Simplest intro to git by github and codeschool - Try Git
[Intro to github] (http://gun.io/blog/how-to-github-fork-branch-and-pull-request/)
A very simple tutorial to start with. Intro to git for web designers
Think Like (a) Git. A series of introductory blogs, aimed at beginners.
Everyday GIT With 20 Commands Or So learn Git basics through the most common commands with examples
Git for the lazy. A wiki with a bunch of good notes.
The man pages. Its the definitive guide to learn the internals. Its available in the console as
$ man git
or$ git --help
. Detailed information about a particular command can be accessed with$ git commit --help
. -
A very decent book on git. Spend some time and read it cover to cover. Pro Git book
Git from bottom up is another good book
Git Ready A collection of blogs, each concentrating on one git command at a time. Difficulty level varies from very beginner to advanced.
Git magic is an online book on Git well written with wonderful analogies to help beginners understand the concepts behind Git
A Note About Git Commit Messages A must read on writing good commit messages and the style.
Seth Robertson's blog gives some real insight into git internals and good practices
Git Immersion walks you through Git basics using a step-by-step, hands-on approach. It’s a great tutorial for those who prefer to get into Git right away.
Introduction to Git with Scott Chacon of GitHub This talk introduces Git, compares it with Subversion, dig into staging and committing, how it stores it's data, how it branches and merges so nicely and how it talks to a server when pushing and fetching. The talk looks at how to analyze history with log in interesting ways and should help Git newbies get acquainted with the popular VCS and other Git users get a glimpse of what's happening under the hood.
Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git Linus Torvalds visits Google to share his thoughts on git, the source control management system he created to manage the kernel source. More philosophy than tech, this talk covers the history and design principles of Git.
Github Cheat-sheets Cheat sheet for quick reference
Git-fu. Intermediate blogs