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November 2014 Thoughtworks dojo - Transducers
;; We can write map and filter in terms of reduce
(defn my-map [f coll]
(reduce (fn [acc el]
(conj acc (f el)))
(defn my-filter [pred coll]
(reduce (fn [acc el]
(if (pred el)
(conj acc el)
;; In the reducing function, 'conj' is the only thing related to
;; sequences - everything else is the 'essence' of map/filter.
;; Let's pass 'conj' in:
(defn mapping [f]
(fn [rf]
(fn [acc el]
(rf acc (f el)))))
(defn filtering [pred]
(fn [rf]
(fn [acc el]
(if (pred el)
(rf acc el)
;; These are 'transducers' - functions that wrap a reducing function
;; (like Ring middleware wraps a Ring handler, if you like). They take
;; a reducing function (:: a -> b -> a, if you're Haskell-y inclined)
;; and return another reducing function, with the map/filter
;; transformation applied beforehand.
;; Some transformations are stateful - they need to (in
;; partition-all's case) keep track of how many elements we've seen so
;; far in this partition.
;; We do this by closing the reducing-function over a state atom.
;; For partition-all, we also need to know when the input sequence is
;; exhausted, so that we can append the final partition - this is done
;; with a 1-arg overload of the reducing functions.
;; All transducers should implement this, even if only to forward
;; through to the reducing function that they're wrapping.
;; In partition-all's case, we first reduce any remaining elements
;; through the nested rf's 2-arg function, then call through to its
;; 1-arg function so that the nested rf can clean up as well.
;; Excuse the (ab)use of Clojure's STM here - Clojure core does this
;; with new 'volatiles' (and a LinkedList, IIRC), and is far less
;; buggy...
(defn partition-all [n]
(fn [rf]
(let [!coll (atom [])]
(let [coll @!coll
res (if (empty? coll)
(rf acc coll))]
(rf res)))
([acc el]
(swap! !coll conj el)
(if (= n (count @!coll))
(let [res (rf acc @!coll)]
(reset! !coll [])
;; Jamie then invented a variation of map - that applies its function
;; to every element of singularly nested sequences:
;; mmap :: (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
;; [[1 2] [3 4]] ->> (mmap inc) ->> [[2 3] [4 5]]
;; In traditional Clojure:
(defn mmap [f ccoll]
(map #(map f %) ccoll))
(mmap inc [[1 2] [3 4]])
;; As a transducer:
(defn mmap [f]
(fn [rf]
(fn [acc el]
(rf acc (map f el)))))
;; Mathieu then talked about the state behind the partition-all
;; transducer - wouldn't it be great if it could be stateless?
;; It could (maybe), if you're prepared to go a state-monad-like route
;; - returning a pair of the accumulator and the updated reducing
;; function:
;; (untested, but looks ok!)
(defn partition-all [n]
(fn [rf]
(letfn [(partition-all* [rf partial-coll]
([] (rf))
(let [[res new-rf] (if (empty? partial-coll)
[acc rf]
(rf acc partial-coll))]
(new-rf res)))
([acc el]
(let [new-coll (conj partial-coll el)]
(if (= (count new-coll) n)
(let [[new-acc new-rf] (rf acc new-coll)]
[new-acc #(partition-all* new-rf [])])
[acc #(partition-all* rf new-coll)])))))]
(partition-all* rf []))))
;; Again, for those who like Haskell type signatures, the 2-arg version is typed recursively:
;; StatelessTransducer :: (a -> b -> (a, StatelessTransducer)) -> (a -> b -> (a, StatelessTransducer))
;; You'd also have to update 'into', 'transduce', 'sequence' etc to
;; handle the pairs - this is left as an exercise to the reader...
;; Cheers!
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