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Last active April 5, 2016 21:38
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## Load required packages ##
## Download data from GEO ##
GSE = "GSE19915"
GPL = "GPL3883"
data.series = getGEO(GEO = GSE, AnnotGPL = FALSE, getGPL = FALSE)
data.platform = getGEO(GPL)
data.index = match(GPL, sapply(data.series, annotation))
data.p = pData(data.series[[data.index]])
data.expr = exprs(data.series[[data.index]])
common = intersect(colnames(data.expr), rownames(data.p))
m1 = match(common, colnames(data.expr))
m2 = match(common, rownames(data.p))
data.expr = data.expr[,m1]
data.p = data.p[m2,]
## generate boxplot of expression profiles ##
title = "samples"
s.num = 1:ncol(data.expr)
n = ncol(data.expr)
if (n > 30) {
s.num = sample(1:n, 30)
title = "selected samples"
title = paste0(GSE, "/", GPL, " ", title)
fixed.df <-[,s.num], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x1 <- reshape2::melt(fixed.df, na.rm = TRUE, id.vars = NULL, = "variable", = "value") <- ggplot(x1, aes(variable, value)) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = "green") +
labs(title = title, y = "log2 expression", x = "") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
# generates dotplot evaluating differential expression for expression
# vector 'x' and group labels 'y'. The 'GroupNames' are levels of 'y' in
# in presentation order, and 'group.names' are optional names for these levels
stripchart2 <- function(x,y, GroupNames, group.names = NULL, col = NULL,
main = "", ...) {
s = split(x,y)
num.groups = sum(sapply(s, function(x)!all(
stats = !(all( | length(s) == 0 | num.groups < 2))
if (is.null(group.names)) group.names = GroupNames
if (is.null(col)) col = 1:length(s)
add = NULL
if (stats & length(s) == 2) {
m = lapply(s,mean, na.rm=TRUE)
fc = 2**(m[[2]] - m[[1]])
if (group.names[1] > group.names[2]) {
fc = 1/fc
fc = round(fc, 2) <-function(x) sum(!
n = sapply(s,
if (min(n) > 1) {
t = t.test(s[[1]], s[[2]])
p = round(t$p.value, 3)
if (p < 0.001) {
p = "(P < 0.001)"
} else {
p = paste0("(P = ", p, ")")
add = paste("\nFC = ", fc, p, collapse = "")
} else if (stats) {
l = lm(x~y); l = summary(l)
if (any(l$df == 0)) {
add = "\nP = NA"
} else {
p = 1-pf(l$fstatistic[1], l$fstatistic[2], l$fstatistic[3])
p = round(p, 3)
if (p < 0.001) {
add = "\nP < 0.001"
} else {
add = paste0("\nP = ", p)
if (is.null(main)) {
main = ""
} else {
main = paste(main, add)
m = melt(s, na.rm=FALSE)
# re-order levels based on input order according to GroupNames
# this must be done here, as 'melt' reorders alphabetically
f <-function(x,l) {
w = which(l%in%x)
if (length(w) == 0) return(NA)
m$L1 = reorder(m$L1, sapply(m$L1,f,GroupNames))
s2 = split(m$value, m$L1)
n.groups = sapply(s2, function(x)sum(!
n.groups = paste0("(n=", n.groups, ")")
group.names = paste0(group.names, "\n", n.groups) <<- function(x) mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)
stripchart3 <- ggplot(m, aes(x = as.factor(L1), y = value, color=L1))
return(ggplotly(stripchart3 +
labs(title = main, y = "log2 expression", x="") +
axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", color = "black")) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=group.names) +
geom_point(position = position_jitter(h=0,w=NULL), aes(colour = L1), na.rm = TRUE) +
scale_colour_manual(values = col) +
geom_errorbar(stat = "summary", fun.y = "", width=0.8,
## Differential Expression Analysis ##
probe = "11058"
column = "characteristics_ch1.2"
groups = c("tumor grade: G1","tumor grade: G2","tumor grade: G3","tumor grade: Gx")
x = data.expr[probe,]
y = as.character(data.p[,column])
k = y%in% groups
y[!k] = NA
y = factor(y)
group.names = c("tumor grade: G1","tumor grade: G2","tumor grade: G3","tumor grade: Gx")
main = paste(GSE, "ABR|N/A (11058)", sep = ": ")
col = c("black","red","green3","blue")
print(stripchart2(x,y, groups, group.names = group.names, main = main, col=col))
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