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Created March 17, 2023 16:10
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Imports System
Module Program
Sub Main()
Dim e = ConversionKind.DelegateRelaxationLevelNone
End Sub
End Module
Friend Enum ConversionKind
' If there is a conversion, either [Widening] or [Narrowing] bit must be set, but not both.
' All VB conversions are either Widening or Narrowing.
' To indicate the fact that no conversion exists:
' 1) Neither [Widening] nor [Narrowing] are set.
' 2) Additional flags may be set in order to provide specific reason.
' Bits from the following values are never set at the same time :
' Identity, Numeric, Nullable, Reference, Array, TypeParameter, Value, [String], WideningNothingLiteral, InterpolatedString
FailedDueToNumericOverflow = 1 << 31 ' Failure flag
FailedDueToIntegerOverflow = FailedDueToNumericOverflow Or (1 << 30) ' Failure flag
FailedDueToNumericOverflowMask = FailedDueToNumericOverflow Or FailedDueToIntegerOverflow
FailedDueToQueryLambdaBodyMismatch = 1 << 29 ' Failure flag to indicate that conversion failed because body of a query lambda couldn't be converted to the target delegate return type.
FailedDueToArrayLiteralElementConversion = 1 << 28 ' Failed because array literal element could not be converted to the target element type.
' If there is a conversion, one and only one of the following two bits must be set.
' All VB conversions are either Widening or Narrowing.
[Widening] = 1 << 0
[Narrowing] = 1 << 1
''' <summary>
''' Because flags can be combined, use the method IsIdentityConversion when testing for ConversionKind.Identity
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Identity = [Widening] Or 1 << 2 ' According to VB spec, identity conversion is Widening
Numeric = 1 << 3
WideningNumeric = [Widening] Or Numeric
NarrowingNumeric = [Narrowing] Or Numeric
''' <summary>
''' Can be combined with <see cref="ConversionKind.Tuple"/> to indicate that the underlying value conversion is a predefined tuple conversion
''' </summary>
Nullable = 1 << 4
WideningNullable = [Widening] Or Nullable
NarrowingNullable = [Narrowing] Or Nullable
Reference = 1 << 5
WideningReference = [Widening] Or Reference
NarrowingReference = [Narrowing] Or Reference
Array = 1 << 6
WideningArray = [Widening] Or Array
NarrowingArray = [Narrowing] Or Array
TypeParameter = 1 << 7
WideningTypeParameter = [Widening] Or TypeParameter
NarrowingTypeParameter = [Narrowing] Or TypeParameter
Value = 1 << 8
WideningValue = [Widening] Or Value
NarrowingValue = [Narrowing] Or Value
[String] = 1 << 9
WideningString = [Widening] Or [String]
NarrowingString = [Narrowing] Or [String]
[Boolean] = 1 << 10
' Note: there are no widening boolean conversions.
NarrowingBoolean = [Narrowing] Or [Boolean]
WideningNothingLiteral = [Widening] Or (1 << 11)
' Compiler might be interested in knowing if constant numeric conversion involves narrowing
' for constant's original type. When user-defined conversions are involved, this flag can be
' combined with widening conversions other than WideningNumericConstant.
' If this flag is combined with Narrowing, there should be no other reasons to treat
' conversion as narrowing. In some scenarios overload resolution is likely to dismiss
' narrowing in presence of this flag. Also, it appears that with Option Strict On, Dev10
' compiler does not report errors for narrowing conversions from an integral constant
' expression to an integral type (assuming integer overflow checks are disabled) or from a
' floating constant to a floating type.
InvolvesNarrowingFromNumericConstant = 1 << 12
' This flag is set when conversion involves conversion enum <-> underlying type,
' or conversion between two enums, etc
InvolvesEnumTypeConversions = 1 << 13
' Lambda conversion
Lambda = 1 << 14
' Delegate relaxation levels for Lambda and Delegate conversions
DelegateRelaxationLevelNone = 0 ' Identity / Whidbey
DelegateRelaxationLevelWidening = 1 << 15
DelegateRelaxationLevelWideningDropReturnOrArgs = 2 << 15
DelegateRelaxationLevelWideningToNonLambda = 3 << 15
DelegateRelaxationLevelNarrowing = 4 << 15 ' OrcasStrictOff
DelegateRelaxationLevelInvalid = 5 << 15 ' Keep invalid the biggest number
DelegateRelaxationLevelMask = 7 << 15 ' Three bits used!
'Can be combined with Narrowing
VarianceConversionAmbiguity = 1 << 18
' This bit can be combined with NoConversion to indicate that, even though there is no conversion
' from the language point of view, there is a slight chance that conversion might succeed at run-time
' under the right circumstances. It is used to detect possibly ambiguous variance conversions to an
' interface, so it is set only for scenarios that are relevant to variance conversions to an
' interface.
MightSucceedAtRuntime = 1 << 19
AnonymousDelegate = 1 << 20
NeedAStub = 1 << 21
ConvertedToExpressionTree = 1 << 22 ' Combined with Lambda, indicates a conversion of lambda to Expression(Of T).
UserDefined = 1 << 23
' Some variance delegate conversions are treated as special narrowing (Dev10 #820752).
' This flag is combined with Narrowing to indicate the fact.
NarrowingDueToContraVarianceInDelegate = 1 << 24
' Interpolated string conversions
InterpolatedString = [Widening] Or (1 << 25)
' Tuple conversions
''' <summary>
''' Can be combined with <see cref="ConversionKind.Nullable"/> to indicate that the underlying value conversion is a predefined tuple conversion
''' </summary>
Tuple = (1 << 26)
WideningTuple = [Widening] Or Tuple
NarrowingTuple = [Narrowing] Or Tuple
WideningNullableTuple = WideningNullable Or Tuple
NarrowingNullableTuple = NarrowingNullable Or Tuple
' Bits 28 - 31 are reserved for failure flags.
End Enum
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