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Created March 12, 2018 08:18
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gossip sip parser definition
%%{# -*-ragel-*-
## SIP Message Parser Definition
# The parser should be a linearly complex FSM. It should be able to parse a
# real-world SIP INVITE in less than 30μs. This parser only trades speed in
# favor of friendly data structures, which are big structs linked together.
## Implementation Notes
# SIP uses a plaintext encoding that is hard to parse correctly.
# o Whitespace can be used liberally in a variety of different ways.
# - Via host:port can have whitespace, e.g. "host \t: port"
# o UTF-8 is supported in some places but not others.
# o Headers can span multiple lines.
# o Header values can contain comments, e.g. Message: lol (i'm (hidden))
# o Header names are case-insensitive and have shorthand notation.
# o There's ~50 standard headers, many of which have custom parsing rules.
# o URIs can have ;params;like=this
# - Params can belong either to a URI or Addr object, e.g. <sip:uri;param>
# cf. <sip:uri>;param
# - Addresses may omit angle brackets, in which case params belong to the
# Addr object.
# - URI params ;are=escaped%20like%22this but params belonging to Addr
# ;are="escaped like\"this"
# - Backslash escaping is not like C, e.g. \t\n -> tn
# - Address display name can have whitespace without quotes, which is
# collapsed. Quoted form is not collapsed.
# o Via and address headers can be repeated in two ways: repeating the
# header, using commas within a single header, or both.
# See:
# See:
machine sip;
action hold {
action break {
action mark {
mark = p
action backtrack {
fexec mark;
action start {
amt = 0
action append {
buf[amt] = fc
action space {
buf[amt] = ' '
action hexHi {
hex = unhex(fc) * 16
action hexLo {
hex += unhex(fc)
buf[amt] = hex
action Method {
msg.Method = string(data[mark:p])
action VersionMajor {
msg.VersionMajor = msg.VersionMajor * 10 + (fc - 0x30)
action VersionMinor {
msg.VersionMinor = msg.VersionMinor * 10 + (fc - 0x30)
action RequestURI {
msg.Request, err = ParseURI(data[mark:p])
if err != nil { return nil, err }
action StatusCode {
msg.Status = msg.Status * 10 + (int(fc) - 0x30)
action ReasonPhrase {
msg.Phrase = string(buf[0:amt])
action ViaNew {
via = new(Via)
action Via {
*viap = via
viap = &via.Next
via = nil
action ViaProtocol {
via.Protocol = string(data[mark:p])
action ViaVersion {
via.Version = string(data[mark:p])
action ViaTransport {
via.Transport = string(data[mark:p])
action ViaHost {
via.Host = string(data[mark:p])
action ViaPort {
via.Port = via.Port * 10 + (uint16(fc) - 0x30)
action ViaParam {
via.Param = &Param{name, string(buf[0:amt]), via.Param}
action gxh {
fgoto xheader;
action name {
name = string(data[mark:p])
action value {{
b := data[mark:p - 1]
if value != nil {
*value = string(b)
} else {
msg.XHeader = &XHeader{name, b, msg.XHeader}
action AddrNew {
addr = new(Addr)
action AddrQuotedDisplay {
addr.Display = string(buf[0:amt])
action AddrUnquotedDisplay {{
end := p
for end > mark && whitespacec(data[end - 1]) {
addr.Display = string(data[mark:end])
action AddrUri {
addr.Uri, err = ParseURI(data[mark:p])
if err != nil { return nil, err }
action AddrParam {
addr.Param = &Param{name, string(buf[0:amt]), addr.Param}
action Addr {
*addrp = addr
addrp = &addr.Next
addr = nil
action CallID {
msg.CallID = string(data[mark:p])
action ContentLength {
clen = clen * 10 + (int(fc) - 0x30)
action ContentType {
ctype = string(data[mark:p])
action CSeq {
msg.CSeq = msg.CSeq * 10 + (int(fc) - 0x30)
action CSeqMethod {
msg.CSeqMethod = string(data[mark:p])
action Expires {
msg.Expires = msg.Expires * 10 + (int(fc) - 0x30)
