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Last active December 20, 2020 19:34
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Require Import Groups.Group.
Require Import Category Categories.Structure Categories.SetCategory.
(** * The (univalent) category of groups *)
Record GroupStructure (A : hSet) := {
gp_sgop : SgOp A;
gp_unit : MonUnit A;
gp_inverse : Negate A;
gp_isgroup : IsGroup A;
Definition issig_GroupStructure {A : hSet}
: _ <~> GroupStructure A := ltac:(issig).
Definition group_structure `{Funext} : NotionOfStructure set_cat.
srapply Build_NotionOfStructure.
(* Groups are sets with a GroupStructure, as defined above. *)
1: exact GroupStructure.
(* The notion of homomorphism is given by IsMonoidPreserving. *)
1: intros ? ? f [?] [?]; rapply (IsMonoidPreserving f).
(* (IsMonoidPreserving f) is an HProp and idmap is a homomorphism. *)
1,2: cbn; intros; exact _.
(* Homomorphisms may be composed. *)
cbn; intros; rapply (compose_monoid_morphism _ _ _ _); eassumption.
Instance isstandard_group_structure `{Univalence}
: IsStandardNotionOfStructure group_structure.
intros A [?] [?] [sgmor0 pmor0] [?].
apply (equiv_ap_inv' issig_GroupStructure); cbn.
apply equiv_path_sigma.
srefine (_;_); cbn.
1: funext x y; apply sgmor0.
refine (transport_sigma' _ _ @ _).
apply equiv_path_sigma; cbn.
srefine (_;_).
1: apply pmor0.
refine (transport_sigma' _ _ @ _).
apply equiv_path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
refine (ap pr1 (transport_sigma' _ _) @ _); cbn.
funext x.
rapply (preserves_negate (f:=idmap) x).
1,2: exact _. (* jarlg: May not find the correct group structures? *)
rapply Build_IsMonoidPreserving.
Definition Gp `{Univalence} : PreCategory := precategory_of_structures group_structure.
Global Instance iscategory_group `{Univalence} : IsCategory Gp := _.
Theorem equiv_path_group' `{u : Univalence} (G H : Gp)
: (G = H) <~> Isomorphic G H.
srapply Build_Equiv.
- apply idtoiso.
- exact _.
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