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Last active March 17, 2018 10:37
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mysql 临时表不能在一次查询中连续引用两次
select, from rpt a,rpt b where会出错
drop procedure if exists yearchk2013;
create procedure yearchk2013 (in i_year bigint(20))
declare Vdigits int(10); -- 小数位数
set Vdigits=6;
drop table if exists rpt;
create temporary table rpt
id int(12) not null default '0',
name varchar(20) default null,
department varchar(255) default null,
no int(12) default null,-- 最后序号
scheck decimal(10,6) default null,-- 部门经理得分
mdep decimal(10,6) default null,-- 部门平均得分
mall decimal(10,6) default null,-- 总平均
stotal decimal(10,6) default 150,
s decimal(10,6) default null, -- s:计算中间值
savg decimal(10,6) default null, -- s平均值
damp decimal(10,6) default null,-- 部门分值幅度
mamp decimal(10,6) default null,-- 总体分值幅度
alpha decimal(10,6) default null,-- 中间参数
upsilon decimal(10,6) default null,-- 中间参数
val decimal(10,6) default null,-- 横向得分
vavg decimal(10,6) default null,-- v的平均值
iavg decimal(10,6) default null,-- 平均参与度
iabs decimal(10,6) default null,-- 绝对参与度
idir decimal(10,6) default null,-- 有想参与度
ibeta decimal(10,6) default 0.2,-- 参与度参数
iv decimal(10,6) default null,-- 参与度得分
result decimal(10,6) default null,-- 计算结果
primary key (id)
) engine = memory;
-- 插入人员姓名和部门得分
insert into rpt(id,name,department,scheck)
select,,person.department,realpt from fyperson person,(select a.personid,round(sum(a.val*b.point)/5,Vdigits) as realpt
from fychkmange a,fychkitem b where and a.year=i_year group by a.personid) temp
where order by asc;
-- 计算部门平均
declare Vdepartment varchar(255) default null;-- 部门
declare Vmdep decimal(10,6) default null;-- 部门平均分
declare done int(10) default false;-- 遍历数据结束标志
declare cur_dep cursor for select department,sum(scheck)/count(id) as mdep from rpt group by department;
declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
open cur_dep;
mdep_loop: loop
fetch cur_dep into Vdepartment,Vmdep;
if done then
leave mdep_loop;
end if;
update rpt set mdep=Vmdep where rpt.department=Vdepartment;
end loop;
close cur_dep;
-- 计算总体平均
declare Vmall decimal(10,6);
select sum(scheck)/count(id) into Vmall from rpt;
update rpt set mall=Vmall;
* 根据提供的值,计算s 公式如下
* [Scheck+(Mall-Mdep)]/Stotal
* 个人得分 + ( 员工平均得分 - 部门平均分 )
* -----------------------------------
* 总分
update rpt set s=round((scheck+mall-mdep)/stotal,Vdigits);
-- 计算s平均值savg
declare Vsavg decimal(10,6);
select sum(s)/count(id) into Vsavg from rpt;
update rpt set savg=Vsavg;
-- 部门分值幅度
declare Vdepartment varchar(255) default null;-- 部门
declare Vdamp decimal(10,6) default null;-- 部门平均分
declare done int(10) default false;-- 遍历数据结束标志
declare cur_damp cursor for select department,round(max(scheck)-min(scheck),Vdigits) as damp from rpt group by department;
declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
open cur_damp;
fetch cur_damp into Vdepartment,Vdamp;
if done then
leave damp_loop;
end if;
update rpt set damp=Vdamp where department=Vdepartment;
end loop;
close cur_damp;
-- 公司平均分值幅度
-- 幅度为0的部门不计算在内
declare Vdamp decimal(10,6) default null;-- 部门平均分
declare Vtotal decimal(10,6) default 0;-- 总分
declare Vnum int(10) default 0;-- 个数
declare done int(10) default false;-- 遍历数据结束标志
declare cur_damp cursor for select round(max(scheck)-min(scheck),Vdigits) as damp from rpt group by department;
declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
open cur_damp;
damp_loop : loop
fetch cur_damp into Vdamp;
if done then
leave damp_loop;
end if;
if Vdamp>0 then
set Vtotal=Vtotal+Vdamp;
set Vnum=Vnum+1;
end if;
end loop;
close cur_damp;
update rpt set mamp=round(Vtotal/Vnum,Vdigits);
-- 计算upsilon
-- alpha=Mamp/Stotal;
-- (S-Savg)*alpha*100
update rpt set alpha=round(mamp/stotal,Vdigits);
update rpt set upsilon=round((s-savg)*alpha*100,Vdigits);
-- 计算横向评价得分
declare Vid int(12) default null;
declare Vval decimal(10,6) default null;
declare done int(10) default false;-- 遍历数据结束标志
declare cur_val cursor for select personid,round(sum(val)/count(personid)/2*100,Vdigits) from (
select colid as personid, val+1 as val from fycheck where year=i_year
union all
select rowid as personid,-val+1 as val from fycheck where year=i_year
)temp group by personid;
declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
open cur_val;
fetch cur_val into Vid,Vval;
if done then
leave val_loop;
end if;
update rpt set val=Vval where id=Vid;
end loop;
close cur_val;
-- 计算val的平均值
declare Vvavg decimal(10,6);
select round(sum(ifnull(val,0))/count(id),Vdigits) into Vvavg from rpt;
update rpt set vavg=Vvavg;
-- 平均参与度
declare Viavg decimal(10,6);
select round(sum(abs(val))/count(id),Vdigits) into Viavg from fycheck where year=i_year;
update rpt set iavg=Viavg;
-- 绝对参与度
declare Vid int(12) default null;
declare Viabs decimal(10,6) default null;
declare done int(10) default false;-- 遍历数据结束标志
declare cur_iabs cursor for select chkid,round(sum(abs(val))/count(id),Vdigits) from fycheck where year=i_year group by chkid;
declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
open cur_iabs;
fetch cur_iabs into Vid,Viabs;
if done then
leave iabs_loop;
end if;
update rpt set iabs=Viabs where id=Vid;
end loop;
close cur_iabs;
-- 有向参与度
-- idir=iabs-iavg
-- iv=idir*ibeta
update rpt set idir=ifnull(iabs,0)-ifnull(iavg,0);
update rpt set iv=round(vavg*idir*ibeta,Vdigits);
-- result=upsilon+val;
update rpt set result=upsilon+ifnull(val,0)+iv;
-- 更新序号
declare Vno int(12) default 0;
declare Vid int(12) default null;
declare done int(10) default false;-- 遍历数据结束标志
declare cur_no cursor for select id from rpt order by result desc;
declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
open cur_no;
fetch cur_no into Vid;
if done then
leave no_loop;
end if;
set Vno=Vno+1;
update rpt set no=Vno where id=Vid;
end loop;
close cur_no;
select * from rpt order by no;
truncate table rpt;
call yearchk2013(2013);
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