action MaxForwards {
msg.MaxForwards = msg.MaxForwards * 10 + (int(fc) - 0x30)
action MinExpires {
msg.MinExpires = msg.MinExpires * 10 + (int(fc) - 0x30)
action goto_addr { fgoto addr; }
action goto_addr_angled { fgoto addr_angled; }
action goto_addr_param { fgoto addr_param; }
action goto_addr_uri { fgoto addr_uri; }
action goto_ctype { fgoto ctype; }
action goto_header { fgoto header; }
action goto_value { fgoto value; }
action goto_via { fgoto via; }
action goto_via_param { fgoto via_param; }
action lookAheadWSP { lookAheadWSP(data, p, pe) }
SP = " ";
HTAB = "\t";
CR = "\r";
LF = "\n";
DQUOTE = "\"";
CRLF = ( CR when !lookAheadWSP ) LF;
LWS = ( WSP* ( CR when lookAheadWSP ) LF )? WSP+;
LWSCRLF_append = ( CR when lookAheadWSP ) @append LF @append;
LWS_append = ( WSP* @append LWSCRLF_append )? WSP+ @append;
UTF8_CONT = 0x80..0xBF @append;
UTF8_NONASCII = 0xC0..0xDF @append UTF8_CONT {1}
| 0xE0..0xEF @append UTF8_CONT {2}
| 0xF0..0xF7 @append UTF8_CONT {3}
| 0xF8..0xFb @append UTF8_CONT {4}
| 0xFC..0xFD @append UTF8_CONT {5};
UTF8 = 0x21..0x7F @append | UTF8_NONASCII;
mUTF8_CONT = 0x80..0xBF;
mUTF8_NONASCII = 0xC0..0xDF mUTF8_CONT {1}
| 0xE0..0xEF mUTF8_CONT {2}
| 0xF0..0xF7 mUTF8_CONT {3}
| 0xF8..0xFb mUTF8_CONT {4}
| 0xFC..0xFD mUTF8_CONT {5};
mUTF8 = 0x21..0x7F | mUTF8_NONASCII;
reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," ;
mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" ;
unreserved = alnum | mark ;
tokenc = alnum | "-" | "." | "!" | "%" | "*" | "_" | "+" | "`"
| "'" | "~" ;
separators = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | "\\"
| "\"" | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" | "{" | "}" | SP
| HTAB ;
wordc = alnum | "-" | "." | "!" | "%" | "*" | "_" | "+" | "`"
| "'" | "~" | "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | ":" | "\\" | "\""
| "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "{" | "}" ;
schmchars = alnum | "+" | "-" | "." ;
word = wordc+;
LDQUOT = SWS "\"";
RDQUOT = "\"" SWS;
escaped = "%" ( xdigit @hexHi ) ( xdigit @hexLo ) ;
ipv4c = digit | "." ;
ipv6c = xdigit | "." | ":" ;
hostc = alnum | "-" | "." ;
token = tokenc+;
tokenhost = ( tokenc | "[" | "]" | ":" )+;
reasonc = UTF8_NONASCII | ( reserved | unreserved | SP | HTAB ) @append;
reasonmc = escaped | reasonc;
cid = word ( "@" word )?;
hval = ( mUTF8 | LWS )* >mark;
schemec = alnum | "+" | "-" | ".";
scheme = alpha schemec*;
uric = reserved | unreserved | "%" | "[" | "]";
uri = scheme ":" uric+;
# Quoted strings can have just about anything, including backslash escapes,
# which aren't quite as fancy as the ones you'd see in programming.
qdtextc = 0x21 | 0x23..0x5B | 0x5D..0x7E;
qdtext = UTF8_NONASCII | LWS_append | qdtextc @append;
quoted_pair = "\\" ( 0x00..0x09 | 0x0B..0x0C | 0x0E..0x7F ) @append;
quoted_content = ( qdtext | quoted_pair )* >start;
quoted_string = DQUOTE quoted_content DQUOTE;
unquoted_string = ( token LWS )+;
# Content Type Parsing
# This is easy-peasy. It almost always contains the value "application/sdp".
# We're going to ignore the parameters, because this information is actually
# stored in Msg by way of type interface and we don't support any types that
# take parameters.
ctype_param = SEMI token EQUAL ( token | quoted_string );
ctype_mime = ( token "/" token ) >mark %ContentType;
ctype := ctype_mime ctype_param* CRLF @goto_header;
# Parameter Parsing
# Parameters can be used by vias and addresses, but not URIs. They can look
# like=this or like="this". The =value part is optional.
param_name = token >mark %name;
param_content = tokenhost @append;
param_value = param_content | quoted_string;
param = param_name >start (EQUAL param_value)?;
