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Created October 8, 2013 21:27
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# encoding
defutf8 on
defkanji utf-8
encoding utf-8 utf-8
defencoding utf-8
# Keys
# \233 is "Meta-Ctrl-[", or "Meta-Esc".
escape \233\233
escape ^Tt
#escape ^Aa
#zombie ^[
bind l windowlist
#bind u eval "encoding UTF-8"
#bind e eval "encoding eucJP"
#bind s eval "encoding SJIS"
#bind j eval "encoding jis"
bind j exec | uim-fep -S
bind k eval 'exec cat' kill redisplay
setenv LANG ja_JP.UTF-8
bind r eval 'echo "Resize window"' 'command -c resize'
bind -c resize ^] command
bind -c resize j eval 'resize +1' 'command -c resize'
bind -c resize k eval 'resize -1' 'command -c resize'
# no zombie ... upper screen termination should propagate to this one.
# やっぱり使わないのでコメントアウト
#zombie kr
# No autodetach because a detached stem screen is useless.
autodetach on
# No startup message because a stem screen should not be invoked manually
startup_message off
# Protection from attacks
multiuser off
idle off
# No login, otherwise /var/run/utemp will be squashed.
# よくわかんないけどMacだとdefloginなんかねーよって落ちるからコメントアウト
#deflogin off
# Nuke and pave.
autonuke on
# No visible bell because a stem screen should not intercept a bell.
vbell off
# ^G ( vim C-v - C-g )
bell_msg "Bell in window %"
# To use hardware status line
termcapinfo xterm*|kterm*|screen* hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007:ds=\E]0;\007
hardstatus on
# To use mouse. XT capability is screen specific, not seen in the system
# termcap / terminfo.
termcapinfo * XT
# To use 256 colors. AB/AF are also screen specific.
#termcapinfo xterm*|kterm*|screen* Co#256:pa#32767:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm
#defbce on
# To use resize-window
termcapinfo xterm*|kterm*|screen* is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l
# obuflimit and autonuke can be controlled via termcap, but we do not have a
# way to get those values...
# A stem screen's output is another scren, so it is way much faster than a
# normal terminal such as xterm. 2 pyhisical pages should suffice.
termcapinfo screen* OL=2048
termcapinfo xterm* OL=256
# enable mouse scroll
# でも挙動が気持ち悪いのでコメントアウト
termcapinfo xterm*|kterm*|screen* ti@:te@
# Tell applications who this is. The ``screen-256color'' terminfo is in the
# ncurses-term package for debian.
term screen-256color
#term xterm-color
#term screen
# default shell to invoke with ^T-c
shell $SHELL
# The scroll buffer
defscrollback 2047
markkeys h=^B:l=^F:$=^E:^U=^Z:^D=^V
# Messages
msgwait 3
msgminwait 2
hardstatus string "%?%h%:%t (screen #%n on %H)%?"
caption always "%{= wb}%-Lw%30L>%?%F%{=b dR}%:[%? %n%f %t %?%F%{-}%:]%?%+Lw %-034=%{=b wk}[%l] %{=b wb}%y/%m/%d %{=b wm}%c:%s"
#sorendition "+rb .G"
altscreen on
# default screens
# default windows
#screen -t htp 0
#screen -t Sv 1
#screen 2
#select 2
# chdir is useful for invoking scripts there.
chdir $PWD
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