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Created February 8, 2019 07:48
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  • Save jasan-s/c3c9826e6e19e76dfb57676064c18f23 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Git Flow Feature Guide:
Git Flow Feature Guide:
*NOTE: DO 2A OR 2B not both
1: `git flow feature start <feature_name>`
Work on feature and push changes up to remote
2A: `git flow feature finish <feature_name>` and then `git push origin develop` (local merge)
2B: `git push origin <feature_name>` and then merge feature branch into Develop using Github dashboard(remote merge)
3: While on Develop branch run `git pull origin develop`(to pull in the latest updates)
4: git flow release start <next_version>
4: Now on the release branch update package.json version and and commit
5: `git flow release finish <next_version>` (use tag <next_version>) ( this will merge release to master)
6: `git push origin develop`
7: `git checkout master` and `git pull origin master`
8: `git push origin master`
9: `git push origin <next_version> (will push the new tag to remote)
10: `npm publish` (optional if publishing to npm )
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