# Via Parsing
# Vias are used to trace SIP hops. It's similar to an address, but with simpler
# syntax. Here's some examples:
# - Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d1d81e94a099
# - Via: SIP/2.0/TLS [feed:a::bee] ;branch="z9hG4bK-doge" ;rport=666
# Parsing these is kind of difficult because infinite whitespace is allowed
# between colons, semicolons, commas, and don't forget that lines can
# continue. So we're going to break things down into four separate machines
# that jump between each other.
ViaProtocol = token >mark %ViaProtocol;
ViaVersion = token >mark %ViaVersion;
ViaTransport = token >mark %ViaTransport;
ViaSent = ViaProtocol SLASH ViaVersion SLASH ViaTransport;
ViaHostIPv4 = ipv4c+ >mark %ViaHost;
ViaHostIPv6 = "[" ipv6c+ >mark %ViaHost "]";
ViaHostName = hostc+ >mark %ViaHost;
ViaHost = ViaHostIPv4 | ViaHostIPv6 | ViaHostName;
ViaPort = digit+ @ViaPort;
via_param_end = CRLF @ViaParam @Via @goto_header
| SEMI <: any @ViaParam @hold @start @goto_via_param
| COMMA <: any @ViaParam @Via @ViaNew @hold @goto_via;
via_param := param via_param_end;
via_end = CRLF @Via @goto_header
| SEMI <: any @hold @start @goto_via_param
| COMMA <: any @Via @ViaNew @hold @goto_via;
via := ViaSent LWS ViaHost (COLON ViaPort)? via_end;
# Address Parsing
# These can come in the following forms, which can be comma-delimited:
# - Unangled: sip:lol.example;param
# - Angled: <sip:lol.example;param>;param
# - Unquoted: oh my goth <sip:boo@lol[feed:a::bee]:5060>
# - Quoted: "oh my \"goth\"" <sip:lol.example>
# In order to tell the unangled and unquoted angled forms apart, we need to
# look for ':' or '<' character and then backtrack to the appropriate machine.
# Because Addr and URI can both have parameters, one might wonder what happens
# to them in the unmangled form. Are they owned by URI? Or are they owned by
# Addr? The answer is the latter.
# The URIs themselves are parsed by a separate routine. All we do here is
# extract the bytes and pass them along. It would be nice if we could put the
# URI parsing in this file, where the URI parsing is invoked by fcall. But
# that's not possible, because it appears Ragel Go is broken in that regard.
addr_spec = LAQUOT uri >mark %AddrUri RAQUOT;
addr_display = quoted_string >start %AddrQuotedDisplay
| unquoted_string >mark %AddrUnquotedDisplay;
addr_param_end = CRLF @AddrParam @Addr @goto_header
| SEMI <: any @AddrParam @hold @goto_addr_param
| COMMA <: any @AddrParam @Addr @hold @goto_addr;
addr_param := param addr_param_end;
addr_angled_end = CRLF @Addr @goto_header
| SEMI <: any @hold @goto_addr_param
| COMMA <: any @Addr @hold @goto_addr;
addr_angled := addr_display? addr_spec addr_angled_end;
addr_uri_end = CRLF %Addr @goto_header
| SEMI <: any @hold @goto_addr_param
| COMMA <: any @Addr @hold @goto_addr;
addr_uri := ( uri - ";" ) %AddrUri addr_uri_end;
addr := [<\"] @AddrNew @hold @goto_addr_angled
| unquoted_string >mark "<" @AddrNew @backtrack @goto_addr_angled
| scheme >mark ":" @AddrNew @backtrack @goto_addr_uri;
