animate_frontend', function (require) {
'use strict';
var s_animation = require('web_editor.snippets.animation');
var base = require('web_editor.base');
var WebsiteAnimate = {
win : {},
items : {},
offsetRatio : 0.3, // Dynamic offset ratio: 0.3 = (element's height/3)
offsetMin : 10, // Minimum offset for small elements (in pixels)
// Retrieve animable elements and attach handlers.
start: function () {
var self = this;
self.items = $(".o_animate");
self.items.each(function () {
var $el = $(this);
// Set all monitored elements to initial state
setTimeout(function () {
// Bind events and define the scrolling function
attach_handlers: function () {
var self = this;
var lastScroll = 0;
.on("resize.o_animate", function () { = $(window).height();
.on("scroll.o_animate,", (_.throttle(function () {
// _.throttle -> Limit the number of times the scroll function
// can be called in a given period. (
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var windowBottom = windowTop +;
// Handle reverse scrolling
var direction = (windowTop < lastScroll) ? -1 : 1;
lastScroll = windowTop;
self.items.each(function () {
var $el = $(this);
var elHeight = $el.height();
var elOffset = direction * Math.max((elHeight * self.offsetRatio), self.offsetMin)
var state = $el.css("animation-play-state");
// We need to offset for the change in position from some animation
// So we get the top value of the transform matrix
var transformMatrix = $el.css('transform').replace(/[^0-9\-.,]/g, '').split(',')
var transformOffset = transformMatrix[13] || transformMatrix[5];
var elTop = $el.offset().top - transformOffset;
var visible = windowBottom > (elTop + elOffset) && windowTop < (elTop + elHeight - elOffset);
if ( visible && (state == "paused") ) {
} else if ( !(visible) && $el.hasClass("o_animate_both_scroll") && (state == "running") ) {
// Set elements to initial state
reset_animation: function ($el) {
var self = this;
var anim_name = $el.css("animation-name");
.css({"animation-name" : "dummy-none", "animation-play-state" : ""})
.removeClass("o_animated o_animating")
// force the browser to redraw using setTimeout
setTimeout(function () {
$el.css({"animation-name" : anim_name, "animation-play-state" : "paused"})
// Start animation and/or update element's state
start_animation: function ($el) {
var self = this;
// don't use a timeout, as Safari will end the animation keyframe immediately
.css({"animation-play-state": "running"})
.one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function (e) {
base.ready().then(function () {
// By default, elements are hidden by the css of o_animate.
// render alements + // We will trigger the animation then pause it in state 0.
// Then we render all the elements, the ones which are invisible
// in state 0 (like fade_in for example) will stay invisible.
// Use a timeout here to prevent flicker in Chrome.
$(".o_animate").css("visibility", "visible");
// Backward compatibility for enark animation system
s_animation.registry.o_animate = s_animation.Class.extend({
selector: '.o_animation',
stop: function () {
// Convert old classes to the new animation system
var old_animation_classes = "o_animation o_displayed o_displayed_top o_displayed_middle o_displayed_bottom o_visible o_visible_top o_visible_middle o_visible_bottom";
$(".o_fade_in").addClass("o_animate o_anim_fade_in").removeClass("o_fade_in");
$(".o_fade_in_down").addClass("o_animate o_anim_fade_in_down").removeClass("o_fade_in_down");
$(".o_fade_in_left").addClass("o_animate o_anim_fade_in_left").removeClass("o_fade_in_left");
$(".o_fade_in_right").addClass("o_animate o_anim_fade_in_right").removeClass("o_fade_in_right");
$(".o_fade_in_up").addClass("o_animate o_anim_fade_in_up").removeClass("o_fade_in_up");
return WebsiteAnimate;
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