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Created March 25, 2020 18:37
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Creating a world map in D3.js
// Set width, height, and viewBox dimensions.
const width = 1600;
const height = 900;
const viewBox = [0, 0, width, height];
// Create a D3 reference to the SVG element.
const svg ="#world-map")
.attr("viewBox", `${viewBox}`);
// Download the topology file.
const topology = await d3.json("/path/to/countries-50m.json");
// Define the elements that we will want to draw.
const outline = { type: "Sphere" };
const projection = d3.geoNaturalEarth1();
const graticule = d3.geoGraticule10();
// Set the scaling for the map.
const bounds = d3.geoPath(projection.fitWidth(this.width, this.outline)).bounds(this.outline);
const dx = Math.ceil(bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]);
const dy = Math.ceil(bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]);
const minDelta = Math.min(dx, dy);
projection.scale(projection.scale() * (minDelta - 1) / minDelta).precision(0.2);
// Define the path generator.
const path = d3.geoPath(projection);
// Get the features to draw.
const features = topojson.feature(topology, topology.objects.countries).features;
.attr("d", `${path(graticule)}`)
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", "#e0e0e0")
.attr("stroke-width", 1);
.attr("d", `${path(this.outline)}`)
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", "#303030")
.attr("stroke-width", 2);
.data((feature as any).features)
.classed("feature", true)
.attr("d", path as any)
.attr("stroke", "white")
.attr("stroke-width", 1)
.attr("fill", () => d3.interpolateRainbow(Math.random()));
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