# Address Header Name Definitions
# These headers set the addr pointer to tell the 'value' machine where to
# store the value after using ParseAddrBytes().
aname = ("Contact"i | "m"i) %{addrp=lastAddr(&msg.Contact)}
| ("From"i | "f"i) %{addrp=lastAddr(&msg.From)}
| "P-Asserted-Identity"i %{addrp=lastAddr(&msg.PAssertedIdentity)}
| "Record-Route"i %{addrp=lastAddr(&msg.RecordRoute)}
| "Remote-Party-ID"i %{addrp=lastAddr(&msg.RemotePartyID)}
| "Route"i %{addrp=lastAddr(&msg.Route)}
| ("To"i | "t"i) %{addrp=lastAddr(&msg.To)}
# String Header Name Definitions
# These headers set the value pointer to tell the 'value' machine where to
# store the resulting token string.
sname = "Accept"i %{value=&msg.Accept}
| ("Accept-Contact"i | "a"i) %{value=&msg.AcceptContact}
| "Accept-Encoding"i %{value=&msg.AcceptEncoding}
| "Accept-Language"i %{value=&msg.AcceptLanguage}
| ("Allow"i | "u"i) %{value=&msg.Allow}
| ("Allow-Events"i | "u"i) %{value=&msg.AllowEvents}
| "Alert-Info"i %{value=&msg.AlertInfo}
| "Authentication-Info"i %{value=&msg.AuthenticationInfo}
| "Authorization"i %{value=&msg.Authorization}
| "Content-Disposition"i %{value=&msg.ContentDisposition}
| "Content-Language"i %{value=&msg.ContentLanguage}
| ("Content-Encoding"i | "e"i) %{value=&msg.ContentEncoding}
| "Call-Info"i %{value=&msg.CallInfo}
| "Date"i %{value=&msg.Date}
| "Error-Info"i %{value=&msg.ErrorInfo}
| ("Event"i | "o"i) %{value=&msg.Event}
| "In-Reply-To"i %{value=&msg.InReplyTo}
| "Reply-To"i %{value=&msg.ReplyTo}
| "MIME-Version"i %{value=&msg.MIMEVersion}
| "Organization"i %{value=&msg.Organization}
| "Priority"i %{value=&msg.Priority}
| "Proxy-Authenticate"i %{value=&msg.ProxyAuthenticate}
| "Proxy-Authorization"i %{value=&msg.ProxyAuthorization}
| "Proxy-Require"i %{value=&msg.ProxyRequire}
| ("Refer-To"i | "r"i) %{value=&msg.ReferTo}
| ("Referred-By"i | "b"i) %{value=&msg.ReferredBy}
| "Require"i %{value=&msg.Require}
| "Retry-After"i %{value=&msg.RetryAfter}
| "Server"i %{value=&msg.Server}
| ("Subject"i | "s"i) %{value=&msg.Subject}
| ("Supported"i | "k"i) %{value=&msg.Supported}
| "Timestamp"i %{value=&msg.Timestamp}
| "Unsupported"i %{value=&msg.Unsupported}
| "User-Agent"i %{value=&msg.UserAgent}
| "Warning"i %{value=&msg.Warning}
| "WWW-Authenticate"i %{value=&msg.WWWAuthenticate}
# Custom Header Definitions
# These headers do not jump to the 'value' machine, but instead specify
# their own special type of parsing.
cheader = ("Call-ID"i | "i"i) $!gxh HCOLON cid >mark %CallID
| ("Content-Length"i | "l"i) $!gxh HCOLON digit+ >{clen=0} @ContentLength
| "CSeq"i $!gxh HCOLON (digit+ @CSeq) LWS token >mark %CSeqMethod
| ("Expires"i | "l"i) $!gxh HCOLON digit+ >{msg.Expires=0} @Expires
| ("Max-Forwards"i | "l"i) $!gxh HCOLON digit+ >{msg.MaxForwards=0} @MaxForwards
| ("Min-Expires"i | "l"i) $!gxh HCOLON digit+ >{msg.MinExpires=0} @MinExpires
# Header Parsing
# The header machine parses a single header and then jumps to itself to
# loop. When the final CRLF is observed, we then break out of the Ragel
# parser and let the Go code handle payload extraction.
# Parsing standard header names is a prefix trie search in generated code.
# Lookahead to set the mark on the header name. In order to support
# extended headers, we'll use $!gxh to jump to the xheader machine when an
# unrecognized character is detected in the header name.
# An independent machine has been created for generic header values, so
# that it doesn't need to be duplicated for each leaf in the prefix
# trie. When the value machine has finished reading a value, it'll be
# parsed and stored based on whether the value/addr pointers are set.
# Header values can span multiple lines. Lookahead is used in the LWS
# definition to check for whitespace at the start of the next line upon
# encountering a line feed character, in order to determine if a line
# continuation is present.
# In order to concatenate across machines, we use lookahead in conjunction
# with the left-guarded concatenation operator. This pattern works is
# defined as follows: `foo <: any @hold @goto_bar`.
# Header names are case insensitive. Each recognized header is assigned to
# a specific field in the Msg data structure. Extended headers are stored
# to a linked list data structure with the casing preserved. This is so
# messages can be reproduced with roughly the same appearance. It is the
# responsibility of the person using Msg.Headers to do case-insensitive
# string comparisons.
value := hval <: CRLF @value @goto_header;
xheader := token %name HCOLON <: any @{value=nil} @hold @goto_value;
sheader = cheader <: CRLF @goto_header
| aname $!gxh HCOLON <: any @{value=nil} @hold @goto_addr
| sname $!gxh HCOLON <: any @hold @goto_value
| ("Via"i | "v"i) $!gxh HCOLON <: any @ViaNew @hold @goto_via
| ("Content-Type"i | "c"i) $!gxh HCOLON <: any @hold @goto_ctype;
header := CRLF @break
| tokenc @mark @hold sheader;
# Start Line Parsing
# The Request and Response definitions are very straightforward, and the
# main machine is the union of the two. Once the line feed character has
# been observed, we then jump to the header machine.
# SIP Message Parsing
Method = token >mark %Method;
SIPVersionNo = digit+ @VersionMajor "." digit+ @VersionMinor;
RequestURI = ^SP+ >mark %RequestURI;
StatusCode = ( digit @StatusCode ) {3};
ReasonPhrase = reasonmc+ >start %ReasonPhrase;
SIPVersion = "SIP/" SIPVersionNo;
Request = Method SP RequestURI SP SIPVersion CRLF @goto_header;
Response = SIPVersion SP StatusCode SP ReasonPhrase CRLF @goto_header;
Message = Request | Response;
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