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Last active November 14, 2018 00:43
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Extract Safari Passwords
global _preferences, _safari, _systemEvents, _passwords, _passwordsLocked, _passwordPrompt
-- BEGIN customization points
--- Change the following global variables as needed for localization
set _preferences to "Preferences…"
set _safari to "Safari"
set _systemEvents to "System Events"
set _passwords to "Passwords"
set _passwordsLocked to "Passwords Are Locked"
set _passwordPrompt to "Enter password for the current user:"
--- Change this handler to customize CSV rows
to buildCsvRow(_website, _username, _password)
return "\"" & _website & "\",\"" & _website & "\",\"" & _username & "\",\"" & _password & "\""
end buildCsvRow
-- END customization points
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
tell application "System Events"
tell process _safari
click menu item _preferences of menu _safari of the first menu bar
set _preferencesWindow to the first window
tell _preferencesWindow's first toolbar to click button _passwords
set _passwordsGroup to the first group of _preferencesWindow's first group
my unlock(_passwordsGroup)
set _csv to my getPasswords(_passwordsGroup)
set the clipboard to _csv
display alert "Passwords copied to clipboard as CSV"
end tell
end tell
to unlock(_passwordsGroup)
tell application "System Events"
tell _passwordsGroup
repeat until not (exists static text _passwordsLocked)
set _passwordAnswer to display dialog _passwordPrompt default answer "" with hidden answer
my activateSafari()
tell the first text field
set focused to true
repeat until focused is true
delay 0.1
end repeat
keystroke _passwordAnswer's text returned
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end unlock
to getPasswords(_passwordsGroup)
tell application "System Events"
set _table to the first table of _passwordsGroup's first scroll area
set _rows to every row of _table
set _csv to ""
repeat with i from 1 to the number of _rows
set _row to item i of _rows
tell _table to select _row
set _websiteUI to the first static text of first UI element of _row
set _website_desc to the description of _websiteUI
set _website to the first item of every text item of _website_desc
set _usernameUI to the first static text of the second UI element of _row
set _username to the value of _usernameUI
set _passwordUI to the first static text of the third UI element of _row
set _password to the value of _passwordUI
set _csvRow to my buildCsvRow(_website, _username, _password)
set _csv to _csv & "\r\n" & _csvRow
end repeat
return _csv
end tell
end getPasswords
to activateSafari()
tell application _safari to activate
end activateSafari
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