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Forked from nikolay-n/
Created October 8, 2021 23:54
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macOS Namespacing
Prefix Framework
AB AddressBook / AddressBookUI
AC Accounts
AD iAd
AK AuthKit
AL AssetsLibrary
AM Automator
AU AudioUnit
AV AVFoundation
BTM BackgroundTaskManagement
BU Backup
CA CoreAnimation
CB CoreBluetooth
CF CoreFoundation / CFNetwork
CG CoreGraphics / QuartzCore / ImageIO
CGS Core Graphics Services
CI CoreImage
CL CoreLocation
CM CoreMedia / CoreMotion
CP ConfigurationProfiles
CT CoreText
CU CoreUtils
CV CoreVideo
DR DiscRecording
EA ExternalAccessory
EK EventKit / EventKitUI
GC GameController
GK GameKit
IS IconServices
JS JavaScriptCore
KC KeychainCircle
LS LaunchServices
MA MediaAccessibility
MC MultipeerConnectivity
MF MessageUI*
MK MapKit
MP MediaPlayer
MTL Metal
NK NewsstandKit
NS Foundation, AppKit, CoreData
NW Network
NWPB Network
OD OpenDirectory
PK PassKit
QL QuickLook
SC SystemConfiguration
Sec* Security*
SF SecurityFoundation
SFL* SharedFileList
SK StoreKit / SpriteKit
SL Social
SS Safari Services
TW Twitter
UT MobileCoreServices
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