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Created March 9, 2013 00:18
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createAttributeMonitor = ->
monitored = Object.create null
(parentModel, name) ->
bubbleEvent = (event, args...) ->
return unless event.startsWith 'change:'
parentModel.trigger "change:#{name}.#{event[7..]}", args...
value = parentModel.get name
oldValue = monitored[name]
if oldValue?
return if value is oldValue 'all', bubbleEvent
if value instanceof Backbone.Model or value instanceof Backbone.Collection
monitored[name] = value
value.on 'all', bubbleEvent
class BubbleModel extends Backbone.Model
initialize: ->
monitor = createAttributeMonitor()
# Bind to initial attributes.
monitor @, name for name of @attributes
# Watch for changes to attributes and rebind as necessary.
@on 'change', =>
monitor @, name for name of @changed
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