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Last active July 22, 2018 21:07
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Jamie Rushford - Professional Development Prework

Professional Development Prework

'29 Behaviors That Will Make You An Unstoppable Programmer' Reflection

One of the behaviors listed that resonates with me is the idea of knowing that "code is cheap". This is something that I have found to be true in other aspects of my life in the past as well, generally the idea that you shouldn't be afraid to try different ideas and techniques even if they dont work. In music I have found that often the best ideas can come from just trying things even if you don't know that they will work. And when they don't end up working, this is usually a far more effective way of learning and developing skills as well. Another behavior that resonated with me is the idea that Google is an important tool that should be used by developers. I have certainly seen the use of tools like Google discouraged in academics and technical subjects. But I think that being able to use a search engine and the resources of the internet to learn independently about tools that you may have not used before is a far more valuable skill than just trying to learn and memorize every little fact. And one more behavior that resonated with me was being aware of the type of work that you are doing, and that this is more important than the amount of time you are putting in. If you are doing "deep work", it will be more intellectually challenging and engaging work, which means that you will not be able to do it for as long. But, it's important to recognize that it is okay to take breaks from this kind of work when you get mentally fatigued.

Organization Reflection

I think checklists can be beneficial tools for organization for a number fo different reasons. The obvious one is that you have the things you need to do actually written down in one place, which helps in making sure you don't miss anything. But, I also think that having that visual representation of what you need to do and the practice of writing it out like that helps to mentally reinforce both what you need to do (so that you are less likely to even need to check your checklist) and the mindfulness of being aware of and prioritizing what you need to get done. It just gets you in the habit of being responsible with your time and thinking about the things you need to do throughout the day. All of this can be helpful for development, especially where you may have a lot of little things to be working on in a larger project. Additionally, checklists can be valuable in a team environment, as they help everyone to be on the same page as to what needs to be done and who is doing it. They can help to prevent miscommunications that may lead to trouble down the road.

StrengthsFinder Reflection

I think that strengths-based development seems to make a lot of sense for helping people to find the roles that they are best suited to. I do think that identifying and trying to improve upon weaknesses is still an important part of personal development in any field, and I would be curious (beyond what is mentioned in the articles) to see how different companies balance this idea with that of strength development. I think that in my current job (routesetting), being able to identify and practice my weaknesses made me a better and more confident setter overall. But, in general I would still agree that focusing on developing and using your strengths is a better foundation to build your role upon. I would say that some of my strengths include creativity / an affinity for creation and confidence in diving into unknown topics. These are things that I have had experience with in other aspects of my life and places wehre I just feel "at home". When I am working creatively on something or trying something new in pursuit of that creation I rarely feel uncomfortable or doubtful, and the work seems to come more easily than other times. I can see this being helpful in software development and want to continue to build upon these strengths, but also recognize that those strengths alone are not enough to get by in software development. I want to try to develop some skills that may be either weaknesses or just not my primary strengths as well, such as interpersonal skills or adapting to new environments and methods.

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