For the past three years I participated in the GDC TrainJam, an event where a bunch of crazy game developers get on a train in Chicago and make games in teams with folks they've never met before! There are no winners and losers, only friends and good memories of exotic places during the 52 hour train ride.
Oh, and we also make a few games with very little in the way of outside access. The train has no usable internet and for a large portion of the ride there is also no cellular service. When there is, it is awful and not at all usable for serious things like syncing frequently to an external repo service like GitHub. The first year I played it by ear and got a live repo running on a thumb drive that we handed around between teammates. There were only two programmers on the team and even then we found this to be a real slog! Very tedious and some times merging was a nightmare.
The next year, I endeavored to do better, and have been pretty successful. I decided to s