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Created May 19, 2015 06:31
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filter {
# Format Nginx Error logs
if [type] =~ /nginx_.*_error/ {
grok {
match => {
"message" => [
"%{DATESTAMP:timestamp} \[%{DATA:severity}\] (%{NUMBER:pid:int}#%{NUMBER}: \*%{NUMBER}|\*%{NUMBER}) %{GREEDYDATA:message}",
"%{DATESTAMP:timestamp} \[%{DATA:severity}\] %{GREEDYDATA:message}",
"%{DATESTAMP:timestamp} %{GREEDYDATA:message}"
overwrite => [ "message" ]
grok {
match => { "message" => [ "%{DATA:nginx_error}, %{GREEDYDATA:message}"] }
overwrite => [ "message" ]
kv {
field_split => ","
value_split => ":"
trimkey => " "
trim => "\""
exclude_keys => [ "host"]
mutate {
strip => ["client", "server", "request", "upstream", "referrer"]
grok {
match => { "upstream" => [ "%{URIPROTO}://%{IPORHOST:upstream_ip}(?::%{POSINT:upstream_port})?%{URIPATH:upstream_request}%{URIPARAM:upstream_qs}" ] }
remove_field => [ "message", "upstream", "port"]
if "/ping/ad" in [request] {
mutate {
add_tag => [ "ad_ping_drop" ]
grok {
match => { "request" => [ "GET /ping/?(ad)?\?h=%{DATA:qs_host}&" ] }
if [upstream_ip] {
cidr {
add_tag => ["ec2_ip"]
address => ["%{upstream_ip}"]
network => [
mutate {
add_field => { "upstream_host" => "%{upstream_ip}" }
if "ec2_ip" in [tags] {
dns {
reverse => ["upstream_host"]
action => "replace"
if [upstream_port] {
mutate {
add_field => { "upstream_addr" => "%{upstream_host}:%{upstream_port}" }
else {
mutate {
add_field => { "upstream_addr" => "%{upstream_host}" }
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" ]
remove_field => [ "timestamp" ]
# Handle Regular Nginx access logs
else if [type] =~ /^nginx_/ {
urldecode {
field => "query_strings"
kv {
source => "query_strings"
prefix => "qs_"
field_split => "&?"
remove_field => [ "query_strings" ]
if [upstream_status] == "-" {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "upstream_status" ]
if [upstream_response_time] == "-" {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "upstream_response_time" ]
if [upstream_addr] and [upstream_addr] != "-" {
mutate {
split => [ "upstream_addr", ":" ]
cidr {
add_tag => ["ec2_ip"]
address => ["%{upstream_addr[0]}"]
network => [
mutate {
add_field => [ "upstream_host" , "%{upstream_addr[0]}" ]
add_field => [ "upstream_ip" , "%{upstream_addr[0]}" ]
add_field => [ "upstream_port" , "%{upstream_addr[1]}" ]
mutate {
remove_field => [ "upstream_addr" ]
if "ec2_ip" in [tags] {
dns {
reverse => ["upstream_host"]
action => "replace"
mutate {
add_field => { "upstream_addr" => "%{upstream_host}:%{upstream_port}" }
cidr {
add_tag => ["private_ip"]
address => ["%{remote_addr}"]
network => [
# Only GeoIP on logs we care about
if [type] in ["nginx_gator", "nginx_web"] {
if "private_ip" not in [tags] {
geoip {
fields => [ "country_code2", "latitude", "longitude", "location", "region_name", "city_name" ]
source => "remote_addr"
database => "/mnt/data/GeoIPCity.dat"
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