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Created December 8, 2017 03:32
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title N21
.model flat,stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto, dwExitCode:dword
; Library
; Wite a point and an index
WritePoint proto, point: COORD, index: WORD
; Write a character
WriteCharacter proto, character: BYTE
X WORD ? ; offset 00
Y WORD ? ; offset 02
; End Library
coords COORD 10 DUP(<0,0>)
forward BYTE "------------- Forward -------------",0
reverse BYTE "------------- Reverse -------------", 0
main proc
mov edx, OFFSET forward
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov eax, TYPE coords
mov ecx, LENGTHOF coords
mov esi, 0
mov ax, 1
mov coords[esi].X, ax
mov bx, ax ; save the original index
add ax, 1 ; increment one to the index for the y coordinate
mov coords[esi].Y, ax ; coords[i].Y = i +1
invoke WritePoint, coords[esi], bx ; WritePoint(coords[i], i)
add esi, TYPE coords
loop Increment
call Crlf ; put a blank line in there!
mov edx, OFFSET reverse
call WriteString
call Crlf
; Go backwards and print them out in reverse order
mov ecx, LENGTHOF coords
sub ax, 1
sub esi, TYPE coords
invoke WritePoint, coords[esi], ax
loop Decrement
invoke ExitProcess,0
main endp
; syntax sugar to reduce WriteChar to one line
WriteCharacter proc, character: BYTE
push eax
mov al, character
call WriteChar
pop eax
WriteCharacter endp
WritePoint proc, point: COORD, index: WORD
push eax ; save eax
push esi ; save esi
mov eax, 0 ; reset eax so smaller numbers can be stored in ax
mov ax, index
call WriteDec ; write index
invoke WriteCharacter, '.'
invoke WriteCharacter, ' '
invoke WriteCharacter, '('
mov ax, point.X
call WriteDec
invoke WriteCharacter, ','
invoke WriteCharacter, ' '
mov ax, point.Y
call WriteDec
invoke WriteCharacter, ')'
call Crlf;
pop esi ; restore esi
pop eax ; restore eax
WritePoint endp
end main
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