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Created January 28, 2013 09:26
A complete cookies reader/writer framework with full unicode support by Mozilla
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Ok, this is neat, but...

  1. Is this your original code? If yes, please add your name/handle/email address/web URL/whatever you prefer, so we can attribute it to you properly.
  2. Under which license is this code distributed?
  3. You mention "by Mozilla" here (and on Stack Overflow, where I got a link to your gist), but the actual URL you've posted here just links to the 'generic' MDN documentation page ( which lacks the actual tag anchor you've posted here. I've last accessed the MDN's page on Feb 23, 2024. I'm assuming that you might have seen a much earlier version of this page, and that's what was your inspiration?

I've searched around the Web a bit, and this is what I got: — was that your inspiration? Note that you have removed the explicit lines for the GPL license, which is a no-no — you must keep the license there, even if you're doing a derivative work based on it, because GPL demands as much.

Mind you, I haven't checked every dot and slash and hyphen to see if your version is an exact duplicate of Mozilla's code, but it's not necessary to do so — the source for the inspiration is clear, when you put things side-by-side. Thus, at the very least, you should attribute the code to Mozilla and license it under GPL as well.

If you disagree, well, then you can always do the following:

  1. Ignore my comments/questions and hope nobody notices.
  2. Delete everything except the link to the old MDN version (and then it's up to others to comply with Mozilla's demands).

I'm assuming that you don't wish Mozilla's code to "disappear" from the 'net since it's so useful, and I certainly appreciate your copy (or even your improvement over a copy), but fair's fair, and Mozilla's code remains on the GPL no matter what.

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