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Forked from satyr/google++.ubiq.js
Created March 7, 2009 22:10
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const Google = '',
PLang = '',
PSafe = '',
PSize = '',
{prefs} = Application,
ID = '#_'+ (Math.random() +'').slice(2),
Logo = <a class="logo" href={Google}><img border="0"
src={Google +'intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif'} height="110"/></a>,
Base = <div class="google"><style><![CDATA[
@{position:relative; line-height:1.25}
@ul {list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0}
@li {padding-bottom:0.4em}
@button {padding:0; border-width:1px}
@button[disabled]{background-color:transparent; color:inherit}
@li button {margin-right:3px; vertical-align:bottom}
@kbd {text-decoration:underline; margin:0 3px 0 1px}
@button, @kbd {font:bold 92% "Consolas", monospace}
@.count {position:absolute; right:4px}
@.pagination {text-align:center}
@.logo {display:block}
@.error {font-style:oblique; line-height:1.8}
@.loading + .logo {opacity:0.4}
@.error + .logo {opacity:0.7}
]]></style><div id={ID.slice(1)}
/></div>.toXMLString().replace(/@/g, '.google ');
var entry, logot;
name: "google",
icon: Google +'favicon.ico',
takes: {'?': {_name: 'google-suggest', suggest: function(txt, htm, cb){
Google +'complete/search?json&hl='+ prefs.getValue(PLang, '') +
'&q='+ encodeURIComponent(txt),
function([, qs, ns]){
qs.length && cb(, i)({
text: q, summary: q +' '+ ns[i].small()}))) });
return [{text: txt, summary: txt}];
modifiers: {in: {_name: 'language', suggest: function(txt, htm, cb, sx){
if(sx || !txt) return [];
txt = txt.toLowerCase();
return [{summary: k, data: LanguageCodes[k]}
for(k in LanguageCodes) if(~k.indexOf(txt))];
description: ''+<><a href={Google}>google</a> + multi-page +
<a href="">suggest</a></>,
[[<a href={Google +'language_tools'}>Language</a>,
PLang, LanguageCodes, 'en'],
[<a href={Google +'safesearch_help.html'}>Safe Search</a>,
PSafe, {active: 'active', moderate: 'moderate', off: 'off'}, 'moderate'],
[<>Result Size</>, PSize, {4: 'small', 8: 'large'}, 'small'],
].reduce(function(form, [name, pref, dict, defv]){
var li = <li/>, select = <select onchange={
'Application.prefs.setValue("'+ pref +'", this.value)'}/>;
defv = prefs.getValue(pref, defv);
for each(var [key, val] in Iterator(dict)){
var opt = <option value={val}>{key}</option>;
if(val === defv) opt.@selected = 'selected';
select.* += opt;
li.* += name + select;
form.ul.* += li;
return form;
}, <form>Options:<ul style="list-style:none"/></form>) +'',
execute: function(inp, mod){
Utils.openUrlInBrowser(Google +'search'+
Utils.paramsToString(params(inp, mod)));
preview: function(pbl, inp, mod, index){
var {q, hl, safe} = params(inp, mod), me = this,
$p = jQuery(pbl), $c = $p.find(ID);
if(!$c[0]) $c = $p.html(Base).find(ID).after(Logo +''), entry = '';
if(!q || entry === (entry = q + hl + safe + index)) return;
var rsz = prefs.getValue(PSize, 'small');
CmdUtils.previewAjax(pbl, {
url: '',
data: {v: '1.0', q: q, hl: hl, safe: safe,
rsz: rsz, start: index << (rsz === 'small' ? 2 : 3)},
dataType: 'json',
success: function({responseStatus: stat, responseData: data}){
if(stat !== 200) return oops(
$c, stat === 400 ? 'Out of page range.' : 'Error: '+ stat);
var {results, cursor} = data;
if(!results.length) return oops($c, 'No results.');
$c.removeClass().html(render(results, cursor));
tie(this, function(){
this.disabled = true;
this.disabled || tie(this, function(){
me.preview(pbl, inp, mod, this.value - 1);
error: function(x){ oops($c, x.status, x.statusText) },
var now =;
if(now - logot < 8 * 60 * 6e4) return;
logot = now;
jQuery.get(Google +'webhp', function(htm){
var [lg] = /<img [^>]+/(htm) || 0;
if(!lg) return;
Logo.img.@src = Google + (/\bsrc=\"?\/([^\"\s]+)/(lg) || 0)[1];
Logo.img.@height = (/\bheight=\D?(\d+)/(lg) || 0)[1];
previewDelay: 333,
author: 'satyr'.link(''), license: 'MIT',
function params({text}, {in: {data}})({
q: jQuery.trim(text), hl: data || prefs.getValue(PLang, ''),
safe: prefs.getValue(PSafe, ''), ie: 'utf-8'});
function tie(it, fn){
it.addEventListener('focus', function(e){
}, true);
function oops($c){
$c.addClass('error').text(Array.slice(arguments, 1).join(' '));
function render(res, cur){
var a2h, i2p, q2x, ggl = [
'<div class="count">',, '</div>',
paginates(cur.currentPageIndex + 1, cur.pages.length), '<ul>'];
for(var i in res) with(res[i]) ggl.push(
'<li><button class="b_open" accesskey="', a2h = 'ABCDEFGH'[i], '">', a2h,
'</button><a class="title" href="', unescapedUrl, '" accesskey="',
i2p = 'IJKLMNOP'[i] ,'">', title, '</a><kbd>', i2p,
'</kbd><span class="meta"><a href="', cacheUrl, '" accesskey="',
q2x = 'QRSTUVWX'[i], '">[cache]</a><kbd>', q2x, '</kbd> ', visibleUrl,
'</span><div class="content">', content, '</div></li>');
return ggl.join('') +'</ul>';
function paginates(cpi, len)(
'<div class="pagination">'+
btn('&lt;,', ',', cpi <= 1, cpi - 1) +
[btn(++i, i, cpi === i, i) for(i in Array(len)+0)].join('') +
btn('.&gt;', '.', cpi >= len, cpi + 1) +
function btn(txt, key, dis, val)(
'<button class="b_page" accesskey="'+ key +'" value="'+ val +
(dis ? '" disabled="disabled">' : '">') + txt +'</button>');
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rozekey commented Jul 4, 2021


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rozekey commented Jul 4, 2021

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