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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save jasdeepkhalsa/8860347 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extracting first letters of each word in a string depending upon a RegEx in MySQL
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'॥','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਉ','ੳ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਊ','ੳ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਓ','ੳ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਔ','ਅ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਐ','ਅ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਆ','ਅ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਏ','ੲ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਈ','ੲ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'ਇ','ੲ');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੦','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੧','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੨','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੩','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੪','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੫','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੬','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੭','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੮','');
update scriptures set search = replace(search,'੯','');
delimiter $$
drop function if exists `initials`$$
CREATE FUNCTION `initials`(str text, expr text) RETURNS text CHARSET utf8
declare result text default '';
declare buffer text default '';
declare i int default 1;
if(str is null) then
return null;
end if;
set buffer = trim(str);
while i <= length(buffer) do
if substr(buffer, i, 1) regexp expr then
set result = concat( result, substr( buffer, i, 1 ));
set i = i + 1;
while i <= length( buffer ) and substr(buffer, i, 1) regexp expr do
set i = i + 1;
end while;
while i <= length( buffer ) and substr(buffer, i, 1) not regexp expr do
set i = i + 1;
end while;
set i = i + 1;
end if;
end while;
return result;
drop function if exists `acronym`$$
CREATE FUNCTION `acronym`(str text) RETURNS text CHARSET utf8
declare result text default '';
set result = initials( str, '[ੴਓੳਅੲਸਹਕਖਗਘਙਚਛਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰਲਵੜਸ਼ਖ਼ਗ਼ਜ਼ਫ਼ਲ਼]' );
return result;
delimiter ;
UPDATE scriptures SET search = acronym(scripture)
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Just to explain the last line:

  • scriptures is the table I want to update
  • search is a new empty column I created inside the table to store the result
  • scripture is an existing column inside the scriptures table with all the strings I want to extract from
  • acronym is the function previously declared which is looking to match the first letter of each word with a character from the RegEx [ੴਓੳਅੲਸਹਕਖਗਘਙਚਛਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰਲਵੜਸ਼ਖ਼ਗ਼ਜ਼ਫ਼ਲ਼]

So this final line of the code will go through each row of the column scripture, apply the function acronym to it and store the result in the new search column.

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