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Created March 2, 2023 18:48
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function Parse-Channels([string]$repo) {
$output = Invoke-Expression "& darc get-default-channels --source-repo $repo"
$map = @{ }
foreach ($line in $output) {
$parts = $line.Split('@')
$repoUrl = $parts[0].Split(' ')[1].Trim()
if (-not $repoUrl.EndsWith($repo)) {
$parts = $parts[1].Split("->")
$branch = $parts[0].Trim()
$channel = $parts[1].Trim()
if ($map.ContainsKey($branch)) {
$map[$branch] = $map[$branch] + $channel
else {
$map[$branch] = @($channel)
return $map
function Parse-Subscriptions([string]$filter) {
$output = Invoke-Expression "& darc get-subscriptions $filter"
$urlPattern = "https://[a-z0-9./-]+"
$channelPattern = "[a-z0-9. ]+"
$headerPattern = "($urlPattern)\s+\(($channelPattern)\)"
$all = @()
$index = 0
$inRecord = $false;
$record = @{ }
while ($index -lt $output.Length) {
$line = $output[$index]
if ($line -match $headerPattern) {
if ($inRecord) {
$all += $record
$record = @{ }
$inRecord = $true
$record.RepoUrl = $Matches.1
$record.Channel = $Matches.2
$items = $record.RepoUrl.Split('/')
$record.RepoName = $items[$items.Length - 1]
$record.RepoOrg = $items[$items.Length - 2]
$record.Commit = ""
elseif ($line -match "Last Build: .* \(([a-z0-9]+)\)") {
$record.Commit = $Matches.1
if ($inRecord) {
$all += $record
return $all
function Print-Summary([string]$branch) {
$all = Parse-Subscriptions " --target-repo dotnet/sdk --target-branch release/$branch"
Write-Host $branch
Write-Host "====="
foreach ($table in $all) {
$repoName = $table.RepoName
$repoOrg = $table.RepoOrg
$channel = $table.Channel
if ($script:bigMap.ContainsKey($repoName)) {
$map = $script:bigMap[$repoName]
foreach ($key in $map.Keys) {
$value = $map[$key]
if ($value.Contains($channel)) {
[int]$time = (Get-TimeSinceCommit $table).TotalDays
Write-Host "Repository: $repoName"
Write-Host "Branch: $key"
Write-Host "Channel: $channel"
Write-Host "Last Update: $time days"
Write-Host "Last Commit:$repoOrg/$repoName/commits/$($table.Commit)"
function Get-TimeSinceCommit($table) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($table.Commit)) {
Write-Host "No commit for $($table.RepoOrg)/$($table.RepoName)"
return [TimeSpan]::FromDays(100)
$uri = "$($table.RepoOrg)/$($table.RepoName)/commits/$($table.Commit)"
try {
Write-Debug $uri
$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri
$data = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$now = [DateTime]::UtcNow
$committed = [DateTime]$
return $now - $committed
catch {
Write-Host "Cannot get commit $uri"
Write-Host $_
return [TimeSpan]::FromDays(100)
function Print-BigMap() {
Write-Host "Big Map"
foreach ($repo in $bigMap.Keys) {
Write-Host $repo
$table = $bigMap[$repo]
foreach ($branch in $table.Keys) {
Write-Host "$branch - $($table[$branch])"
try {
$script:bigMap = @{}
$script:bigMap.roslyn = Parse-Channels "roslyn"
$script:bigMap.razor = Parse-Channels "razor"
# Print-BigMap
Print-Summary "7.0.2xx"
Print-Summary "7.0.3xx"
# Print-Summary "8.0.1xx"
exit 0
catch {
Write-Host $_
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
exit 1
finally {
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