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Last active December 9, 2024 02:52
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Laravel - tinker like a boss (with PsySH)
<?php // ~/.config/psysh/config.php
// Anything not Laravel - let's try to autoload something likely to exist
if (!defined('LARAVEL_START')) {
return [
'defaultIncludes' => [
| Laravel magic begins
// Register toRawSql() macro which will get nice, full sql of the query (with bound values)
\Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::macro('toRawSql', function () {
$bindings = array_map(function ($binding) {
return is_int($binding) || is_float($binding) ? $binding : "'{$binding}'";
}, $this->getBindings());
return vsprintf(str_replace('?', "%s", $this->toSql()), $bindings);
| Custom casters (presenters) and aliases registration for PsySH
class _Tinker
static function castQuery($query)
if ($query instanceof \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder) {
$query = $query->getQuery();
return [
'sql' => $query->toSql(),
'bindings' => $query->getBindings(),
'raw' => $query->toRawSql(),
static function register($path)
foreach (glob($path.'/*.php') as $file) {
$class = trim(app()->getNamespace(), '\\') . str_replace([app_path(), '/', '.php'], ['', '\\', ''], $file);
static function alias($class, $alias = null)
if (!class_exists($alias = $alias ?: class_basename($class)) && class_exists($class)) {
class_alias($class, $alias);
| Application HTTP requests helper
// Why extending TestCase here? Just because it's sooo easy and consistent across all L versions ;)
class _LocalRequest extends \TestCase
function __construct()
function response()
return $this->response;
function __call($method, $params)
return call_user_func_array([$this, $method], $params);
| Helper functions for common tasks
if (!function_exists('local')) {
function local($uri = null) { return $uri ? (new _LocalRequest)->get($uri) : new _LocalRequest; }
if (!function_exists('guzzle')) {
function guzzle($url = null) { return $url ? (new \GuzzleHttp\Client)->get($url) : new \GuzzleHttp\Client; }
if (!function_exists('http')) {
function http($url = null) { return guzzle($url); }
if (!function_exists('www')) {
function www($url = null) { return guzzle($url); }
if (!function_exists('now')) {
function now($timezone = null) { return \Carbon\Carbon::now($timezone); }
| Finally let's return PsySH config customizations
return [
'casters' => [
'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder' => '_Tinker::castQuery',
'Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder' => '_Tinker::castQuery',
'defaultIncludes' => [
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