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Last active April 12, 2022 03:11
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Webstorm/VSCode Shortcuts

Shortcuts for WebStorm and VSCode

Code Navigation

Command Windows Webstorm Windows VSCode Mac Webstorm Mac VSCode
Command Palette Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+P Cmd+Shift+P
Toggle Sidebar Alt+1 Ctrl+B
Toggle Bottom Panel Ctrl+J
Explorer Alt+1 Ctrl+Shift+E
Terminal Alt+F12 Ctrl+`
Settings Ctrl+Alt+S Ctrl+,
Open File By Name Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+P Cmd+Shift+O
Close Tab Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+W
Reopen Closed Tab Ctrl+Shift+T
Switch to Right Tab Alt+Right/Left Ctrl+Tab - custom, was Ctrl+PageDown
Switch to Left Tab Alt+Right/Left Ctrl+Shift+Tab - custom, was Ctrl+PageUp
New File Alt+Insert
Rename File Shift+F6 F2
Code Bookmark F11
View Bookmarks Shift+F11
Go to Symbol Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+O (in file) or Ctrl+T (in workspace, slow)
Go to Grouped Symbol Ctrl+Shift+O, then type :
Focus Breadcrumbs (possibly the coolest) Ctrl+Shift+.
Reveal Current File in Sidebar Ctrl+K then S
Open new Terminal tab Ctrl+T (custom)
Go to Next Terminal Tab Ctrl+Tab (custom)
Go to Previous Terminal Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab (custom)
Close Terminal Tab Ctrl+W (custom)
Toggle focus between Terminal and Editor Ctrl+Shift+` (custom)


Command Webstorm VSCode
Split Editor Right/Left Ctrl+Alt+Right/Left
Focus Left/Right editor Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc
Smart Select Ctrl+W Ctrl+E - custom, was Alt+Shift+Right/Left
Find Next Match Alt+J Alt+J - custom, was Ctrl+D
Add Cursor Alt+Click Alt+Click
Rename Variable Shift+F6 F2
Jump to Line Number Ctrl+G Ctrl+G
Go to Corresponding Bracket Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+Shift+\
Collapse Code Block Ctrl+- Ctrl+Shift+[
Expand Code Block Ctrl+- Ctrl+Shift+]
Quick Fix Alt+Enter Ctrl+.
Go to Implementation Ctrl+B Ctrl+F12
Backtrack Cursor History Ctrl+Alt+Right/Left Alt+Left/Right
Insert Line Below Shift+Enter Ctrl+Enter
Insert Line Above Ctrl+Alt+Enter Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Duplicate Line Ctrl+D Ctrl+D - custom, was Shift+Alt+Down
Move Code Block Up/Down Alt+Shift+Up/Down Alt+Up/Down
Surround With Tag Ctrl+Alt+T Ctrl+Alt+T - custom
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