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Last active January 22, 2016 21:36
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Elite Reporter Export settings and script for EDBoard
param (
[string]$username = "",
$password = ""
Write-host "User $username"
if ($username -eq "")
$username = Read-Host "EDBoard username"
if ($password -eq "")
$password = Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "EDBoard password"
$password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password))
# read json
$reportData = (Get-Content $jsonFile) | ConvertFrom-Json
$cmdrName = $reportData.CommanderName
$numberOfMissions = $reportData.Missions.Count
#group by system & station
$missionDates = @()
$dateToMissionMap = @{}
foreach($mission in $reportData.Missions)
$takenTime = [datetime]$mission.MissionTakenDateTime
$finishTime = [datetime]$mission.MissionFinishedDateTime
if ($takenTime -ne $null)
$missionDates += $takenTime
$dateToMissionMap[$takenTime] = @{
"missionName" = $mission.MissionName;
"missionProfile" = $mission.MissionTakenEDProfile;
"type"="Mission Taken";
if ($finishTime -ne $null)
$missionDates += $finishTime
$dateToMissionMap[$finishTime] = @{
"reward" = $mission.Reward;
"missionName" = $mission.MissionName;
"missionProfile" = $mission.MissionFinishedEDProfile;
"type"="Mission Finished";
$missionDates = $missionDates | sort
$hItem = $null
$history = @()
foreach($date in $missionDates)
$mission = $dateToMissionMap[$date]
if ($hItem -eq $null -or $hItem.system -ne $mission.missionProfile.SystemName)
$hItem = @{
"totalRewardInSystem" = 0;
$history += $hItem
$str = "[$($mission['type'])] '$($mission['missionProfile'].PortName)' [$($date.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm'))] "
if ($mission.reward -ne $null)
$str += "$($mission.reward) CR"
$hItem["totalRewardInSystem"] += $mission.reward
$str += " - $($mission.missionName)"
$hItem["data"] += $str
$loginUrl = ''
$reportUrl = ''
Write-host "Report information"
Write-host "Commander name: $cmdrName"
Write-host "Number of missions: $numberOfMissions"
foreach($hItem in $history)
Write-host "========= $($hItem["system"]) ============"
$($hItem["data"] -join "`n")
Write-host "Total earned in the system:" $hItem["totalRewardInSystem"] "CR"
# login to EDBoard
$form_data = @{
'login'='Log in';
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $loginUrl -Method POST -Body $form_data -SessionVariable edSession
foreach($hItem in $history)
$form_data = @{
'add_note'= $($hItem["data"] -join "<br/>") + "<br/>Total earned in the system: " + $hItem["totalRewardInSystem"] + " CR";
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $reportUrl -Method POST -Body $form_data -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -WebSession $edSession
Export settings for EliteReporter
Executable to run on Export
"& ""C:\<path_to>\edboard_send_report.ps1""" -jsonFile $exportedFile
Optionaly you can add -username <username> -password <password> to the command above,
then it won't ask you for those when pressing Export button.
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