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Jasan jasan-s

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jasan-s / gitflowFeatureGuide.txt
Created February 8, 2019 07:48
Git Flow Feature Guide:
Git Flow Feature Guide:
*NOTE: DO 2A OR 2B not both
1: `git flow feature start <feature_name>`
Work on feature and push changes up to remote
2A: `git flow feature finish <feature_name>` and then `git push origin develop` (local merge)
2B: `git push origin <feature_name>` and then merge feature branch into Develop using Github dashboard(remote merge)
3: While on Develop branch run `git pull origin develop`(to pull in the latest updates)
4: git flow release start <next_version>
4: Now on the release branch update package.json version and and commit
jasan-s / photoshopPortraitRetouchGuide.txt
Created February 8, 2019 07:49
PHOTO SHOP Portrait retouch order
PHOTO SHOP Portrait retouch order:
1: Remove blemishes using heal brush or patch tool(can use Black+White Adjustment layer and removing red color and increasing yellow to see blemishes clearly)
2: Use Low Frequency Touch up action to remove bags under eyes or other dark spots near lips.
3: Whiten teeth and eyes.
4: Use High Frequency Separation Action with Mixer Brush to remove color bossiness and unwanted wrinkles.
5: Dodge and Burn to create a Viginitte
5: The last step is to Sharpen. Create new empty layer and then hit CMD+OPTION+SHIFT+E(this will create a merged layer of all layers below. Sharpen the image using multiple high pass filters and using layer mask to only sharpen the parts of image you want focused.
Organization name:
Serial Key: eNrzzU/OLi0odswsqslJTa3IzHJIz03MzNFLzs+tMTQyNrcwsTQyAIEa5xpDAIFxDy8k
jasan-s /
Created March 14, 2022 03:36 — forked from duncangh/
Scroll to bottom of *infinite* timeline Javascript

Autoscroll Twitter Timeline

Want to quickly find your regrettable 10 year old tweets without having to learn how to use the twitter API or scroll manually through the infinite ether of the bad takes you've tweeted throughout the ages?

Then this is for you, ya lazy human. Just paste in the console and watch those hot takes go by.

function autoScrolling() {