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Created July 23, 2014 23:54
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Doing 3D projection in a few lines of python to render a rotating tetraeder to SVG
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt
import svgwrite
import itertools
def cam(f):
""" Returns a camera matrix for the given focal length """
return np.array(((1,0,0,0),
def trans(δ):
""" Returns a translation matrix for the given offset """
x,y,z = δ
return np.array(((1,0,0,x),
def rotx(θ):
""" Returns a rotation matrix for the given angle about the X axis """
return np.array(((1,0,0,0),
def roty(θ):
""" Returns a rotation matrix for the given angle about the X axis """
return np.array(((cos(θ),0,sin(θ),0),
def rotz(θ):
""" Returns a rotation matrix for the given angle about the X axis """
return np.array(((cos(θ), -sin(θ),0,0),
(sin(θ), cos(θ),0,0),
def rot(α, β, γ):
returnγ), roty(β)), rotz(α))
def rotate(α, β, γ, xs):
rm = rot(α, β, γ)
return [, hom(p))[:3].flatten() for p in xs ]
def proj(pos, angle, f):
""" Returns a projection matrix for the given camera coordinates, angle and focal length """
# print('TRN:\n', trans(-np.array(pos)))
# print('ROT:\n', rot(*angle))
# print('CAM:\n', cam(f))
return, rot(*angle)), trans(-np.array(pos)))
def hom(vec):
""" Returns a homogenous representation of vec """
x,y,z = vec
return np.transpose(np.array(((x,y,z,1),)))
def circ(r, θ):
""" Returns a point on a 2D-circle """
return cos(θ)*r, sin(θ)*r
def tetraeder(a):
""" Returns the corners of a tetraeder with edge length a and its base surface in the xy-plane centered on the
coordinate origin. """
h = sqrt(2/3)*a
r = sqrt(3)/3*a
x1, y1 = circ(r, -pi/6)
x2, y2 = circ(r, -5*pi/6)
return ( (x1, y1, 0), (x2, y2, 0), (0, r, 0), (0, 0, h) )
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('tetraeder.svg', profile='tiny')
l = 0.3
STEPS = 40
STEPX = 40
# Let's just call these units of length “meters”.
for offx in range(STEPS):
pm = proj((0,0.2,-1), (0,0,1.47), 0.035)
# print(pm)
g = dwg.g(id='tetraeder-'+str(offx))
project = lambda xs: [, hom(x))[:2].flatten() for x in xs ]
cv = lambda ps: [ (x*100 + offx*STEPX, y*100) for x,y in ps ]
def makeedge(dwg, g, *xs):
ps = cv(project(xs))
g.add(dwg.line(*ps, stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0,0,0,'%'), fill='none'))
tet = rotate(offx/STEPS*2*pi, 0, 0, tetraeder(l))
for p, q in itertools.permutations(tet, 2):
makeedge(dwg, g, p, q)
dwg.add(dwg.text(str(offx), insert=(offx*STEPX, -80), fill='black'))
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