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Last active December 16, 2015 02:59
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Detecting cycles in a directed graph
//#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* Finding cycles in a directed graph
class CycleFinder {
// Zbiór wierzchołków w grafie
def V
// Adj(v) - zbiór wierzchołków sąsiadujących z v
def Adj
def visited = [:]
def cycles = []
CycleFinder(V, Adj) {
this.V = V
this.Adj = Adj
public findCycles() {
return cycles
def dfs() {
def path = new Stack()
for(u in V) {
if(!visited[u]) {
dfsVisit(u, path)
def dfsVisit(u, path) {
visited[u] = true
for(v in Adj(u)) {
int i = path.indexOf(v)
if(i != -1) {
def cycle = new ArrayList(path[i..-1])
if(!visited[v]) {
dfsVisit(v, path)
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